barrier=hedge vs barrier=fence fence_type=headge

I found that we have two ways of marking what it seem to be exactly the same feature.




Is there a difference between the two? If so, how to tell the difference and which one to use in which situation? If no, should we use only one?

A hedge is not a fence… A fence is made of dead things, a hedge is alive.

Is headge a typo for hedge?

The correct tagging IMHO is barrier=hedge

It was a typo, thanks!

I’m also in favor of using


Also I’ve just noticed hedge is listed as fence_type under but not

Sometimes the wiki can be a bit misleading. You can use taginfo to see what people actually use:

has 1,000,000 uses

has only 2,000 uses

So I’d definitely use “barrier=hedge”.

Yes, this seems to simply be a flaw in the Polish translation of the fence_type documentation. The Taginfo numbers quoted by SomeoneElse confirm that.

When in doubt, it’s best to refer to the English version of the wiki instead of the translations. Unfortunately, people are a lot more eager about creating translated pages than they are about keeping them in sync with the English version afterwards. This leads to a lot of misleading or outdated content.

You are right. However online editor still lists “hedge” as one of proposed options under “fence_type”.

I’m pretty sure I had a similar question about a tag a while back and the answer was that iD editor will recommend Pretty much any tag combination that has ever been put into it. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a known tag or even spelled correct for it to show up as a recommendation. So you can’t really go by what iD gives alone.

JOSM will hint with any value that appears in the portion of the map that has been downloaded. Only in the templates is anything vetted.

iD actually uses a fairly complicated combination of tag frequency and mapping certain things to tag values (so if you type in something like “Walmart” it’ll suggest “supermarket”). If it’s getting something obviously wrong log a ticket at -say what you typed in, what you expected to appear and what acually did.

@SomeoneElse In another post about the usage of tags Brian de Ford said “I believe iD interrogates the database to find keys and values that have been used by others in order to guess what you might be trying to do. In that respect the database (and hence iD) is like English dictionaries and not French ones. English dictionaries reflect how people use (and misuse) language; French dictionaries tell you what is permissible. So anything that has been used/misused/abused in the past will be available as a suggestion in iD. Even typos.” I think there is a difference between what is recommended in the search field vs what is recommended in the tag drop down list. I think the tag drop down list will recommend anything that has been used before even if it is wrong, whereas the search box doesn’t. It seems like here the person is asking about the tag drop down list. Not the initial search box.

You can see a bit about how iD works by (a) using it and see what options are suggested and (b) looking through the tags in the code - try something like .

In this case, as already mentioned above I believe the problem was with the Polish wiki page ( doesn’t currently suggest fence_type=hedge but does) so it’s not actually to do with iD at all, except that it returns tags based on usage (which is actually a very good idea).