Dark stores

Ja, daar begon JeroenHoek dit draadje dan ook mee.
Het gaat er nu om hoe het wél getagd moet worden.

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amenity=warehouse lijkt mij de juiste tag.

een warehouse ontvangt goederen, slaat deze tijdelijk op en verstrekt deze weer aan gebruikers.
En dat zijn precies de kenmerken van zo een bedrijf.

Ik bedoel amenity=warehouse natuurlijk.

Ik zie nu talloze toevoegingen van Picnic-locaties: https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/KVI0n/history Zit soms maar een halve minuut tussen changesets.

Alle adres-nodes zijn nu dubbel, want de reeds bestaande zijn niet geüpdate, maar nieuwe zijn aangemaakt.
Ook de naam lijkt mij niet volgens de conventies, ik zou zeggen dat dat gewoon “Picnic” moet zijn, dus zonder “BV” en de plaatsnaam.

Heb de mapper er nog niet op aangesproken (ga nu slapen), maar lijkt me wel goed als dat gebeurt.

Ook zie ik dat het de aangemaakte node niet in het juiste pand staat, het lijkt op een mechanical edit, maar per node…

Ik stoor me behoorlijk aan de manier waarop deze POI’s gemapt zijn. Het is een niet-overlegde en gedocumenteerde mechanische bewerking / import met experimentele tags, de bijbehorende brand=* tags ontbreken, de adresnodes zijn nu dubbelop, de mapper heeft zich nog niet op het forum gemeld, de gemapte naam “Picnic BV” is niet “Picnic” zoals de naam op hun panden en busjes staat en er is vast nog wel meer op aan te merken. Op deze manier is deze data een vervuiling van de kaart die wij zo zorgvuldig maken. Hier moet iets veranderen.

Ik heb een uitnodiging aan de oorspronkelijke mapper van Mapbox gedaan in https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/119618265

Dit project van Mapbox staat ook niet genoemd op hun Wiki pagina: Mapbox#Current_mapping_projects.

Ter info: https://nltimes.nl/2022/04/26/court-closes-flash-grocers-distribution-point-amsterdam

Mocht er niet gereageerd worden, zou je kunnen overwegen om de DWG in te schakelen.

Ook kun je overwegen om te rapporteren middels de daarvoorbestemde link in het profiel

Ook anderen die zich eraan storen kunnen dit overigens doen.

Hello, My name is Alina. I work for Mapbox and represent the team that does map enrichment in this region. Tell me how you can fix the situation so that our edits look beautiful in the Netherlands, we are ready to fix those POIs that we added according to your suggestions and advice.
For POI mapping, we use official websites as the main source of information. Can you suggest to me how to correct the addresses?

Hi Alina, is not it so that Open Street Map has been build on locals mapping their neighbourhood and not about large imports with lots of pois out of the ordinary?
Differences in place (± 30m) and data (incorrect or incomplete) is not unusual by imported data and you propose it enrichment? Without personal research in archives or registers your quoting someone else just like Wiki…’s the data is not covered by yourself so unreliable. And yes a lot of mappers quote that kind of knowledge.
IMHO stop doing that and look in your own neighbourhoods, without local knowledge there is no hope for import.
Keep Mapping

Welcome, Alina. I’m glad to see that you’ve joined this forum thread.

My main concerns with this project are as follows:

  • The mapping project, data source and the tags that are used should be documented on Mapbox’ Wiki page, preferably with some background information.

  • The data should not duplicate existing address nodes, but should be merged with them. Feel free to edit the source=BAG and source:date=* tags.

  • The name=* tag should contain the name as it is written on buildings and vehicles of the company, so that would be name=Picnic in this case.

  • “Picnic BV” should be tagged as brand=Picnic BV alongside brand:wikidata=Q32414703 and brand:website=https://picnic.app/nl/
    Note that the website=* tag is reserved for specific locations and should not be used for the main page of a chain.

  • When/if another (similar) project is organised, it is highly recommended that Mapbox discusses it with local mapper communities before any edits are made.

Other than that, OSM also has import guidelines and an automated edits code of conduct, and although I think these are too bureaucratic, it would still be wise to at least keep them in mind while copying data from external sources to OSM.

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I think Friendly_Ghost summed it up pretty well.

One small point:

Imo it should be brand=Picnic, not “Picnic BV”, as brand=* should be used for the general brand used by an institution. In this case brand and name are the same as the different locations of Picnic aren’t unique.

I edited a local Picnic location, so if you want an example of how we would argue it should look like: https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/120299504

(Arguably brand=* and brand:website=* can be left out, that’s the mapper’s choice)

Thank you very much for your guidance and advice!
In the near future, we will correct all the changes that we made according to your instructions, and in the future, we will discuss the planned work with your community. As soon as we fix our edits, I will notify you.

Friendly_Ghost thank you for such a detailed explanation and **Herrieman **thanks for the example!
It’s nice to be in such a loyal and friendly community.

Hi Alina. I’m happy that you are / Mapbox is willing to cooperate with us. I’m sure we can make some valuable map edits together.

Please keep us updated on the progress regarding the points I listed earlier.

I agree with Herrieman that brand=Picnic might be a better choice than brand=Picnic BV

Hello, everyone, we made updates for Picnic POI according to your comments. Here list of changesets for POI to check is it ok. Also for places were is lack of BAG data or there is a POI for this address already I left a notes for extra checking and additional comments for decision.



Thank you very much for sharing this update with us. I looked at a handful of these locations and in my opinion the data looks much better now.

For the sake of transparency, could you please document this project on Mapbox’ list of current mapping projects?

For this task we worked with feedback. Here is link for description of this project https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Organised_Editing/Activities/Mapbox_Contribute.
This is link to this project tool https://www.mapbox.com/contribute/#/?l=17.3581%2F59.3402%2F18.0552&q= where you can send us feedback.
In a hurry we unfortunately missed #mapbox_contribute tag for changesets, so will try not to do it again.
Sorry for delay with this corrections because of mine vacation.
Thank you for support and we always welcome to your feedback and connection with community.

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