Mapping and improving building footprints in cities of Thailand

As a part of our mapping efforts, we are starting to work on improving and mapping the building footprint data in the Bangkok region of Thailand.

We will be following the best practices for mapping buildings, and in places, we aren’t sure, we will go ahead and drop a note for the community.

Workflow: We’ll be following the same workflow as mentioned in this mapping guide and wiki.

Validation: We’ll be following the validation guidelines mentioned in our wiki:

Changeset Comment: Mapping and improving building: [](

Source: MAXAR – we would refer to others if need be.

Filter: None

Plugins: JOSM building plugin

Edge cases: None at the moment, we’ll post it as a subsequent comment if need be.

Team involved: The Grab Data team

OSM Forum Link:
Unique tag used: grabremote=yes (TBD)

Do reach out to us if you have any questions or suggestions on the same. Link to Github: