why can'n garmin 830 display openstreetmap

i downloaded jp map on openstreetmap website and copied it to garmin folder not renamed it.

i set the map opened,but it can’t display the map like the pic.i thank the extra map can be displayed,renaming is not necessary.
what should i do to fix it

There is a Garmin sub-forum >>> here <<<.

This 2019 update from dcrainer may help

You cannot download maps for Garmin from openstreetmap.org
there are plenty of other sites that offer Garmin maps. https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/Download

it is known that there are regular hickups on garmin.openstreetmap.nl, if that happens to be the case, please try one from the list above. I use https://extract.bbbike.org/ myself