Kleine Fragen 2015

Kurze und sicher sehr dumme Frage: Ich darf sicher nicht GeoNames (http://www.geonames.org) als Quelle benutzen, um im Rahmen eines HOT-Projektes neu gezeichneten Orten vorläufige Namen zu geben, oder? Laut http://www.geonames.org/about.html steht GeoNames unter CC BY 3.0, ohne SA …

(Was ich mir konkret vorstelle: 1. Ich zeichne irgendwo im Hindukusch oder drumrum eine nennenswerte Siedlung ein. 2. Ich schaue bei GeoNames, ob sie für diese geografische Position einen Ort zu bieten haben. 3. Wenn’s passt, übernehme ich den Namen für ein place-Node, natürlich mit fixme=Please check name, spelling etc. …)

Wie willst du denn die Namensnennung sicherstellen?

Edit: das wäre doch was http://geonames.nga.mil/gns/html/gns_services.html

  • There are no licensing requirements or restrictions in place for the use of the GNS data. However, we recommend using the following citation to identify the GNS as a source:*

  •    Toponymic information is based on the Geographic Names Database, containing official standard names approved by the United States Board on Geographic Names and maintained by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. More information is available at the Products and Services link at [www.nga.mil](http://www.nga.mil). The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency name, initials, and seal are protected by 10 United States Code Section 425.*

Gesehen hats bestimmt schon jeder, nur was bedeutet es?
In der Datenbank gibt es unzählige Tags mit name=name oder straße=straße. Z.B. Mittelbach=Mittelbach oder Röhlinger Straße=Röhlinger Straße.
Soll das der besseren Auffindbarkeit dienen oder wie?

Wenn du mal einige dieser Objekte posten würdest, würde das der Auffindbarkeit wirklich dienen. :wink:


Ich habe es so gemacht:


Ein Baustoffhandel ist aber kein Bauunternehmen.

Ich habe auch schon im Wiki vergeblich nach craft=builder gesucht. Oder so was.


Das ist gut, wird auch schon 128x verwendet.

ich warte noch auf Beispiele. :frowning:

Einen way mit Mittelbach=Mittelbach gibt es übrigens nicht in der DB.


Ja, da haben mir gerade die Beispiele gefehlt, die genannten Namen wirst du so nicht finden.
Ein Beispiel, dass mir auf die schnelle übern Weg lief: http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/3754558114

aha, kaum macht man es richtig, funktionierts :frowning:

Zur Bedeutung: Völliger Quatsch, Edit-Fehler von Newbies nehme ich an.

ich könnte eine ziemlich heftige SQL-Query schreiben und die rauskitzeln - nur was dann? Die müsste jemand (ich nicht!) manuell abklappern und diesen blöden Tag rausschmeissen. Eine Liste der Objekt-IDs für Josm ist machbar aber der automatische Remove nicht. Nur wenn man dafür einen Bot schreibt.


Ich machs manuell, wenn du mir die Liste lieferst mit .
Ich hoffe nur, dass die DWG das dann nicht als weltweiten Vandalismus einstuft!
Diskussionen bin ich ja (besonders in Finnland und UK :slight_smile: ) gewohnt, selbst wenn man nur nen Schreibfehler rausmacht. Stichwort “Der vorherige Mapper wird sich schon was gedacht haben”. Einen Schei** hat er … :smiley:

Ok, wird aber ein wenig dauern. Die zaubere ich nicht mal eben aus dem Handgelenk und der Rechner hat auch einiges zu tun.

wenn ich das überhaupt hinkriege.


Hier die Relationen:

select id,tags[i] "key" ,tags[j] "value"
  from ( select id,
                generate_series(1,array_upper(tags,1),2) i,
                generate_series(2,array_upper(tags,1),2) j
           from (select id,tags from planet_osm_rels) rels
       ) foo
 where tags[i]=tags[j]


   id    |       key       |      value      
 2431855 | river           | river
   33023 | route           | route
  413196 | note            | note
 4578060 | FIXME           | FIXME
   66609 | route           | route
 1513619 | junction        | junction
 1513622 | junction        | junction
 1513627 | junction        | junction
 1513630 | junction        | junction
 1513634 | junction        | junction
 1513639 | junction        | junction
 1513640 | junction        | junction
 1513644 | junction        | junction
 1513647 | junction        | junction
 1513650 | junction        | junction
 1513651 | junction        | junction
 1513654 | junction        | junction
 1513658 | junction        | junction
 1513661 | junction        | junction
 1513665 | junction        | junction
 1513668 | junction        | junction
 1513672 | junction        | junction
 1513674 | junction        | junction
 1513679 | junction        | junction
 1513682 | junction        | junction
 1513686 | junction        | junction
 1513689 | junction        | junction
 1513692 | junction        | junction
 1513695 | junction        | junction
 1513699 | junction        | junction
 1513701 | junction        | junction
 1513706 | junction        | junction
 1513709 | junction        | junction
 1513712 | junction        | junction
 1513716 | junction        | junction
 1514404 | junction        | junction
 1514407 | junction        | junction
 1516363 | junction        | junction
 1516366 | junction        | junction
 1516372 | junction        | junction
 1516374 | junction        | junction
 1516376 | junction        | junction
 1521199 | junction        | junction
 1521202 | junction        | junction
 1521207 | junction        | junction
 1521209 | junction        | junction
 1521212 | junction        | junction
 1521215 | junction        | junction
 1521218 | junction        | junction
 1535400 | junction        | junction
 1535401 | junction        | junction
 1535402 | junction        | junction
 1545688 | junction        | junction
 1545691 | junction        | junction
 1545697 | junction        | junction
 1545698 | junction        | junction
 1546070 | junction        | junction
 1546074 | junction        | junction
 1553270 | junction        | junction
 1560035 | junction        | junction
 1560037 | junction        | junction
 1570182 | junction        | junction
 1570185 | junction        | junction
 1570190 | junction        | junction
 1570193 | junction        | junction
 1570199 | junction        | junction
 1570201 | junction        | junction
 1575058 | junction        | junction
 1575063 | junction        | junction
 1612404 | junction        | junction
 1612407 | junction        | junction
 4485425 | route           | route
 5293080 | route           | route
 2548532 | route           | route
 5372600 | route           | route
 4600521 | Forum           | Forum
 3018206 | Vilstalradweg   | Vilstalradweg
 3300591 | route           | route
 4545880 | wiki:symbol     | wiki:symbol
 4636559 | route           | route
 5623817 | name:pl         | name:pl
 3456917 | route           | route
 3465612 | route           | route
 3486081 | FIXME           | FIXME
 5368668 | route           | route
 5543629 | water           | water
 3684571 | #GWUmapathon    | #GWUmapathon
 3687474 | #GWUmapathon    | #GWUmapathon
 3687475 | #GWUmapathon    | #GWUmapathon
 3857559 | enforcement     | enforcement
 3876099 | phone           | phone
 3961408 | route           | route
 4089288 | 550100023C      | 550100023C
 4125300 | Bing            | Bing
 5410145 | 1               | 1
  422891 | FIXME           | FIXME
 2734272 | route           | route
   88744 | road            | road
 5551105 | wetland         | wetland
  178633 | NHD:FDate       | NHD:FDate
 2585952 | residential     | residential
 2688948 | subway          | subway
 2711992 | route           | route
 5475898 | source:building | source:building
 5451816 | site            | site
 5570357 | wetland         | wetland
 3266044 | rodolfo         | rodolfo
 5507507 | route           | route
(109 Zeilen)

bzw. für Josm:


wenn das ok ist, kann ich Nodes und Ways auch so machen.

Die “einfachen” Ways:

    way    |            key             |           value            
 206824211 | raceway                    | raceway
 285846739 | raceway                    | raceway
 297728923 | raceway                    | raceway
 181326247 | route                      | route
 181326248 | route                      | route
 181326249 | route                      | route
 369581281 | South_Africa               | South_Africa
 289036611 | South_Africa               | South_Africa
  68276876 | South_Africa               | South_Africa
 369581282 | South_Africa               | South_Africa
 165021670 | construction               | construction
 133658867 | Jalan                      | Jalan
  35276172 | Daghighi                   | Daghighi
 155758405 | excellent                  | excellent
 135996318 | 1435                       | 1435
 254966443 | designated                 | designated
 337587223 | Perinetti                  | Perinetti
 349207324 | ref                        | ref
 358660021 | ref                        | ref
 370990663 | main                       | main
 370990664 | main                       | main
 325434264 | main                       | main
 375909175 | main                       | main
 114786214 | 50                         | 50
  70185943 | 50                         | 50
 172311764 | note                       | note
 117071701 | tertiary                   | tertiary
 377097883 | Mysuru                     | Mysuru
 377097884 | Mysuru                     | Mysuru
 165187021 | service                    | service
 165372924 | service                    | service
 165372921 | service                    | service
 283153011 | Mysuru                     | Mysuru
 377097885 | Mysuru                     | Mysuru
 377097882 | Mysuru                     | Mysuru
 377097959 | Mysuru                     | Mysuru
 377097881 | Mysuru                     | Mysuru
  27719829 | road                       | road
 172311762 | note                       | note
  28160340 | designated                 | designated
  28993431 | route                      | route
 115975519 | route                      | route
 188745644 | route                      | route
 365147088 | route                      | route
 365147090 | route                      | route
 159043107 | ref                        | ref
  -5286693 | IBGE:GEOCODIGO             | IBGE:GEOCODIGO
 375909176 | main                       | main
 255553317 | Mysuru                     | Mysuru
  28131479 | Mysuru                     | Mysuru
 148517163 | Line_of_route:_Description | Line_of_route:_Description
  86351466 | construction               | construction
  17338814 | yes                        | yes
 225498392 | Mahalle                    | Mahalle
(54 Zeilen)



ps: die geschlossenen Ways (landuse, buildings und co) und die POI später.

pps: den von dir erwähnten Node “La Negra” wird meine Auswertung aber nicht finden können: Da Leerzeichen im Key nicht erlaubt sind, hat osm2pgsql “netterweise” aus “la negra” la_negra gemacht und damit sieht der Node in meiner DB so aus:

select tags from planet_osm_point where osm_id=3754558114;
 "name"=>"la negra", "la_negra"=>"la negra", "wikipedia"=>"en:La Negra"

Hab die Relationen geprüft.
Nur von den junction=junction hab ich die Finger gelassen. Hier hat jemand einen user angelegt um Autobahnrelationen auf dutzenden von Ebenen zu schachteln und zu schachteln und zu …
Z.B. http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/49.4583/7.8075
Wenn jemand gerade JOSM offen und Lust dazu hat …

Edit: Die normalen ways sind auch fertig.

War heute den ganzen Tag ausser Haus. Die closed ways muss ich nochmals durchlaufen lassen.
soll ich die ca 800/1200 building=building als “sauber” rausnehmen? Erscheint mir sinnvoll.


Wenn sie als Gebäude angezeigt werden, warum nicht.
Aber jetzt hab ich erst mal Wochenende :wink:

Der nächste Schwung - 448 closed ways ohne building=building

    way    |            key            |           value           
 319934770 | parking                   | parking
 307063405 | residential               | residential
 378148665 | grassland                 | grassland
 319781929 | surface                   | surface
 312855843 | Bing                      | Bing
 312855844 | Bing                      | Bing
 312855840 | Bing                      | Bing
 312855842 | Bing                      | Bing
 312855841 | Bing                      | Bing
 312855845 | Bing                      | Bing
 248495433 | name                      | name
 374030954 | prison                    | prison
 308083010 | Bing                      | Bing
 308083008 | Bing                      | Bing
 308083003 | Bing                      | Bing
 318644979 | Bing                      | Bing
 309915434 | Bing                      | Bing
 309894821 | Bing                      | Bing
 309894826 | Bing                      | Bing
 309894820 | Bing                      | Bing
 361305571 | Casino                    | Casino
 319373729 | leisure                   | leisure
 317033268 | landuse                   | landuse
 316773962 | landuse                   | landuse
 316774213 | landuse                   | landuse
 316773884 | landuse                   | landuse
 318178348 | landuse                   | landuse
 314498964 | landuse                   | landuse
 311979913 | landuse                   | landuse
 311980142 | landuse                   | landuse
 311969621 | landuse                   | landuse
 311980485 | landuse                   | landuse
 311975846 | landuse                   | landuse
 311969758 | landuse                   | landuse
 314551592 | landuse                   | landuse
 311969276 | landuse                   | landuse
 311969944 | landuse                   | landuse
 311964080 | landuse                   | landuse
 311965902 | landuse                   | landuse
 311960870 | landuse                   | landuse
 311962400 | landuse                   | landuse
 311963302 | landuse                   | landuse
 311958413 | landuse                   | landuse
 313322875 | landuse                   | landuse
 314503838 | landuse                   | landuse
 251217109 | landuse                   | landuse
 318856275 | wood                      | wood
 252905375 | computer                  | computer
 247781638 | fuel                      | fuel
 247781170 | fuel                      | fuel
 313688610 | name                      | name
 311372067 | Bielicha                  | Bielicha
 332175464 | leisure                   | leisure
 146969022 | christian                 | christian
 370892563 | puszcza                   | puszcza
 370892563 | cmentarz                  | cmentarz
 370892563 | zielonka                  | zielonka
 215062478 | website                   | website
 215632929 | surface                   | surface
 169421288 | natural                   | natural
 277166735 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277166407 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277166446 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277166360 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277166719 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277167061 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277166840 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277166869 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277167157 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277167150 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277167073 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277167158 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277167176 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277167172 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277166926 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277167140 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277166843 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277159371 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277159483 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277159487 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277159264 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277159711 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277158789 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277157533 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277158523 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277159248 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277157190 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277160040 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277160099 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277147099 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277147101 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277147102 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277165008 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277164983 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277148180 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277154666 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277164977 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277149132 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277154711 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277164976 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277165037 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277150433 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277149704 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277149879 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277160661 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277160912 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277164943 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277154204 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277154202 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277163591 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277163417 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277161779 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277163787 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277160908 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277161968 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277162269 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277164012 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277152659 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277164885 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277162993 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277164655 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277164218 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277164508 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277153149 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277164790 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277163236 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277161093 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478284 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478286 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478939 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478940 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478583 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478292 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478293 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478963 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478993 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478283 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478887 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479023 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478964 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478942 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478281 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277477919 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277477926 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479008 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478941 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277477736 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479039 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478938 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478885 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478889 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479022 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478934 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277477756 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479014 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277477848 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478932 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478048 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478958 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277477742 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478991 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478036 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277477754 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277477759 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478943 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478962 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277477808 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479013 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479246 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277477819 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277478018 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479447 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277477863 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479446 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277477846 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277477847 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479445 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479442 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479715 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479455 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479454 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479448 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479482 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479716 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479577 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479698 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479578 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479607 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479621 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479608 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479714 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479668 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479697 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479706 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479705 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277479704 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
  76377678 | historic                  | historic
  76377663 | historic                  | historic
  78252892 | leisure                   | leisure
 222886457 | Wohnhaus                  | Wohnhaus
 222886456 | Wohnhaus                  | Wohnhaus
 222886460 | Wohnhaus                  | Wohnhaus
 222886472 | Wohnhaus                  | Wohnhaus
 222886462 | Wohnhaus                  | Wohnhaus
 222886463 | Wohnhaus                  | Wohnhaus
 222886464 | Wohnhaus                  | Wohnhaus
 222886471 | Wohnhaus                  | Wohnhaus
 222886458 | Wohnhaus                  | Wohnhaus
 222886474 | Wohnhaus                  | Wohnhaus
 222886453 | Wohnhaus                  | Wohnhaus
 222886480 | Wohnhaus                  | Wohnhaus
 222886476 | Wohnhaus                  | Wohnhaus
 224714761 | Wohnhaus                  | Wohnhaus
 222886468 | Wohnhaus                  | Wohnhaus
 222886467 | Wohnhaus                  | Wohnhaus
 224714765 | Wohnhaus                  | Wohnhaus
 224714758 | Wohnhaus                  | Wohnhaus
 222886475 | Wohnhaus                  | Wohnhaus
 278140584 | natural                   | natural
 354888355 | construction              | construction
 112476162 | private                   | private
 366375964 | wood                      | wood
 366375959 | wood                      | wood
  97755919 | entrance                  | entrance
 112937155 | entrance                  | entrance
 112937153 | entrance                  | entrance
 257084288 | bla                       | bla
 372474401 | water                     | water
 261938491 | rodolfo                   | rodolfo
 375167375 | 4-50                      | 4-50
 291892513 | industrial                | industrial
 127935706 | ele                       | ele
 341528413 | crop                      | crop
  92878784 | surface                   | surface
 301224808 | military                  | military
 292551436 | bing                      | bing
 338225368 | buildingroof              | buildingroof
 269510364 | parking                   | parking
  44617698 | rodolfo                   | rodolfo
 136604009 | house                     | house
 136604015 | house                     | house
 136604005 | house                     | house
 136604010 | house                     | house
 136604003 | house                     | house
 136604008 | house                     | house
 136604012 | house                     | house
 136604007 | house                     | house
 136604006 | house                     | house
 136604011 | house                     | house
 136604001 | house                     | house
 136604002 | house                     | house
 136604014 | house                     | house
 136604016 | house                     | house
 136604004 | house                     | house
 119837071 | building:roof:shape       | building:roof:shape
 353765463 | leisure                   | leisure
 236770274 | access                    | access
 228608249 | operator                  | operator
 232328647 | WC                        | WC
 238472682 | surface                   | surface
  96742828 | x                         | x
  96742643 | x                         | x
  96742634 | x                         | x
  96742801 | x                         | x
  96742829 | x                         | x
  96742906 | x                         | x
  96742894 | x                         | x
  96742952 | x                         | x
  96742835 | x                         | x
  96742630 | x                         | x
 236962271 | entrance                  | entrance
  96753333 | x                         | x
  96753332 | x                         | x
  80516661 | outdoor_area              | outdoor_area
 229105202 | historic                  | historic
 240136457 | parking                   | parking
 232360809 | name                      | name
 236119091 | emergency                 | emergency
 229993932 | Fule                      | Fule
 245073077 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 236156868 | hazard_type               | hazard_type
 235439739 | hazard_type               | hazard_type
 245299747 | crop                      | crop
 341386455 | water                     | water
  79412498 | addr:street               | addr:street
 225640492 | kindergarten              | kindergarten
 187837434 | horse                     | horse
 190715129 | historic                  | historic
 277160403 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 180051187 | parking                   | parking
 247252490 | 26                        | 26
 179744603 | Bing                      | Bing
 187153008 | operator                  | operator
 159091161 | qwerty                    | qwerty
 167472823 | Stunesosen                | Stunesosen
 368102146 | sport                     | sport
 277479703 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
  97290061 | barrier                   | barrier
  94328354 | surface                   | surface
 285874926 | survey                    | survey
 241966165 | rodolfo                   | rodolfo
 241966170 | rodolfo                   | rodolfo
  49381192 | rodolfo                   | rodolfo
 241966167 | rodolfo                   | rodolfo
  49381193 | rodolfo                   | rodolfo
  50097787 | rodolfo                   | rodolfo
 311981008 | landuse                   | landuse
 241966168 | rodolfo                   | rodolfo
 360153948 | natural                   | natural
 241966164 | rodolfo                   | rodolfo
 241966169 | rodolfo                   | rodolfo
 267405202 | parking                   | parking
 277067066 | rodolfo                   | rodolfo
  87537431 | rodolfo                   | rodolfo
 322758735 | construction              | construction
  87537430 | rodolfo                   | rodolfo
  87537435 | rodolfo                   | rodolfo
  87537437 | rodolfo                   | rodolfo
  87537438 | rodolfo                   | rodolfo
  87537433 | rodolfo                   | rodolfo
 357788118 | river                     | river
  38176697 | construction              | construction
 335304951 | amenity                   | amenity
  53083035 | mine                      | mine
  32999995 | toponym                   | toponym
  54155513 | attraction                | attraction
  40203126 | barrier                   | barrier
 205343482 | parking                   | parking
 373551490 | parking                   | parking
 201963433 | fee                       | fee
 331054577 | house                     | house
 359220109 | building                  | building
  54060109 | mico                      | mico
  47007327 | South_Africa              | South_Africa
  46927627 | South_Africa              | South_Africa
  46608554 | South_Africa              | South_Africa
  45670229 | wood                      | wood
 277148610 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277148066 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 311958650 | landuse                   | landuse
 203429388 | 3                         | 3
 203429337 | 3                         | 3
 331055271 | house                     | house
 331055658 | house                     | house
 318178355 | landuse                   | landuse
 345393559 | water                     | water
 345393558 | water                     | water
 273083857 | bouwmarkt                 | bouwmarkt
  96742626 | x                         | x
  96055136 | scout                     | scout
  24029209 | water                     | water
 333271202 | reedbed                   | reedbed
 337530372 | water                     | water
 330954333 | roof:colour               | roof:colour
 112762939 | short_name                | short_name
 328372088 | water                     | water
  69078251 | historic                  | historic
 302022645 | fence                     | fence
 173490397 | geoportal.gov.pl:ortofoto | geoportal.gov.pl:ortofoto
   3870530 | water                     | water
 312246813 | landuse                   | landuse
 339708297 | sport                     | sport
 277478008 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277161088 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 231344771 | historic                  | historic
 303621169 | Fuchsstadt                | Fuchsstadt
 227595835 | PA00083563                | PA00083563
 347727033 | fee                       | fee
 347727033 | surface                   | surface
 347727036 | fee                       | fee
 112571166 | rodolfo                   | rodolfo
 350652608 | parking                   | parking
 340651487 | place                     | place
 318178282 | landuse                   | landuse
 353733161 | sport                     | sport
 351922897 | batiment                  | batiment
 354549519 | construction              | construction
 354995133 | construction              | construction
 355306533 | water                     | water
 355306535 | water                     | water
 331055820 | house                     | house
 356240976 | 3                         | 3
 277147133 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 201762934 | water_works               | water_works
 357271614 | grassland                 | grassland
 277149450 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277149571 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277154754 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277147096 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277156077 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277154533 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277154571 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277147095 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277154918 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277154657 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277154630 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 290985572 | network                   | network
 314721161 | Mysuru                    | Mysuru
 354286796 | Mysuru                    | Mysuru
 229731945 | Mysuru                    | Mysuru
 168666188 | Mysuru                    | Mysuru
 320649139 | Mysuru                    | Mysuru
 193440254 | Mysuru                    | Mysuru
 194519390 | 5                         | 5
 232516934 | 5                         | 5
 313978170 | Mysuru                    | Mysuru
 360213152 | Mysuru                    | Mysuru
 356741381 | Bing                      | Bing
 331054050 | house                     | house
  47418334 | amenity                   | amenity
 366046184 | operator                  | operator
 366950559 | fee                       | fee
 312470514 | lake                      | lake
 297101509 | pol                       | pol
 277148056 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277148006 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 375676508 | sand                      | sand
 369608940 | man_made                  | man_made
 194134133 | man_made                  | man_made
 277154517 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277154351 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277154531 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277154525 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 370314186 | natural                   | natural
 331427537 | blue                      | blue
 377209636 | tourism                   | tourism
 372853502 | service                   | service
 194482842 | rodolfo                   | rodolfo
  96742651 | x                         | x
 229722050 | rodolfo                   | rodolfo
  32615693 | office                    | office
 374637416 | sport                     | sport
 374637417 | sport                     | sport
 192214686 | museum                    | museum
  48623402 | rodolfo                   | rodolfo
  49381141 | rodolfo                   | rodolfo
  87537436 | rodolfo                   | rodolfo
 377725011 | surface                   | surface
  29168632 | name:prefix               | name:prefix
 277478891 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 277477806 | #GWUmapathon              | #GWUmapathon
 222886459 | Wohnhaus                  | Wohnhaus
 118254306 | bla                       | bla
 225788780 | bla                       | bla
 247599131 | bla                       | bla
 233587355 | office                    | office
 251425649 | construction              | construction
 188472370 | multipolygon              | multipolygon




Mein armer Rechner hat dafür übrigens etwas mehr als 188.000.000 Polygone prüfen müssen :frowning:
Morgen “nur noch” 77.8 Mio POI, dann sind wir durch.

Viel Spaß :wink:

Wer sich Änderungssatz: 20217741 ansieht erkennt, dass user DoubleA vor 2 Jahren schon “Wohnhaus = Wohnhaus”
(ursprünglich von user cuas_geo01) rausgeschmissen hat,
was mit Änderungssatz: 20344879 von woodpeck_repair wieder erfolgreich eingebaut wurde …

Was nu ???

Gruss, der BeKri

Hi :slight_smile:

Über diese Karte stellte ich fest, dass in meiner Region einige Adressen ohne Straße sind. Hat jemand eine Idee wie man an diese Adressen kommt? Ich kenne zwar http://overpass-turbo.eu/ aber ich kenne mich nicht im Detail mit der Syntax aus.