Mapsource "gdb file is not valid"

Hi, i’m looking for help. I have try to open with Notepad++ XML editor and its content is 000000/null. Other gdb file can be run normally. My previous backup is about 5 year ago. Help…

You have to save the track in gpx format in order to view/edit it with notepad.
Gdb format is only readable in Mapsource.

When i open a mapsource new page is unable to open this corrupted gdb file, its stated not valid and is unable to save as to a gpx file. It is failed when i trying use a web converter to convert from gdb file to gpx file (No spatial data were recognized in your uploaded data. We are sorry.
Make sure you have uploaded all relevant files of the dataset.)

If its size is 0 than it is indeed corrupt, nobody can help you there :frowning: