Please sign up as OSMF member (fee waiver possible)


if you are not yet a member of the OpenStreetMap Foundation, please sign up.
We need more “normal” people being part of the foundation to balance our interests against commercial entities.

To be eligible to vote, you have to be a member 90 days prior. So please do not wait too long with signing up.

Since recently, there is the possibility for active contributors to become a member free of charge.
Typically you need 42 mapping days in the last year. Most of the more active members of the Thailand community already reached this threshold or are close. Paid mapping activities do not qualify.

Read more about it at:


Be aware that you only have a few hours left to become a member and have the right to vote in this year’s AGM. Three seats are open for election.

Deadline for membership is 2020-09-12, 23:59:59 UTC.