Logainm Import

I would like to import the Logainm metadata into the admin boundaries in OSM. The import docs are here, There was also a talk-ie post, and imports@ post.

The source code to produce it is on our github: https://github.com/osmie/logainm-osm-import

While it was great to help this in a small way I’m struggling to think of a single use of these boundaries. If anyone knows one maybe say it here… :smiley:

A mere 6 years after the last comment on this topic but better late than never… :grinning:
I too would like to see the Logainm metadata imported into OSM.

My website - cavantownlands.com - makes use of the townlands geojson from townlands.ie. Out of 2,000 townlands in Cavan, 500 were missing the LOGAINM_RE tag. I have a list of the correct LOGAINM_RE for each townland and it would be fairly simple to update the geojson file, although @amapanda_ᚐᚋᚐᚅᚇᚐ no doubt has a much better way and covers more than just Cavan. We also use the townland name from LOGAINM as the definitive name (it sometimes varies from what is in OSM). So it would be great if OSM and LOGAINM were more in sync.

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There was another request recently to the OSM Ireland board trying to understand if the relationships between boundaries was available directly in OSM (townlands has the data I believe). :+1:

There actually seems to be a bit of a project underway to update these (I’m not involved in the project; I’ve just noticed the data changes). As an example see here, but several mappers are involved.