Should I fix some misaligned buildings?

In Haifa on Carmel Center most buildings are shifted about 10 meters northwest relative to all satellite images found on osm editor: bing, esri, mapbox and maxar. Should I fix [some of] them by hand or is some automatic process planned? It also applies to some roads.

Before making changes to the map, it is best to find and correct the shift in the imagery itself. A 10 meter shift is pretty good for satellite imagery. The alignment of the imagery is usually done by comparing OSM GPS traces with the roads in the image close to the place of editing.

In my opinion, using a very small number of buildings, the building shift in Carmel Center is about 5 meters. Since the error is so close to the GPS error, I’m not sure if the correction process would make the building locations significantly closer to reality.

Technically, JOSM allows you to download only buildings from Overpass into a separate layer, select multiple elements, and move them.