Fully offline map server

Hey guys,

I know this question has been asked and I assure you I have read all of the threads and still just can’t quite get it.

My use case is fairly straight-forward. I work in an environment where there is simply no real internet connection. I have a simulated internet with a few miniature ISPs and full Ubuntu repos available but no access to anything on the real internet like the 3rd party repos.

I have downloaded all of the Git file sets listed on the switch2osm manual install guide. I followed that guide all the way through but still do not fully understand all of the components to a full offline map server (leaflet, mapnik, osm-bright, carto, nominatim, etc). What needs to be installed and in what order? The leaflet guide didn’t seem too involved and manual tile install guide I followed seemed out of date in spots where I had to revert to following README files and ignoring part of the online manual.

The primary use of this map server is as the map used by my preferred network monitoring tool Observium. Our simulated range has nodes all over the world and being able to display them in the correct location with a zoomable and interactive map embedded into Observium would be awesome.

Any help or links to explain this to me would be amazing. I am a competent technical person but am a lot more knowledgable in networking (I have a CCNP along with a bunch of other Cisco and Juniper certs). I have zero knowledge of a map server outside of setting up a few simple Apache2 websites.

Appreciate any help fellas.

Hmm, there was POSM, isn’t that what you need?

Well, like I said, I am a newb when it comes to OSM in general.

I have been reading up on POSM since you posted this and it seems like it may fit the bill a bit but looks like it may be tons of 3rd party files I would have to gather and manually install since no internet connection on the server needed.

Also, looking through the documentation on the GitHub you linked, I didnt see anywhere with specific installation instructions. Would I still need to install Leaflet, mapnik, etc as well?

I am not asking you guys to tell me every little thing, but I am finding it kind of difficult to find sources to learn about this technology on my own.

Appreciate the response man, please let me know if I am wrong in any of my assumptions…

Simply put, I am hoping to build a “fake” openstreetmaps.org so that Observium can connect to it and use the map accordingly.

Actually, you might know now about POSM more than I do, I just know that the project exists and that it is an offline OSM setup aimed at replaying the changes made on it on the real OSM server later.

Yea seems that way which is why I am not sure if it would work for what I want. My server will never go back online so whatever the state of the planet PBF is when I download it will be the state of my server for the next few years (which is fine since I am mostly using it as a background map for nodes around the world).

I do not need to be able to zoom way in on streets and buildings. Just need a simulated openstreetmap.org… maybe no one is doing this but I highl doubt it!

Thanks again for the help,

Now I think I have it figured out how Leaflet works for viewing so I would just need a tile server and the associated API for Observium to reach to.

With regards to tile serving, unfortunately the switch2osm server guides don’t specify all of the packages needed, just the ones that you need to ask for so that you get everything you need to install. I’d suggest setting up a server online, imaging it, and distributing that image along with the data that people might want to load into it. I’ve not tried nominatim but I’d expect the same approach to work.

If you don’t need much in the way of detailed data I’d suggest filtering the data that you want to show on your map style out of the PBFs that you’re distributing to make them smaller, It should be feasible to just ship (say) admin boundaries, major roads, cities and towns. Actually - if you just want a simple background map maybe natural earth data would be an option, as it is a smaller initial download.

Leaflet can work fully offline - just host it in the same place as the map tiles.