No parking road markings / Без пътна маркировка за паркиране

Hey there!

Can someone point me to a (Bulgarian) source that explains road markings that mean “no parking” or “no stopping”, i.e. are used in place of the signs? If they exist at all, that is!

I also asked this very question in the Russian forum and inded, they have those markings:

The context, by the way, is that I implement a quest for StreetComplete where the user should be able to just tap on the road marking/sign he is seeing and it should then be tagged correctly.




Може ли някой да ме насочи към източник (на български език), който обяснява пътната маркировка, която означава “забранено паркирането” или “забранено спирането”, т.е. използва се вместо знаците? Ако изобщо съществуват, тоест!

Зададох същия въпрос и в руския форум и инд, те имат такава маркировка:

Между другото, контекстът е, че изпълнявам задача за StreetComplete, при която потребителят трябва да може просто да докосне пътната маркировка/знак, който вижда, и след това той трябва да бъде маркиран правилно.


There is such road marking and it’s uses are defined in the Ordinance No. 2 of 17 January 2001 on road markings. Vehicles aren’t allowed to park, but can stop. Where the marking is supplemented by symbols or inscriptions designating certain categories of road vehicles, the parking ban doesn’t apply to them.

It can be used on bus stops (but it’s not required).

It can also be used on taxi stands (again, not required).

It’s supposed to be in yellow, but you can see that they make it in white too.

Yes, this kind of zig-zag line is common to denote bus stops (etc) in many countries. Thank you!