Aeródromo de Huércal Overa

Excuse me for writing in English. We now seem to have three entries in our database describing the “Aeródromo de Huércal Overa” : way 1076403589 , node 9870834584, node 9854845308. Surely there is only one aerodrome? Actually, it may even be not an aerodrome at all! The runway seems very short, looking on satelllite imagery, perhaps this is no more than a modellers’ field? If so it should be tagged quite differently; the wiki explains how to do this.

Survey and update from local knowledge will be very welcome - thanks in advance!

(machine translation)
Disculpe que escriba en inglés. Parece que ahora tenemos tres entradas en nuestra base de datos que describen el “Aeródromo de Huércal Overa” : camino 1076403589 , nodo 9870834584, nodo 9854845308. ¿Seguro que sólo hay un aeródromo? En realidad, ¡puede que ni siquiera sea un aeródromo! La pista de aterrizaje parece muy corta, mirando las imágenes de satélite, ¿quizás no sea más que un campo de modelismo? Si es así, debería etiquetarse de forma diferente; la wiki explica cómo hacerlo.

Cualquier encuesta y actualización de los conocimientos locales será muy bienvenida - ¡gracias de antemano!

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor

Hi, I’m not from the area, I’m asking at

Do you have a good real example of a modellers’ field?
What do you think of this one?



Yes, that seems like a fine example of how to map a model_aerodrome. The english-language wiki recommends “leisure=pitch” as the primary tag, but I also see many with “leisure=sports” - not really problematic, I think.

Mind you, I understand that it is not unusual in Spain for these model_aerodromes to also serve free flying, such as parapente or delta-gliding. A bit of a vague area, it would seem; but where human-carrying flights are more or less common, a tag “aeroway=airstrip” would seem appropriate.

Above all, I am mostly concerned about the multiple “aeroway=aerodrome” tags, that is almost certainly incorrect. Only I am not so sure what would be the better mapping/tagging for this particular place.

Thanks for chiming in!