Looking for an ambulance place

Hello guys,

I am looking for a maybe hospital but rather ambulance arrival place in Berlin,
that was all made of red brick,
and the ambulances where going up onto second floor (one above the ground) by a short elevation.

It was long time ago so I only remember that from main square of this place on the left was ambulance arrival and on the right was something like lodge, looking from the center of the place.

It was like hospital but not so high and most of the buildings had many windows with different dimensions.

Anyone know such a place?


This one: https://www.qvnia.de/system/images/497/original/1_parkklinik_luftaufnahme_111213.JPG (Parkklinik Weissensee)? https://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=klinik%20weissensee#map=17/52.55516/13.45173

Ambulances go up one floor by a ramp on the left, on the right the “lounge” is the main entrance for visitors. Some windows (e.g. Staircases) go up several floors. The buildings are also not as high as e.g. the Charité.

None of these. It was not so high hospital. The ambulance entrance was max 2-3 storeys as surrounding buildings.

It was rather an open space, not monolith hospital building.

Seems like I found the place, but I am not sure of it. I will go to Berlin and check it to be sure.
It can be Evangelisches Waldkrankenhaus Spandau - which is located Stadtrandstraße 555, 13589 Berlin.

As I will confirm I will let you know.