Import danych od właścicieli firm, korzystając z usługi

Good afternoon! I am sending you points for checking before unloading:

This is amenity=restaurant, not amenity=cafe. And add cuisine=sushi as well.

Good afternoon :slight_smile: I am sending you points for checking before unloading:

contact:email is pointless

but updating opening_hours is useful and welcomed!

Good morning, thanks for the answer, I’ll fix it! :slight_smile:

Good afternoon. I am sending you points for checking before unloading:

Nothing is there. Only a map of Algeria.

sorry, I will generate another file a little later :slight_smile:

Good afternoon :slight_smile:
I am sending you points for checking before unloading: diagnostyka (new) diagnostyka (updated) diagnostyka (updated) diagnostyka (updated) diagnostyka (updated)

name Punkt Pobrań Diagnostyki
amenity doctors

wrong tagging, there used to be no valid tagging for that but I recently fixed it

Proper tagging is healthcare=sample_collection

For sample collection points without on site laboratory both healthcare=laboratory and amenity=doctors is wrong


user_address=Польша, Śląskie, Dąbrowa Górnicza, Piłsudskiego 92

is unwanted, invalid tag

good day! fix the point category tag, thanks! :slight_smile:
we do not place the address tag.

Please, post links to updated datasets to complete review.

Preferably to single “updated” set, not to multiple tiny ones.

name=Punkt Pobrań Diagnostyki is incorrect, should be name=Diagnostyka
amenity=doctors is incorrect, should be healthcare:speciality=blood_check
operator=Diagnostyka spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością is incorrect - we don’t expand this abbraviation in Polish. Should be Diagnotyka sp. z o.o. or no tag.
contact:website=Diagnostyka Laboratoria Medyczne | Badania Krwi | Wyniki on-line is incorrect - there should be a direct link to this very place.

See an example of correctly tagged Diagnostyka laboratory: version 7

So your edit is incorrect - you’re adding contact:phone, when correct phone is already there. - if you want to update opening hours, you can do this manually, not by removing important information I already added.

Good afternoon, we fixed the points, could you take a look before uploading to the card, thanks! :slight_smile: diagnostyka (new) diagnostyka (updated)

Please read my post above!

Good day.
I will process points according to your comments!
regarding mail, I will give it to the client, while we post it in this form

we fixed the points:

You still trying to replace correct tags.
old tag: Mo-Fr 07:00-15:00 “pobieranie materiału: do 13:30”, Sa 08:00-12:00 “pobieranie materiału: do 11:45”
new tag: Mo-Fr 07:00-14:30; Sa 08:00-12:00

And you want to add contact:website=Diagnostyka Laboratoria Medyczne | Badania Krwi | Wyniki on-line where website=Punkt Pobrań Diagnostyki ul. Dokerska 2a Wrocław exists.

Every laboratory has its own URL, so please add it instead of main website URL.

Good day! - here the working hours are the same as we transmit.

many osm colleagues tell us to transfer the site without a long path.

Good afternoon! We want to upload these points to maps. It is very important for us to hear your opinion. :slight_smile: (new) (updated)