Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED

Yes thanks I knew about that. I want something specific that only this site provides :slight_smile:

Thanks for that!

Seems that due to construction works the servers are down this week. Try it later or use another service.

Create your own map instead? See and for a simple worked example, .

nice to know. have tried a couple of days. lot of frustration :slight_smile:

I don’t think that there is another service which allows me to create a single map with disjoint tiles is there?

It would be helpful if the “Server Status:” area on the web page was updated with an ETA…

Giving an ETA for an unpredictable event is like prophesying the future. You clearly are using your GPS device way too much :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

Well I have just retired from a career of running IT projects including data centre relocations and similar. I do believe that, even if the event that led to the outage was unscheduled, four days since then should have allowed some estimate of when the issue will be rectified.The “E” in ETA is Estimated, and I think we could all accept that it is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate but that’s not the point.

We do “prophesy the future” fairly regularly. It helps us decide whether to pack a warm jacket or a raincoat. It isn’t always perfect but it is better than nothing.

Last, the estimate was already given above, I was just asking for it to be added at the appropriate place on the web page so that others do not have to go digging into the forum to find out!

I’ve certainly done that manually (without using any external site, just using OSM data)…

I’m presuming, though, that you got paid for the data centre relocations, unlike the volunteer running :slight_smile:

Being paid does not make you more clever or insightful.

I imagine that the volunteers have a strong desire to offer good service, just like good professionals do. I know for the things that I do as a volunteer I try to bring the same service-centric view to the table.

One advantage of being paid though is that you get lots of practice - in my case hundreds of projects over my working life. Things that I learned the hard way might be of benefit to volunteers who (and I don’t know their background) may not have the same level of experience in IT project management and IT service management. So if they want to act on my advice then that’s great. If they don’t, that’s great too!


I downloaded the country “Georgia” for my Garmin DriveSmart 50, then put the file “gmapsupp.img” under “.System/map” of the navigation device.

It get’s recognized by the navigation, the map is graphically there, but the city/street search doesn’t work.

For example it finds “Kutaissi” but it doesn’t find the capital “Tiflis”, nor “Tblisi”! - Do I have to put in the names in Georgian?! - When I swipe to Georgia and zoom in the graphical map, I can select “Tiflis” and then I can also select it by tapping.

Do you know what’s wrong here and how to fix it?

Kind regrads,


I didn’t try but I think the name:en is used : Tbilisi

Hi everybody, i have garmin 345 device and i have install maps for greece and serbia succesfully but i have problem with navigation. For example start from amfissa(greece) and nis(serbia) the end. The suggested route is not fit with the main layer road. What can i do for that? If i start from graz to nis there is no problem

Hey I feel a bit dumb. I make selection and the website continues to say (Make a selection first). I try the generic new style. What do I do wrong?

The service seems to be broken (again).

The button to generate a map is missing

I did not find any button to download the map, neither a place to write my email address…
Please help me.
Thx in advance.

If it’s broken I’d suggest downloading maps from somewhere else, such as those suggested at .

I tried bbbike : . Works fine for download but my Garmin states that the card is not unlocked. Garmin seems to block this cards. So i am looking for other free to download links.
Any ideas?
