Enlarge node

The yellow knot is too small, I would like it bigger.
I tried like you said it didnā€™t get bigger.

There are a few nodes in that advanced preferences box you could try the same thing with. Maybe JOSM is considering that another type of node? If that doesnt work, you will have to create a .css style sheet, which I cannot begin to explain, but there is Wiki page on it that explains the whole process. I have my nodes and icons different sizes, but I had to create my own style sheet.
Unfortunately, thats all I have! Ive run out of ideas :frowning:

I had already tried to change some options, I try again ā€¦
thanks, I hope someone comes along to help me ā€¦

Please note that you do not need to exactly hit the node. There is ā€œsnap radiusā€ which is larger than the visible node. Have a look by slowly moving your mouse to the node and when it gets the red background you can already click to select it. To enlarge that snap radius you can change the key mappaint.node.snap-distance in the advanced preferences.
The size of the visible nodes depends on the mappaint style(s) you have enabled.
If you really like to enlarge the visible nodes then you can enable the mappaint style ā€œHiDPI Supportā€. If even then they are not big enough you can change the key node-size-factor. See https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Styles/HiDPISupport

Problem solved with mappaint.node.snap-distance, thank you very much !!

I didnā€™t understand all those codes.
I didnā€™t find the node-size-factor key but I donā€™t need it that much.
I had increased the characters from Windows.

You can add it manually to the advanced preferences if it is not available. (Requires the mappaint style ā€œHiDPI Supportā€ though.)

Ok, how do I add ā€œHiDPI Supportā€?

See https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Styles#Activatingmorestyles

Where do I enter this code?

meta {
     titolo : "Supporto HiDPI" ;
     versione : "1.9_2018-03-24" ;
     descrizione : "Permette di ridimensionare la dimensione dei nodi e la dimensione del font dello stile JOSM predefinito."  ;
     icona : "HiDPISupportLogo.svg" ;
     autore : "Klumbumbus" ;
     link : "https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Styles/HiDPISupport" ;
     orologio modificato : vero ;
     versione min-josm : "10018" ;
     / * Questo stile mapint mapcss ĆØ solo una soluzione temporanea fino alla risoluzione del ticket 9995.  * /

impostazione :: shrink_nodes {
   tipo : booleano ;
   label : tr ( "Simboli nodo meno invadente con zoom basso" );
   default : true ;

* {
     font-size-summand : JOSM_pref ( "font-size-summand" , 2 );
 nodo {
     node-size-factor : JOSM_pref ( "node-size-factor" , 1. 8 );

node [ "openGeoDB: type" ],
 nodo [ luogo ] {
     font-size : 10 + prop ( "font-size-summand" );

nodo |  z-16 ,
 nodo [!  is_prop_set ( "icon-image" )]!  .maxspeedclass {
     symbol-size : 2 * prop ( "node-size-factor" );

modo > nodo |  z16 [ setting ( "shrink_nodes" )]!  : tagged { symbol-size : 1 * prop ( "node-size-factor" );  }

nodo |  z17 [ setting ( "shrink_nodes" )] { symbol-size : 4 * prop ( "node-size-factor" );  }
 modo > nodo |  z17 [ setting ( "shrink_nodes" )] { symbol-size : 2 * prop ( "node-size-factor" );  }
 nodo |  z17 [ setting ( "shrink_nodes" )] : connection { symbol-size : 4 * prop ( "node-size-factor" );  }

nodo |  z18 [ setting ( "shrink_nodes" )] { symbol-size : 4 * prop ( "node-size-factor" );  }
 modo > nodo |  z18 [ setting ( "shrink_nodes" )] { symbol-size : 3 * prop ( "node-size-factor" );  }
 nodo |  z18 [ setting ( "shrink_nodes" )] : connection { symbol-size : 5 * prop ( "node-size-factor" );  }

nodo |  z19- [ setting ( "shrink_nodes" )] { symbol-size : 4 * prop ( "node-size-factor" );  }
 modo > nodo |  z19- [ setting ( "shrink_nodes" )] { symbol-size : 4 * prop ( "node-size-factor" );  }
 nodo |  z19- [ setting ( "shrink_nodes" )] : connection { symbol-size : 6 * prop ( "node-size-factor" );  }

nodo [!  setting ( "shrink_nodes" )] { symbol-size : 4 * prop ( "node-size-factor" );  }
 modo > nodo [!  setting ( "shrink_nodes" )] { symbol-size : 4 * prop ( "node-size-factor" );  }
 nodo [!  setting ( "shrink_nodes" )] : connection { symbol-size : 6 * prop ( "node-size-factor" );  }

nodo : selezionato {
     symbol-size : 6 * prop ( "node-size-factor" );

nodo |  z-18 , area |  z-18 { font-size : 8 + prop ( "font-size-summand" );  }
 nodo |  z19 , area |  z19 { font-size : 9 + prop ( "font-size-summand" );  }
 nodo |  z20- , area |  z20- { font-size : 10 + prop ( "font-size-summand" );  }

modo |  z17 [ autostrada ] {
     font-size : 9 + prop ( "font-size-summand" );
 modo |  z18 [ autostrada ] {
     font-size : 10 + prop ( "font-size-summand" );
 modo |  z19 [ autostrada ] {
     font-size : 11 + prop ( "font-size-summand" );
 modo |  z20- [ autostrada ] {
     font-size : 12 + prop ( "font-size-summand" );

Again, I dont know if Im telling you the correct way to do this, I only know what worked for me. Caveat Emptor :expressionless:
In Preferences: Map Paint Styles tab, find a style that will let you modify it.
The one I use is JOSM Default (mapCSS). Some of them wont let you modify. Look for the paper and pencil icon.
Map to that location at the pop-up box that comes up after you click the paper and pencil icon.
Save it to wherever you prefer to save mapping stuff.
Open it as a text file, and modify it the way you want. Just follow how the original coder did it, but insert your changes.
I use an RGB hex code chart to change colors, also.
When you are finished, re-save it as a .css file. Thats all there is to it.
That is what worked for me, but Iā€™m sure a more technically proficient person would do it differently.
You can leave the file open and monitor if the changes worked or not in real time in your JOSM map, when you click ā€˜saveā€™.

Good luck!

Nowhere. Do what you see in this video: https://josm.openstreetmap.de/attachment/wiki/Styles/addstyle.gif

I tried to enable maxspeed: https://josm.openstreetmap.de/attachment/wiki/Styles/addstyle.gif I noticed that if I disable default josm and enable maxspeed the nodes get bigger ā€¦
You were right, it doesnā€™t do much ā€¦ but it is important to have the area around the node in order to take it with the mouse.
Thank you allā€¦

You should not enable ā€œMaxspeedā€ but ā€œHiDPI Supportā€ the same way as shown in the video. Thats just an example.

I did ā€¦ it only magnifies my knots, the same max speed, is that okay?

Can also increase the + snap radius?

Yes, increase mappaint.node.virtual-snap-distance in the advanced preferences.

I tried but it doesnā€™t work, I also rebooted to Josm.
I have increased mappaint.node.virtuale-dimensions has enlarged the +.
I prefer to have more snap radius
Thank you.

Indeed. I created a ticket. https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/17954

Great ā€¦
So letā€™s wait until it resolves ā€¦
Thank you, you are the number one!

are there any news?