
Thanks for your suggestion.
For Antaris 4 I can use RTKNavi directly with the uBlox format so I can see quickly if the messages are enabled.
For SiRF receivers there is a SiRF format input for the Android version of RTKLibe but not for the computer version and I’m not getting any satellite info in the Android version so I’m not sure if it’s expecting a different SiRF format (SiRF 4?) or if messages haven’t been enabled properly…
It seems that with SiRFII or SiRFIII you can’t do realtime and have to log data ?
When I look at the sirfstar.gps log from SiRFDemo the CarrierPhase data is there but not in Rinex log produced by theKinematic2_MobileApp app. I haven’t found an app to convert the sirfstar.gps to Rinex.

sirf2, sirf3 and sirf4 use exactly the same raw binary data packet format (GPS, 12 channels).

Which messages did you enable with the SiRFDemo program ?

I have enabled several including the one with Carrier Phase data apparently : 028 (0x1C - Nav Lib Measurement Data) enabled and when I look at “Receiver Output View” in SiRFDemo I can see the data coming through. With the BT338 running 3.00 the carrier phase field in sirfstar.gps is 0.00000 but in 3.02 (got it here http://gps.0xdc.ru/wiki/doku.php?id=sirfstar#globalsat_bt-338)) there are non 0 values.

I haven’t been able to determine if there are real time solutions (RTKNavi for instance) for SiRF receivers or if it’s logging only and then post-processing with a Rinex file. So far I have only found the Kinematic2_MobileApp app that is supposed to create a Rinex but that’s not working for me for some reason, are there others ? Thanks !

What version of Kinematic2_MobileApp and what platform (Win32 or Windows Mobile) do you use ?
I haven’t looked in sources for many years but if remember correctly the logging of carrier phase was not implemented in early versions (2011) due to phase measurements was not present in sirf binary data.

Thank you for your help. I’m using version 0.11 on Win32 from https://geodesist.ru/threads/programma-raboty-s-bytovymi-navigatorami-v-praktike-geodezista.5101/page-7#post-74909 - I haven’t found more recent versions ?

The BT-338 log (test1131.11o) posted by sklimkim here https://geodesist.ru/threads/programma-raboty-s-bytovymi-navigatorami-v-praktike-geodezista.5101/page-7#post-74904 has phase data in it using FW 3.1.1 with the same reference as the one found here http://gps.0xdc.ru/wiki/doku.php?id=sirfstar#globalsat_bt-338 - I will flash mine to that version from 3.0.2 that it’s using right now.


Program changes baudrate, protocol and messages automatically so no need to do it in SirfDemo. It is logging both RINEX and raw binary data which can be replayed in SirfDemo or converted in 3rd party tools.

One message is not enough for the generation of proper RINEX output, please enable MID7, MID8 and MID28.

I am not aware of any ready-to-use compiled rtklib version with the sirf raw data support,
but you can compile it yourself. It will be a tough exercise on windows :expressionless:

What is strange is that RTKGPS+ for Android supports SiRF input and it is built from RTKLIB so I’m not sure why SiRF is not there. Unfortunately the support for SiRF in Alpha 26 (latest version on the Playstore) of RTKGPS+ for Android is broken, it is working in Alpha 23 but in that version I can’t get data from Ntrip feeds…I wasn’t able to find apks of Alpha 24 or Alpha 25 to see if one of them has both SiRF and Ntrip working properly. Does anyone here have them maybe ?

Thank you very much ! I now get Carrier Phase data in the Rinex. I will try to post-process it with RTKPost to see if I get usable results.

in single mode RTKPost not use Carrier Phase & Doppler

Why not use the static/kinematic mode ? Here is the brief test I did yesterday for a few minutes, will do another one today. Not sure why Single is so bad, NMEA output would be a lot better.

SiRFstar III BT-338 2’ static test :

  1. After Hot/Cold reset wait approx 30-45 seconds to start-up receiver and then start logging RINEX. Otherwise first 30 seconds of data contain wrong time marks (non-synchronized). You can see it as decimals in seconds.
  2. “Window tests” give bad results, must be good satellite view.

Thanks, I will try again.

Does anyone have APKs of Alpha 24 or Alpha 25 of RTKGPS+ Android to see if they still support SiRF input unlike the current Alpha 26 ?

I have compiled the current github tree with minor changes for armv8 target using gradle
and standard Linux toolchain, using a custom rtklib version with F9P (and M9N) support (not the latest one from ttakasu).
If alpha26 works for you, then it should be possible to compile an .apk with sirf support.

That would be great ! I wonder what happened since “Alpha 23” that could have broken SiRF support…

Good news, even though RTKGPS+ Alpha 20 that is compatible with SiRF does not read live data coming from the base station it can still log raw data for my BT-338 and then I can use chnav’s “SiRF Converter” to convert the raw log to a rinex.

Hopefully Alpha 26 can be made compatible again with SiRF receivers for RTK-Float and Fix live solutions :wink:

Товарищи, нужен совет. Есть задача: получить точность в пределах 1.5м в условиях почти чистого поля. Точность нужна в динамике, из салона автомобиля (лобовое стекло), почти в реальном времени (допустимы задержки в решении на несколько секунд). На руках есть m9n, gn801(8030-kt) и китайские же m8n. m9n хоть и хорош, но всё же дороговат на старте проекта, да и сырые данные из него не достать на перспективу (в перспективе всё же хотелось бы rtk). rtklib с Модули gn801 и m8n с активной антенной (вероятно, хреновой) не дают желаемого результата, в лучшем случае float, но нестабильно.
Да, звучит как “всё сразу и дёшево”, но таковы условия старта проекта, что каждая тысяча на один модуль ложится ощутимой суммой, поэтому пытаюсь найти самое оптимальное решение.
Если кто-то может предложить, на каком железе лучше стартовать (модуль и антенна), буду безмерно благодарен!

Очень странно, в чистом поле относительно базы на краю поля m8n полтора метра должен выдавать спокойно и без колебаний.

Именно rtklib прям в поле пока не удавалось проверить, нашёл лишь максимально чистое небо в городе на большой парковке. Понимаю, что переотражения и вот это вот всё, вероятно, имели место, и обязательно выеду в поле на днях. Но пока это не выглядит как надёжное решение. Даже single решение периодически пропадает. Может быть кто-нибудь может посоветовать проверенный модуль и толковую, чувствительную антенну?

Вот с этого и надо начинать, учитывая что антенна на лобовом стекле. Полнебосвода закрыто, какой тут RTK…

Начинать, что именно? С того, что ничего не получится, или с другой антенны?