Explicit permissions in Finland

Hello from Norway!

We occasionally map across the Finnish border and I have noticed that Finland does not have any predefined imagery in JOSM nor in iD. It would be great to add Finnish imagery in JOSM and iD, however it requires a suitable license for OSM, usually either ODbL or CC0. Alternatively explicit permissions need to be obtained.

I have seen that the following Finnish datasets and corresponding TMS/WMS services use the CC BY 4.0 license (and therefore explicit permissions are required to use them in OSM):

Have you already obtained an explicit permission to use those datasets/services?
Could anyone please provide a link to those permissions?

Are there other imagery sources for which you have already obtained permissions? Usually there are WMS services for the road network, railway network, cadastral data, administrative borders, nature reserves, nautical charts etc.

Our experience in Norway is that explicit permissions for OSM are very easy to obtain if the dataset in question is already licensed using an “open” license such as CC BY 4.0 (and in our case NLOD). For comparison here are the permissions obtained in Norway and Denmark:

And the Norwegian, Swedish and Danish imagery may of course be seen by looking at the end of the Imagery menu in JOSM when panning over those countries.


Ok, no permissions in Finland …

Hejsan Norge!

Jovisst har vi sĂĄdana tillstĂĄnd. :slight_smile:

NLS (National Land Survey) & FTA (Finnish Transport Agency) have issued such explicit permissions, which are also mentioned here … https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributors#Finland

There you can find the permissions I know of. I also know (because I’m personally working on it) that HSL (Helsinki Region Transport) will issue such a permission shortly as well.

I don’t in fact know whether these permissions I mentioned are documented behind a permanent URL-address. Perhaps they should!

Here are TMS-services for some NLS-datasets…
Topographic map http://tiles.kartat.kapsi.fi/peruskartta/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
Background map http://tiles.kartat.kapsi.fi/taustakartta/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
Orthophoto http://tiles.kartat.kapsi.fi/ortokuva/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg

The (unfortunately stalled) road import from NLS.fi data has license info here:
where the permission points to an email (in Finnish) from the director of NLS quoted in this forum post:

The license of the data has meanwhile changed to CC-BY 4.0.

Finding this permission is obviously almost impossible to a non-Finnish speaker, so it would perhaps be useful to try get a new permission in English and post it to the wiki in some obvious place. I have no idea what the obvious place is though.

I think we should create a new similar list which they’ve done in eg. Norway. https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Norwegian_import_sources


Here is the permission for the Finnish National Road Database (Digiroad) by the Finnish Transport Agency: https://www.facebook.com/download/preview/1324879040926767 (access requires that you have logged into Facebook).

More information on the Digiroad can be found from here: https://www.liikennevirasto.fi/web/en/open-data/digiroad#.Wr3qv4iuxhE.
Digiroad has also a slack channel that you can join here: https://confirmsubscription.com/h/i/27D81F626C183731.
In Twitter: https://twitter.com/Digiroad_fi


Thank you!

Permissions from MML/NLS and FTA seems ok. I have added the three tms services from MML + the Digiroad wms service as predefined imagery in JOSM. You may see it at the end of the imagery menu when panning over Finland (unless you have already stored them as local presets in that menu). Let me know if you have any comments, including regarding the Finnish text :slight_smile:

If you do not mind, I can add them also for iD. I believe it would be a nice improvement to get the MML orthophotos instead of Bing.

The permission from FTA refers to Digiroad only. FTA also has wms services for railways and for other public transportation, as well as nautical charts. They all seem to be open data and I have seen that these datasets have been imported in Finland. Do you also have a record of those permissions? Or perhaps some other communication with FTA showing that the Digiroad permission also covers all their open data? If not, a one line confirmation from FTA would be sufficient, I think. It would be needed to include FTA’s other wms services in JOSM and iD.

You may want to update the MML license link at the Contributor page, which is now outdated.

The city permissions on the Contributor page seems to be limited to buildings only.

As you rightly noticed the FTA permission just refers to Digiroad. The other FTA datasets haven’t got these explicit permissions and can’t therefore be imported to OSM. The Digiroad permission was issued in a collaboration project between OSM & Digiroad.