Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED

Probably its the problem, that all the downloaded maps have the same FID (File Identifikation). Use gmaptool to change the FID of some maps so every map has a distinct FID

Thanks for your quick answer. Do you mean by maps the old and new version or tiles included in the new version?

Anyhow I downloaded newest version of “new style” map and its working again. Two or three previous version didnt work.

I noticed that every two weeks or so the map shows a new date maybe an up date.

What I would like to know is it really updated? so often?, maybe for places in Europe you up date them every six months or once a year?

Great site btw.

No tricks. If the date says August 6th (like it does as of this post), then any map data you download will be based on OSM data from August 6th.

Especially in Europe where there are a significant number of contributors constantly making lots of changes, updating once or twice a year would be far too slow.

I’ve downloaded openstreet map for Germany and Switzerland, but I’ve trouble searching for hotels. When I search for the word “Hotel”, it only show one hotel, Hotelkam. I tried to search for Munich Airport but it is not in the list. Please help. My GPS is Nuvi 57LM.

How does the search function work for Openstreetmap?

Thanks for that info, even more proof that this is a great site., I was also pleased that the maps where much better than Garmin’s own maps.

There seems to be a problem with the Luxembourg map. I downloaded and installed the gmapsupp.img file on to my Garmin Oregon. Only part of the map displays. I think it might be just the top, left tile. I tried a second time but manually selecting the tiles and a couple extra adjoining tiles from Germany and France. I got exactly the same result.

I don’t see any issue with that map. Please check if you have installed other OSM maps on your device, they can cause this issue.

Yes, I had 10 other map files on the card. I deleted all the ones I no longer need and tried again. Now working perfectly. Many thanks.

Any problem with the server? I tried already twice to generate maps, but the server is thowing error in the buildlog.txt.
Cheers, Marc


Getting 14 tiles
Tile 63242922.img not found
Tile 63242923.img not found
Tile 63242924.img not found
Tile 63242933.img not found
Tile 63242934.img not found
Tile 63242935.img not found
Tile 63242940.img not found
Creating the license file
Getting the TYP file
/home/lambertus/garmin/utils/mkgmap-style-sheets/typ/Openfietsmap lite/20011.typ to ./20011.typ
Building gmapsupp
Time started: Wed Sep 26 14:18:15 CEST 2018
SCHWERWIEGEND (Main): 63*.img: file 63*.img doesn't exist
Number of MapFailedExceptions: 0
Exiting - if you want to carry on regardless, use the --keep-going option
Number of ExitExceptions: 1
Time finished: Wed Sep 26 14:18:15 CEST 2018
Total time taken: 536ms
Zipping gmapsupp
Gmapsupp does not exist!
Zipping the tiles (linux)
Building NSIS installer
MakeNSIS v2.50-1 - Copyright 1995-2015 Contributors
See the file COPYING for license details.
Credits can be found in the Users Manual.

Processing plugin dlls: "/usr/share/nsis/Plugins/*.dll"
 - AdvSplash::show
 - Banner::destroy
 - Banner::getWindow
 - Banner::show
 - BgImage::AddImage
 - BgImage::AddText
 - BgImage::Clear
 - BgImage::Destroy
 - BgImage::Redraw
 - BgImage::SetBg
 - BgImage::SetReturn
 - BgImage::Sound
 - Dialer::AttemptConnect
 - Dialer::AutodialHangup
 - Dialer::AutodialOnline
 - Dialer::AutodialUnattended
 - Dialer::GetConnectedState
 - InstallOptions::dialog
 - InstallOptions::initDialog
 - InstallOptions::show
 - LangDLL::LangDialog
 - Math::Script
 - NSISdl::download
 - NSISdl::download_quiet
 - Splash::show
 - StartMenu::Init
 - StartMenu::Select
 - StartMenu::Show
 - System::Alloc
 - System::Call
 - System::Copy
 - System::Free
 - System::Get
 - System::Int64Op
 - System::Store
 - TypeLib::GetLibVersion
 - TypeLib::Register
 - TypeLib::UnRegister
 - UserInfo::GetAccountType
 - UserInfo::GetName
 - UserInfo::GetOriginalAccountType
 - VPatch::GetFileCRC32
 - VPatch::GetFileMD5
 - VPatch::vpatchfile
 - nsDialogs::Create
 - nsDialogs::CreateControl
 - nsDialogs::CreateItem
 - nsDialogs::CreateTimer
 - nsDialogs::GetUserData
 - nsDialogs::KillTimer
 - nsDialogs::OnBack
 - nsDialogs::OnChange
 - nsDialogs::OnClick
 - nsDialogs::OnNotify
 - nsDialogs::SelectFileDialog
 - nsDialogs::SelectFolderDialog
 - nsDialogs::SetRTL
 - nsDialogs::SetUserData
 - nsDialogs::Show
 - nsExec::Exec
 - nsExec::ExecToLog
 - nsExec::ExecToStack

Can't open script "63440000.nsi"
Building Basecamp/RoadTrip installer
JaVaWa MapConverter CLI version 0.6

Error: basemap doesn't exist

jmc_cli -src=source_folder -dest=destination_folder [-bmap=basemap.img] [-gmap=mapname.gmap] [-v]

-src   Path to folder with map files you want to convert
-dest  Path to folder where the .gmap folder will be created
-bmap  Name of .img file with overview map (optional)
       (Needed only when jmc_cli cannot decide which file to use)
-gmap  Name of .gmap folder (optional; when omitted the map name will be used)
-v     Verbose output: display every step in the process (optional)

Use quotes around paths when they contain spaces,
or escape the spaces with backslashes.

Status codes:
0: success
1: wrong parameters
2: missing files
3: error in processing files
4: unhandled exception

Zipping Basecamp/RoadTrip installer
Miscellaneous stuff
Linking map storage to webdir: /maps/1/garmin/openfietsmap_lite/11-09-2018/1f84e281254915f5120648867ad3cff9 -> /var/www/garmin/openfietsmap_lite/11-09-2018/1f84e281254915f5120648867ad3cff9

Are there any instruction on how to install on mac?

I downloaded this version: “The is the map installer for BaseCamp on the Mac OSX platform”

That’s a directory of files but not one of them seems to be an ‘installer’, so I’m not sure what to do next. I’m happy to edit the wiki instructions if I can get some help here

I dont have any knowledge of Macs and I dont know if you understand Dutch, but maybe this helps

Thanks - this helped me work out the trick was not to use this software but to install the full Garmin suite, include the Mapmanager


I use the service for the first time 2 weeks ago. I do often update the map on OSM. Today I see, when I will download the map from Germany, I get the same version from 11-09-2018.
My question is: how often the downloads get updated?**

Kind Regards,

There seems to be a problem with the server: yesterday I chose to download the new style map for Thailand, but I only got the default map.

Today, first it would not load the new style map on the web page, showing “Loading data, please wait”. After refreshing the screen a couple of times the online map loaded, then it took over 5 mins after choosing the country before it gave me the link - but it’s the same I already have.


It gets even stranger: I reset my selection, then chose a subset of Thailand (manually). It then sat there for a few minutes “Checking map”, then gave me the link to the entire map for Thailand, new style. I think something needs to be reset.

Hi guys.

I’ve an old GARMIN ZUMO 220 used in the past with my motorcycle (now I’m using a newer Zumo 395).

Just for fun yesterday I tried to use it with OSM maps downloaded from and they looks to be fine. I tried Italy and Iran

But I’ve a problem with address search.
I click on “Where Go”, I enter the City (ok, it works fine) and now I should enter the street address but it doesn’t work.

  1. not all street address are coded (more or less about 70%) (Italy map).

  2. Device find a street address only if I enter the initial string
    Example: I need to find “via gianbattista”
    If I enter “via gian” it finds all occurencies starting with “via gian*”
    If I enter “gianba” it finds nothing

  3. If I enter nothing at all and I click on “DONE”, device show me all street addresses , and this is good !

  4. with non latin contries (i.e. IRAN), address are showed as “??é?” (yes, Zumo 220 is not UNICODE…)

Some idea for (1) and (2) ??

Obvioulsy with original Garmin map , partial address search works very fine.

The program mkgmap which is used to create the maps allows this. Maybe the maps are created without the option --split-name-index
and --road-name-config. Both would make this work.

If that is the case it has to go to Lambertus, who doesn’t read this forum any more. Try emailing him.

On I have tried selecting tiles by all the methods, for example for Malta. The selected tiles go dark blue. However, nothing changes to the ‘Make a selection first’ message and there is no obvious alternative place on the webpage to tick or click to request or download files.