OsmAnd - хотелки и предложения по улучшению

Навигации по маршрутам общественного транспорта в OsmAnd не было

Плотно попользовался османдом в прошедшие праздники.

Проблема первая. В какой-то момент пропал доступ к картам. Android 5.0, карты лежат на SD карточке (видно как /storage/external_SD/Android/data/net.osmand.plus/files ). При запуске - “добро пожаловать, сейчас вам надо скачать карты”, при выборе нужного каталога в настройках - “Не возможно создать карты в указанном каталоге” (поправьте опечатку, кстати. Очень уж глаз режет). В прошлый раз лечил методом сноса всего и вся. Как бы попроще?..
Карточка при этом живая, другие программы с ней успешно работают.

Проблема вторая. Стандартная “ночная” тема. При обновлении экрана сначала рисуется белый (!) фон, потом заполняется чёрным/тёмно-зелёным/тёмно-синим содержимым. Моргания эти при езде по трассе сильно отвлекают. Сделайте, пожалуйста, какой-то фон по умолчанию, который можно настраивать в теме. В “дневной” теме аналогичные мерцания выглядят вполне нормально.

А какая разница между османдом и викироутером ? https://wikiroutes.info/

ну наверное то, что османд - многофункциональная программа, а викироутер - сервис, заточенный под ОТ :slight_smile:

Есть пожелание добавить параметр нагрузки на ось для профиля «Грузовик». И учитывать при рассчёте маршрута.
Судя по всему, вот здесь не обрабатывается
health_specialty:traumatology=main (а только yes учитывается)

Можно поиграть с routing.xml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<osmand_routing_config defaultProfile="car">
	<!-- 1. parameters of routing and different tweaks Influence on A* : -->
	<!-- f(x) + heuristicCoefficient*g(X) -->
	<!-- TEMPORARY needs to be reverted to 1 -->
	<attribute name="heuristicCoefficient" value="" />

	<!-- 1.1 tile load parameters (should not affect routing) -->
	<!-- by default 16 -->
	<attribute name="zoomToLoadTiles" value="16" />
	<!--  by default it is 30. Value specified here overwrites all others
			 (don't specify here ! it is device dependent)  -->
	<attribute name="memoryLimitInMB" value="" />
	<attribute name="nativeMemoryLimitInMB" value="" />

	<!-- 1.2 Build A* graph in backward/forward direction (can affect results) -->
	<!-- 0 - 2 ways, 1 - direct way, -1 - reverse way -->
	<attribute name="planRoadDirection" value="0" />

	<!-- 1.3 When there is a query to recalculate route, -->
	<!-- recalculate smart using old route within N-meters (0 recalculate fresh, default 10km)  -->
	<attribute name="recalculateDistanceHelp" value="10000" />

	   Description of blocks:
	     1) <way attribute="access">
	        Defines acceptable roads for routingProfile. Value of -1 means way impassable,
	        value of 1 means way passable.
	     2) <way attribute="speed" type="speed">
	        Defines speed limits on roads in km/h (if it is not specified on the road via maxspeed tag)
	     3) <way attribute="priority">
	     	Priority is a preference multiplicator for the road type (consider it is an accelerator of the road)
	     4) <point attribute="obstacle">
	        Obstacle defines a point of the road and whether it can be passed by the vehicle.
	        Penalty is measured in seconds, a value of -1 means the obstacle cannot be passed and a value of 0 means "no penalty"!
	        For routing engine.
             5) <point attribute="obstacle_time">
                Penalty for crossing a feature on the road. It is measured in seconds.
                Only for visual effect (ETA).
	   The order of specialization matters only how it was supplied :
	      short_way, avoid_ferries, avoid_toll, avoid_motorway, avoid_unpaved
	   Conditional values (based on parameters) can be specified as:
	      <select value="x" t="y" v="z">
                <if param="parameter id"/>
	<routingProfile name="car" baseProfile="car" restrictionsAware="true" minDefaultSpeed="45.0" maxDefaultSpeed="130.0"
			leftTurn="5" rightTurn="5" roundaboutTurn="10" onewayAware="true">
		<attribute name="heuristicCoefficient" value="1.5" />

		<!-- NEW ROUTING API -->
		<!-- <parameter id="prefer_motorway" name="Prefer motorways" description="Prefer motorways" type="boolean"/> -->
		<!-- <parameter id="no_new_routing" name="Do not use v1.9 routing" description="Do not use v1.9 routing" type="boolean"/> -->
		<parameter id="short_way" name="Short way" description="Short way" type="boolean"/>
		<parameter id="avoid_toll" name="Avoid toll roads" description="Avoid toll roads" type="boolean"/>
		<parameter id="avoid_unpaved" name="Avoid unpaved roads" description="Avoid unpaved roads" type="boolean"/>
		<parameter id="avoid_ferries" name="Avoid ferries" description="Avoid ferries" type="boolean"/>
		<parameter id="avoid_shuttle_train" name="Avoid Shuttle Trains" description="Avoid Shuttle Trains" type="boolean"/>
		<parameter id="avoid_motorway" name="Avoid motorways" description="Avoid motorways" type="boolean"/>
		<parameter id="avoid_borders" name="Avoid border crossing" description="Avoid crossing a border into another country" type="boolean"/>
		<parameter id="avoid_ice_roads_fords" name="Avoid ice roads, fords" description="Avoid ice roads and fords" type="boolean"/>
		<parameter id="allow_private" name="Allow private access" description="Allow access to private areas" type="boolean"/>
		<parameter id="weight" name="Weight" description="Maximum vehicle weight to be permitted on the route" type="numeric" values="0,1.49,2.99,3.49,4.99,7.49,9.99,14.99,19.99,39.99" valueDescriptions="-,1.5t,3t,3.5t,5t,7.5t,10t,15t,20t,40t"/>
		<parameter id="axleload" name="AxleLoad" description="Maximum axle load to be permitted on the route" type="numeric" values="0,1.49,2.99,3.49,4.99,7.49,9.99,14.99,19.99,39.99" valueDescriptions="-,1.5t,3t,3.5t,5t,7.5t,10t,15t,20t,40t"/>
		<parameter id="height" name="Height" description="Maximum vehicle height to be permitted on the route" type="numeric" values="0,1.49,1.99,2.49,2.99,3.49,3.99" valueDescriptions="-,1.5m,2m,2.5m,3m,3.5m,4m"/>

		<way attribute="access">
			<select value="-1" t="osmand_change" v="delete"/>
			<select value="-1" t="highway" v="proposed"/>
			<select value="-1" t="highway" v="construction"/>
			<select value="-1" t="construction" v="yes"/>

			<select value="-1" t="highway" v="motorway">
				<if param="avoid_motorway"/>
			<select value="-1" t="ice_road" v="yes">
				<if param="avoid_ice_roads_fords"/>
			<select value="-1" t="winter_road" v="yes">
				<if param="avoid_ice_roads_fords"/>
			<select value="-1" t="ford" v="yes">
				<if param="avoid_ice_roads_fords"/>
			<select value="-1" t="toll" v="yes">
				<if param="avoid_toll"/>
			<select value="-1" t="route" v="ferry">
				<if param="avoid_ferries"/>
			<select value="-1" t="route" v="shuttle_train">
				<if param="avoid_shuttle_train"/>
			<if param="avoid_unpaved">
				<select value="-1" t="highway" v="track"/>
				<select value="-1" t="surface" v="unpaved"/>
				<select value="-1" t="surface" v="compacted"/>
				<select value="-1" t="surface" v="dirt"/>
				<select value="-1" t="surface" v="gravel"/>
				<select value="-1" t="surface" v="fine_gravel"/>
				<select value="-1" t="surface" v="grass"/>
				<select value="-1" t="surface" v="ground"/>
				<select value="-1" t="surface" v="mud"/>
				<select value="-1" t="surface" v="pebblestone"/>
				<select value="-1" t="surface" v="sand"/>
<!--				<select value="-1" t="surface" v="wood"/>-->
				<select value="-1" t="smoothness" v="very_bad"/>
				<select value="-1" t="smoothness" v="horrible"/>
				<select value="-1" t="smoothness" v="very_horrible"/>
				<select value="-1" t="smoothness" v="impassable"/>

			<select value="-1" t="motorcar" v="no"/>
			<select value="-1" t="motorcar" v="agricultural"/>
			<select value="-1" t="motorcar" v="forestry"/>
			<select value="1"  t="motorcar" v="yes"/>
			<if param="allow_private">
				<select value="1"  t="motorcar" v="private"/>
			<select value="-1"  t="motorcar" v="private"/>
			<select value="1"  t="motorcar" v="permissive"/>
			<select value="1"  t="motorcar" v="designated"/>
			<select value="1"  t="motorcar" v="destination"/>
			<select value="1"  t="motorcar" v="customers"/>
			<select value="1"  t="motorcar" v="official"/>

			<select value="-1" t="motor_vehicle" v="no"/>
			<select value="-1" t="motor_vehicle" v="agricultural"/>
			<select value="-1" t="motor_vehicle" v="forestry"/>
			<select value="1"  t="motor_vehicle" v="yes"/>
			<if param="allow_private">
				<select value="1"  t="motor_vehicle" v="private"/>
			<select value="-1"  t="motor_vehicle" v="private"/>
			<select value="1"  t="motor_vehicle" v="permissive"/>
			<select value="1"  t="motor_vehicle" v="designated"/>
			<select value="1"  t="motor_vehicle" v="destination"/>
			<select value="1"  t="motor_vehicle" v="customers"/>
			<select value="1"  t="motor_vehicle" v="official"/>

			<select value="-1" t="vehicle" v="no"/>
			<select value="-1" t="vehicle" v="agricultural"/>
			<select value="-1" t="vehicle" v="forestry"/>
			<select value="1"  t="vehicle" v="yes"/>
			<if param="allow_private">
				<select value="1"  t="vehicle" v="private"/>
			<select value="-1"  t="vehicle" v="private"/>
			<select value="1"  t="vehicle" v="permissive"/>
			<select value="1"  t="vehicle" v="designated"/>
			<select value="1"  t="vehicle" v="destination"/>
			<select value="1"  t="vehicle" v="customers"/>

			<select value="-1" t="access" v="no"/>
			<select value="-1" t="access" v="agricultural"/>
			<select value="-1" t="access" v="forestry"/>
			<select value="-1" t="access" v="emergency"/>
			<select value="1"  t="access" v="yes"/>
			<if param="allow_private">
				<select value="1"  t="access" v="private"/>
			<select value="-1"  t="access" v="private"/>
			<select value="1"  t="access" v="permissive"/>
			<select value="1"  t="access" v="destination"/>
			<select value="1"  t="access" v="customers"/>

			<!-- introduce special tag motorcycle ! --><!-- What is special in it? It is a defined value and used in the database -->
			<!-- <select value="-1" t="motorcycle" v="no"/>-->
			<select value="-1" t="barrier" v="bollard"/>
			<select value="-1" t="barrier" v="chain"/>
			<select value="-1" t="barrier" v="debris"/>
			<select value="-1" t="barrier" v="block"/>

			<select value="-1" t="maxweight">
				<gt value1=":weight" value2="$maxweight" type="weight"/>
			<select value="-1" t="maxaxleload">
				<gt value1=":axleload" value2="$maxaxleload" type="axleload"/>
			<select value="-1" t="maxheight">
				<gt value1=":height" value2="$maxheight" type="length"/>

			<select value="1" t="highway" v="motorway"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="motorway_link"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="trunk"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="trunk_link"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="primary"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="primary_link"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="secondary"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="secondary_link"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="tertiary"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="tertiary_link"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="unclassified"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="road"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="residential"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="track"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="service"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="living_street"/>
			<select value="1" t="route" v="ferry"/>
			<select value="1" t="route" v="shuttle_train"/>
			<select value="-1"/>

		<way attribute="oneway">
			<select value="1" t="oneway" v="yes"/>
			<select value="1" t="oneway" v="1"/>
			<select value="-1" t="oneway" v="-1"/>
			<select value="1" t="roundabout"/>
			<select value="1" t="junction" v="roundabout"/>

		<way attribute="penalty_transition">
			<!-- cost in time when you change the route from motorway to primary or from primary
				 to living_street, but not other way around. Calculated as difference between values -->
			<if param="no_new_routing">
				<select value="0"/>
			<if param="short_way">
				<select value="0" t="highway" v="motorway"/>
				<select value="5" t="highway" v="motorway_link"/>
				<select value="5" t="highway" v="trunk"/>
				<select value="10" t="highway" v="trunk_link"/>
				<select value="10" t="highway" v="primary"/>
				<select value="15" t="highway" v="primary_link"/>
				<select value="15" t="highway" v="secondary"/>
				<select value="20" t="highway" v="secondary_link"/>
				<select value="20" t="highway" v="tertiary"/>
				<select value="25" t="highway" v="tertiary_link"/>
				<select value="40" t="highway" v="service"/>
				<select value="25"/>
			<select value="0" t="highway" v="motorway"/>
			<select value="10" t="highway" v="motorway_link"/>
			<select value="10" t="highway" v="trunk"/>
			<select value="15" t="highway" v="trunk_link"/>
			<select value="50" t="highway" v="primary"/>
			<select value="60" t="highway" v="primary_link"/>
			<select value="100" t="highway" v="secondary"/>
			<select value="110" t="highway" v="secondary_link"/>
			<select value="130" t="highway" v="tertiary"/>
			<select value="139" t="highway" v="tertiary_link"/>
			<select value="185" t="highway" v="residential"/>
			<select value="230" t="highway" v="service"/>
			<select value="200"/>
			<select value="" t="highway" v="road"/>
			<select value="" t="highway" v="residential"/>
			<select value="" t="highway" v="track"/>
			<select value="" t="highway" v="unclassified"/>
			<select value="" t="highway" v="service"/>
			<select value="" t="highway" v="living_street"/>
			<select value="" t="route" v="ferry"/>-->

		<way attribute="speed" type="speed">
			<!-- shortway handled internally -->
			<select value="$maxspeed:practical" t="maxspeed:practical"/>
			<select value="$maxspeed:advisory" t="maxspeed:advisory"/>
			<select value="$maxspeed" t="maxspeed"/>
			<!-- most important backbone roads -->
			<select value="110" t="highway" v="motorway"/>
			<select value="110" t="highway" v="motorway_link"/>
			<select value="100" t="highway" v="trunk"/>
			<select value="75" t="highway" v="trunk_link"/>

			<!-- generally linking larger towns -->
			<select value="65" t="highway" v="primary"/>
			<select value="50" t="highway" v="primary_link"/>
			<!-- generally linking smaller towns and villages -->
			<select value="60" t="highway" v="secondary"/>
			<select value="50" t="highway" v="secondary_link"/>
			<!-- important urban roads -->
			<select value="45" t="highway" v="tertiary"/>
			<select value="40" t="highway" v="tertiary_link"/>
			<!-- Some values of "abutters" mean the road is inside a place,
			     so cap the speed even if it is a high level road (below). -->
			<select value="30" t="abutters" v="residential"/>
			<select value="30" t="abutters" v="commercial"/>
			<select value="30" t="abutters" v="retail"/>
			<select value="30" t="abutters" v="industrial"/>
			<select value="30" t="abutters" v="mixed"/>
			<!-- roads with speeds lower than 50 and those that we want to ignore abutters
			     must be placed before the "abutters" block below. -->
			<!-- lowest form of grid network, usually 90% of urban roads -->
			<select value="35" t="highway" v="unclassified"/>
			<!-- road = no type, no review and may be not accurate -->
			<select value="35" t="highway" v="road"/>
			<select value="35" t="highway" v="residential"/>
			<select value="15" t="highway" v="track"/>

			<select value="30" t="highway" v="service"/>
			<select value="25" t="highway" v="living_street"/>
			<select value="15" t="route" v="ferry"/>
			<select value="60" t="route" v="shuttle_train"/>


		<way attribute="priority">
			<!-- not working fine -->
			<if param="prefer_motorway">
				<select value="1.2" t="highway" v="motorway"/>
				<select value="1.1" t="highway" v="motorway_link"/>
				<select value="1.2" t="highway" v="trunk"/>
				<select value="1.1" t="highway" v="trunk_link"/>
			</if> -->
			<!-- access deprioritize -->
			<select t="tracktype" v="grade5" value="0.2"/>
			<select t="motorcar" v="private" value="0.15"/>
			<select t="motorcar" v="destination" value="0.15"/>
			<select t="motorcar" v="delivery" value="0.15"/>
			<select t="motorcar" v="customers" value="0.15"/>
			<select t="motor_vehicle" v="private" value="0.15"/>
			<select t="motor_vehicle" v="destination" value="0.15"/>
			<select t="motor_vehicle" v="delivery" value="0.15"/>
			<select t="motor_vehicle" v="customers" value="0.15"/>
			<select t="vehicle" v="private" value="0.15"/>
			<select t="vehicle" v="destination" value="0.15"/>
			<select t="vehicle" v="delivery" value="0.15"/>
			<select t="vehicle" v="customers" value="0.15"/>
			<select t="access" v="private" value="0.15"/>
			<select t="access" v="destination" value="0.15"/>
			<select t="access" v="delivery" value="0.15"/>
			<select t="access" v="customers" value="0.15"/>

			<select value="0.3" t="smoothness" v="very_bad"/>
			<select value="0.15" t="smoothness" v="horrible"/>
			<select value="0.1" t="smoothness" v="very_horrible"/>
			<select value="0.05" t="smoothness" v="impassable"/>

			<select value="1.1" t="highway" v="motorway"/>
			<!-- make links slightly smaller so in connections they will not be used -->
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="motorway_link"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="trunk"/>
			<select value="0.9" t="highway" v="trunk_link"/>
			<!-- generally linking larger towns. -->
			<select value="1.0" t="highway" v="primary"/>
			<select value="0.95" t="highway" v="primary_link"/>
			<!-- generally linking smaller towns and villages -->
			<select value="0.95" t="highway" v="secondary"/>
			<select value="0.9" t="highway" v="secondary_link"/>
			<!-- important urban roads -->
			<select value="0.9" t="highway" v="tertiary"/>
			<select value="0.8" t="highway" v="tertiary_link"/>
			<!-- lowest form of grid network, usually 90% of urban roads -->
			<select value="0.7" t="highway" v="unclassified"/>
			<!-- road = no type, no review and may be not accurate -->
			<select value="0.7" t="highway" v="road"/>
			<select value="0.7" t="highway" v="residential"/>

			<select value="0.5" t="highway" v="track"/>

			<select value="0.5" t="highway" v="service"/>
			<select value="0.5" t="highway" v="living_street"/>
			<select value="1" t="route" v="ferry"/>
			<select value="1" t="route" v="shuttle_train"/>

			<select value="0.7"/>

		<point attribute="obstacle_time">
			<select value="5"  t="barrier" v="entrance"/>
			<select value="15" t="barrier" v="gate"/>
			<select value="5"  t="barrier" v="height_restrictor"/>
			<select value="15" t="barrier" v="lift_gate"/>
			<select value="30" t="barrier" v="swing_gate"/>
			<select value="25" t="barrier" v="toll_booth"/>
			<select value="25" t="barrier"/>
			<select value="10" t="traffic_calming"/>
			<select value="30" t="highway" v="traffic_signals"/>
			<select value="1"  t="crossing" v="unmarked"/>
			<select value="5"  t="crossing" v="uncontrolled"/>
			<select value="15" t="highway" v="crossing"/>
			<select value="15" t="highway" v="stop"/>
			<select value="10" t="highway" v="give_way"/>
			<select value="25" t="ford"/>

			<select value="25" t="railway" v="crossing"/>
			<select value="25" t="railway" v="level_crossing"/>

		<point attribute="obstacle">
			<if param="avoid_toll">
				<select value="-1" t="barrier" v="toll_booth"/>	
			<if param="avoid_borders">
				<select value="-1" t="barrier" v="border_control"/>

			<!-- Some barrier nodes are combined with maxheight, e.g. height_restrictor or underground parking entrances. -->
			<select value="-1" t="maxheight">
				<gt value1=":height" value2="$maxheight" type="length"/>

			<!-- If access for a car is explicitly marked, the barrier is passable,
			     with a slight penalty.
			     If no access for a car is explicitly marked, the barrier is impassable.
			     Evaluate the keys in descending order of the specificity in the access hierarchy. -->
			<select value="-1" t="motorcar" v="no"/>
			<select value="-1" t="motorcar" v="agricultural"/>
			<select value="-1" t="motorcar" v="forestry"/>
			<if param="allow_private">
				<select value="180"  t="motorcar" v="private"/>
			<select value="60"  t="motorcar" v="destination"/>
			<select value="0"  t="motorcar" v="yes"/>
			<select value="0"  t="motorcar" v="permissive"/>
			<select value="0"  t="motorcar" v="designated"/>
			<select value="0"  t="motorcar" v="customers"/>
			<select value="0"  t="motorcar" v="official"/>
			<select value="-1" t="motor_vehicle" v="no"/>
			<select value="-1" t="motor_vehicle" v="agricultural"/>
			<select value="-1" t="motor_vehicle" v="forestry"/>
			<if param="allow_private">
				<select value="180"  t="motor_vehicle" v="private"/>
			<select value="60"  t="motor_vehicle" v="destination"/>
			<select value="0"  t="motor_vehicle" v="yes"/>
			<select value="0"  t="motor_vehicle" v="permissive"/>
			<select value="0"  t="motor_vehicle" v="designated"/>
			<select value="0"  t="motor_vehicle" v="customers"/>
			<select value="0"  t="motor_vehicle" v="official"/>

			<select value="-1" t="vehicle" v="no"/>
			<select value="-1" t="vehicle" v="agricultural"/>
			<select value="-1" t="vehicle" v="forestry"/>
			<if param="allow_private">
				<select value="180"  t="vehicle" v="private"/>
			<select value="60"  t="vehicle" v="destination"/>
			<select value="0"  t="vehicle" v="yes"/>
			<select value="0"  t="vehicle" v="permissive"/>
			<select value="0"  t="vehicle" v="designated"/>
			<select value="0"  t="vehicle" v="customers"/>

			<select value="-1" t="access" v="no"/>
			<select value="-1" t="access" v="agricultural"/>
			<select value="-1" t="access" v="forestry"/>
			<if param="allow_private">
				<select value="180"  t="access" v="private"/>
			<select value="60"  t="access" v="destination"/>
			<select value="0"  t="access" v="yes"/>
			<select value="0"  t="access" v="permissive"/>
			<select value="0"  t="access" v="customers"/>
			<if param="short_way">
				<select value="0" t="barrier" v="cattle_grid"/>
				<select value="0" t="barrier" v="border_control"/>
				<select value="0" t="barrier" v="bump_gate"/>
				<select value="0" t="barrier" v="entrance"/>
				<select value="0" t="barrier" v="height_restrictor"/>
				<select value="0" t="barrier" v="sally_port"/>
				<select value="0" t="barrier" v="toll_booth"/>
				<select value="0" t="barrier" v="lift_gate"/>
				<select value="0" t="barrier" v="swing_gate"/>
				<select value="-1" t="barrier"/>
			<select value="5"   t="barrier" v="cattle_grid"/>
			<select value="300" t="barrier" v="border_control"/>
			<select value="300" t="barrier" v="bump_gate"/>
			<select value="1"   t="barrier" v="entrance"/>
			<select value="100" t="barrier" v="height_restrictor"/>
			<select value="100" t="barrier" v="sally_port"/>
			<select value="1"   t="barrier" v="toll_booth"/>
			<!-- These 2 shouldn't be allowed per the wiki (access=no is assumed) but people often do not add the proper access tags. -->
			<select value="300" t="barrier" v="lift_gate"/>
			<select value="300" t="barrier" v="swing_gate"/>
			<!-- Without explicit access marking, barriers other than the listed values above are impassable to a car. -->
			<if param="allow_private">
				<select value="300" t="barrier" v="gate"/>
			<select value="-1" t="barrier"/>

			<select value="10" t="traffic_calming"/>
			<!-- New introduction to not drive through city -->
			<select value="15" t="highway" v="traffic_signals"/>

			<select value="25" t="ford"/>

	<routingProfile name="bicycle" baseProfile="bicycle" restrictionsAware="true" minDefaultSpeed="2" maxDefaultSpeed="33"
			leftTurn="4" rightTurn="2" followSpeedLimitations="false" onewayAware="true" heuristicCoefficient="1.4">
		<!-- <attribute name="relaxNodesIfStartDistSmallCoeff" value="2.5"/>  -->
		<!-- New ROUTING API -->

<!--		<parameter id="driving_style" name="Driving style" description="Safe, fast or balanced driving" type="numeric" values="0,1,2" valueDescriptions="Safety,Balance,Speed"/>-->
<!--		<parameter id="relief_smoothness_factor" name="Relief smoothness factor" description="More plains or more hills" type="numeric" values="0,1,2" valueDescriptions="More plains,Balance,More hills"/>-->

		<parameter id="driving_style_safety" group="driving_style" name="Safety" description="" type="boolean"/>
		<parameter id="driving_style_balance" group="driving_style" name="Balance" description="" type="boolean" default="true"/>
		<parameter id="driving_style_speed" group="driving_style" name="Speed" description="" type="boolean"/>

		<parameter id="relief_smoothness_factor_more_plains" group="relief_smoothness_factor" name="More plains" description="" type="boolean"/>
		<parameter id="relief_smoothness_factor_plains" group="relief_smoothness_factor" name="Plains" description="" type="boolean" default="true"/>
		<parameter id="relief_smoothness_factor_hills" group="relief_smoothness_factor" name="Hills" description="" type="boolean"/>
		<parameter id="avoid_unpaved" name="Avoid unpaved roads" description="Avoid unpaved roads" type="boolean"/>
		<parameter id="avoid_ferries" name="Avoid ferries" description="Avoid ferries" type="boolean"/>
		<parameter id="avoid_stairs" name="Avoid stairs" description="Avoid stairs" type="boolean"/>
		<parameter id="avoid_borders" name="Avoid border crossing" description="Avoid crossing a border into another country" type="boolean"/>
		<parameter id="allow_motorway" name="Allow motorways" description="Allow motorways" type="boolean"/>
		<parameter id="height_obstacles" name="Use elevation data" description="Use terrain elevation data provided by SRTM, ASTER and EU-DEM" type="boolean"/>

		<way attribute="access">
			<select value="-1" t="osmand_change" v="delete"/>
			<select value="-1" t="highway" v="proposed"/>
			<select value="-1" t="highway" v="construction"/>
			<select value="-1" t="construction" v="yes"/>

			<if param="allow_motorway">
				<select value="-1" t="access" v="no"/>
				<select value="-1" t="access" v="private"/>
				<select value="-1" t="motorroad" v="yes"/>
				<select value="-1" t="bicycle" v="no"/>
				<select value="-1" t="vehicle" v="no"/>
				<select value="1" t="highway" v="motorway"/>
				<select value="1" t="highway" v="motorway_link"/>
				<select value="1" t="highway" v="trunk"/>
				<select value="1" t="highway" v="trunk_link"/>
			<!-- line above: I have deleted this line, it concerned motorroads.
 			These have already been excluded above (which is the right choice). -->

			<select value="-1" t="route" v="ferry">
				<if param="avoid_ferries"/>
			<select value="-1" t="highway" v="steps">
				<if param="avoid_stairs"/>
			<select value="-1" t="highway" v="motorway"/>
			<select value="-1" t="highway" v="motorway_link"/>
			<select value="-1" t="motorroad" v="yes"/>
			<!-- lines above: These lines should be moved here
			to make sure that motorways are excluded if they
			are not explicitly allowed by the user.-->
			<select value="-1" t="highway" v="elevator"/>

			<select value="-1" t="bicycle" v="no"/>
			<select value="1"  t="bicycle" v="yes"/>
			<select value="1"  t="bicycle" v="permissive"/>
			<select value="1"  t="bicycle" v="designated"/>
			<select value="1"  t="bicycle" v="destination"/>
			<select value="1"  t="bicycle" v="official"/>
			<select value="1"  t="bicycle" v="use_sidepath"/>
			<select value="1"  t="bicycle" v="dismount"/>
			<if param="driving_style_safety">
				<select value="-1" t="highway" v="trunk"/>
				<select value="-1" t="highway" v="trunk_link"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="trunk"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="trunk_link"/>
			<!-- a user indicated a trunk road in England that was a
			a necessary link. So only in safety style trunk is excluded now. -->
			<select value="-1" t="sac_scale" v="demanding_mountain_hiking"/>
			<select value="-1" t="sac_scale" v="alpine_hiking"/>
			<select value="-1" t="sac_scale" v="demanding_alpine_hiking"/>
			<select value="-1" t="sac_scale" v="difficult_alpine_hiking"/>
			<select value="-1" t="mtb:scale" v="5"/>
			<select value="-1" t="mtb:scale" v="6"/>
			<select value="1" t="vehicle" v="agricultural"/>
			<select value="1" t="vehicle" v="forestry"/>
			<select value="1"  t="vehicle" v="yes"/>
			<select value="1"  t="vehicle" v="permissive"/>
			<select value="1"  t="vehicle" v="designated"/>
			<select value="1"  t="vehicle" v="destination"/>
			<select value="-1" t="access" v="no"/>
			<select value="-1" t="access" v="private"/>
			<select value="1" t="access" v="agricultural"/>
			<select value="1" t="access" v="forestry"/>
			<select value="1"  t="access" v="yes"/>
			<select value="1"  t="access" v="permissive"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="cycleway"/>
			<select value="1" t="route_bicycle"/>
			<!-- Two lines above: These have to be before the vehicle=no command -->
			<select value="-1" t="vehicle" v="no"/>
			<select value="-1" t="crossing" v="no"/>

			<select value="1" t="highway" v="primary"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="primary_link"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="secondary"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="secondary_link"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="tertiary"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="tertiary_link"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="road"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="residential"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="unclassified"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="service"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="track"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="path"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="footway"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="living_street"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="pedestrian"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="byway"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="platform"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="services"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="bridleway"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="steps"/>
			<select value="1" t="route" v="ferry"/>
			<select value="-1"/>

		<way attribute="oneway">
			<select value="0" t="cycleway" v="opposite_lane"/>
			<select value="0" t="cycleway" v="opposite_track"/>
			<select value="0" t="cycleway" v="opposite_share_busway"/>
			<select value="0" t="cycleway" v="opposite"/>
			<select value="0" t="oneway:bicycle" v="no"/>
			<select value="1" t="oneway:bicycle" v="yes"/>
			<select value="1" t="oneway" v="yes"/>
			<select value="1" t="oneway" v="1"/>
			<select value="-1" t="oneway" v="-1"/>
			<select value="1" t="roundabout" v="yes"/>
			<select value="1" t="junction" v="roundabout"/>

		<way attribute="speed" type="speed">
			<select value="1.3" t="highway" v="steps"/>
			<select value="3" t="route"   v="ferry"/>
			<select value="6" t="bicycle" v="dismount"/>
			<if param="driving_style_speed">
				<select value="19" t="highway" v="motorway"/>
				<select value="19" t="highway" v="motorway_link"/>
				<select value="19" t="highway" v="trunk"/>
				<select value="19" t="highway" v="trunk_link"/>
				<select value="19" t="highway" v="primary"/>
				<select value="19" t="highway" v="primary_link"/>
				<select value="19" t="highway" v="secondary"/>
				<select value="19" t="highway" v="secondary_link"/>
				<select value="19" t="highway" v="tertiary"/>
				<select value="19" t="highway" v="tertiary_link"/>
				<select value="21" t="route_bicycle"/>
				<!-- Line above: Command should be moved up here, to be applied more
				often. If a residential way is marked route bicycle, this higher value will
				now apply. The same for all the categories that follow. This makes
				sense even in speed style, because if you stay away from main roads,
				you avoid traffic lights (and thus save time). So main roads will be
				avoided if there is an official cycle route nearby (should be fast). --> 
				<!-- Line above: Is there a possibility to EXCLUDE this command if avoid unpaved is set? -->
				<select value="19" t="highway" v="residential"/>
				<select value="18" t="highway" v="unclassified"/>
				<select value="33" t="highway" v="cycleway"/>
				<select value="33" t="path_bicycle_designated"/>
				<select value="28" t="bicycle" v="designated"/>
				<select value="8.5" t="highway" v="track"/>
				<select value="7" t="highway" v="footway"/>
				<select value="6" t="highway" v="path"/>
			<select value="6" t="highway" v="motorway"/>
			<select value="6" t="highway" v="motorway_link"/>
			<select value="7" t="highway" v="trunk"/>
			<select value="7" t="highway" v="trunk_link"/>

			<select value="20" t="cycleway" v="sidepath"/>
			<!-- Line above: This tag is used for cycleways along main
			roads. These need to be downgraded before the 31 kmh
			for bicycle designated are set. -->
			<ifnot param="avoid_unpaved">
				<select value="31" t="bicycle" v="designated"/>
			<!-- Lines above: This fixed value for bicycle=designated will not be applied in 
			"avoid unpaved" mode. Reason: The kmh value that we set here is fixed, it can not
			be downgraded later. Generally, it makes sense to set a fixed value here for
			bicycle=designated.  Otherwise there would be one major error: The combination of
			designated AND asphalt (frequently found ) would get a much lower value than just
			designated alone. -->

			<if param="driving_style_safety">
				<select value="7" t="highway" v="primary"/>
				<select value="7" t="highway" v="primary_link"/>
				<select value="9" t="highway" v="secondary"/>
				<select value="9" t="highway" v="secondary_link"/>
				<select value="14" t="highway" v="tertiary"/>
				<select value="14" t="highway" v="tertiary_link"/>
				<select value="18" t="highway" v="residential"/>
				<select value="24" t="highway" v="cycleway"/>
				<select value="27" t="route_bicycle"/>
				<!-- The integration of "bicycle routes" offers great possibilities.
				But still there are many examples where Osmand can even find
				a better alternative. Now, three choices  help to combine the
				strengths of the existing routing with bicycle routes:
				First, if a path, track or footway is a cycle route, it gets a big upgrade.
				Second, bicycle routes that lead over main roads are not upgraded. They
				are normally not especially safe or attractive. Example: In Berlin, one
				cycle route is on "Heerstrasse" which is not good for cycling at all. And
				for some cycle routes in Berlin and Vienna there are better alternatives.
				Third, there are even some unpaved bicycle routes. These get a downgrade
				later. And if a bicycle route has no surface tag, there is a slight risk that
				it is unpaved. Therefore, it will be downgraded a little bit. --> 
				<select value="22" t="highway" v="track"/>
				<select value="20" t="highway" v="path"/>
				<select value="19" t="highway" v="footway"/>

			<select value="10" t="highway" v="primary"/>
			<select value="10" t="highway" v="primary_link"/>
			<select value="13" t="highway" v="secondary"/>
			<select value="13" t="highway" v="secondary_link"/>
			<select value="18" t="highway" v="tertiary"/>
			<select value="18" t="highway" v="tertiary_link"/>
			<select value="25.0" t="route_bicycle"/>
			<select value="23" t="highway" v="residential"/>
			<select value="24" t="highway" v="cycleway"/>
			<select value="23" t="highway" v="unclassified"/>
			<select value="11" t="highway" v="service"/>
			<select value="22" t="highway" v="track"/>
			<select value="19" t="highway" v="path"/>
			<select value="15" t="highway" v="footway"/>
			<select value="19" t="highway" v="road"/>
			<select value="24" t="highway" v="living_street"/>
			<select value="8" t="highway" v="pedestrian"/>

			<select value="10"  t="highway" v="byway"/>
			<select value="2" t="highway" v="platform"/>
			<select value="2" t="highway" v="services"/>
			<select value="2" t="highway" v="bridleway"/>
			<select value="14.5"/>

		<way attribute="obstacle_srtm_alt_speed">
			<if param="height_obstacles">
				<gt value1="-100" value2=":incline">
					<select value="-1" t="osmand_highway_integrity_brouting_low" v="yes"/>
					<select value="-1" t="highway" v="path"/>
					<select value="-1" t="highway" v="track"/>
				<gt value1="-25" value2=":incline">
					<select value="180" t="osmand_highway_integrity_brouting_low" v="yes"/>
					<select value="180" t="highway" v="path"/>
					<select value="170" t="highway" v="track"/>
				<gt value1="-17" value2=":incline">
					<select value="150" t="osmand_highway_integrity_brouting_low" v="yes"/>
					<select value="150" t="highway" v="path"/>
					<select value="140" t="highway" v="track"/>
				<gt value1="-9" value2=":incline">
					<select value="30" t="osmand_highway_integrity_brouting_low" v="yes"/>
					<select value="30" t="highway" v="path"/>
					<select value="25" t="highway" v="track"/>
				<gt value1="-3" value2=":incline">
					<select value="2" t="osmand_highway_integrity_brouting_low" v="yes"/>
					<select value="2" t="highway" v="path"/>
					<select value="2" t="highway" v="track"/>
				<if param="relief_smoothness_factor_more_plains">
					<gt value1="3" value2=":incline">
						<select value="2"/>
					<gt value1="7" value2=":incline">
						<select value="12"/>
					<gt value1="13" value2=":incline">
						<select value="30"/>
					<gt value1="25" value2=":incline">
						<select value="50"/>
					<select value="74"/>
				<if param="relief_smoothness_factor_hills">
					<gt value1="0" value2=":incline">
						<select value="128"/>
					<gt value1="3" value2=":incline">
						<select value="64"/>
					<gt value1="7" value2=":incline">
						<select value="17"/>
					<gt value1="13" value2=":incline">
						<select value="10"/>
					<gt value1="25" value2=":incline">
						<select value="8"/>
					<select value="2"/>
				<gt value1="3" value2=":incline">
					<select value="2"/>
				<gt value1="7" value2=":incline">
					<select value="8"/>
				<gt value1="13" value2=":incline">
					<select value="16"/>
				<gt value1="25" value2=":incline">
					<select value="32"/>
				<select value="48"/>

		<way attribute="priority">
			<select value="0.1" t="bicycle" v="private"/>
			<select value="0.2" t="bicycle" v="destination"/>
<!--			<select value="0.05" t="access" v="private"/>-->
			<select value="0.3" t="indoor" v="yes"/>
			<select value="0.1" t="barrier" v="debris"/>
			<select value="0.1" t="bicycle" v="use_sidepath"/>

			<if param="avoid_unpaved">
				<select value="0.3" t="osmand_highway_integrity_brouting" v="3"/>
				<select value="0.28" t="osmand_highway_integrity_brouting" v="4"/>
				<select value="0.27" t="osmand_highway_integrity_brouting" v="5"/>
				<select value="0.25" t="osmand_highway_integrity_brouting" v="6"/>
				<select value="0.2" t="osmand_highway_integrity_brouting" v="7"/>
				<select value="0.15" t="osmand_highway_integrity_brouting" v="8"/>
				<select value="0.1" t="osmand_highway_integrity_brouting" v="9"/>
				<select value="0.05" t="osmand_highway_integrity_brouting" v="10"/>

<!--				<select value="0.4" t="tracktype" v="grade2"/>
				<select value="0.1" t="tracktype" v="grade3"/>
				<select value="0.1" t="tracktype" v="grade4"/>
				<select value="0.1" t="tracktype" v="grade5"/>
				<select value="0.1" t="surface" v="unpaved"/>
				<select value="0.4" t="surface" v="compacted"/>
				<select value="0.1" t="surface" v="dirt"/>
				<select value="0.1" t="surface" v="earth"/>
				<select value="0.1" t="surface" v="gravel"/>
				<select value="0.4" t="surface" v="fine_gravel"/>
				<select value="0.1" t="surface" v="grass"/>
				<select value="0.1" t="surface" v="ground"/>
				<select value="0.1" t="surface" v="mud"/>
				<select value="0.1" t="surface" v="pebblestone"/>
				<select value="0.1" t="surface" v="sand"/>-->
				<select value="0.1" t="mtb:scale" v="1"/>
				<select value="0.1" t="mtb:scale" v="2"/>
				<select value="0.1" t="class:bicycle:mtb" v="-1"/>
<!--				<select value="0.6" t="surface" v="wood"/>-->
			<select value="1.0" t="segregated" v="yes"/>
			<select value="1.0" t="bicycle" v="dismount"/>
			<select value="1.0" t="cycleway" v="sidepath"/>
			<select value="0.3" t="footway" v="sidewalk"/>
			<!-- Following lines: I would suggest to change
			the order, according to the following scheme:
			1.) First step: Downgrade all the ways that have a really bad
			surface (mud, grade5 etc). Those should be downgraded in any
			case (no matter if path/primary/cycleway/etc). Also, 
			"cobblestone" should already be downgraded here (otherwise,
			it would be ignored too often, for example because it is
			overruled by "bicycle=yes").
			2.) Upgrade cycle lanes and cycle tracks. Normally, those are
			paved (great), but they go along main roads, so I suggest a
			factor of 1.6/1.5 (which is already a big upgrade).
			3.) Assign a neutral factor to main roads. These are
			normally paved, but often, there is no tag for the surface:
			It makes no sense to upgrade only those main roads that just
			happen to be tagged with paved, asphalt, etc.
			4.) Upgrade all tracks, paths etc with a paved surface.
			Very important to do this before "bicycle=yes" (etc).
			Example: In parks, forests or fields, tracks are often
			tagged with bicycle=yes. But only a few tracks are tagged
			as paved. So it is important to check the "paved" first,
			so that paved / asphalt tracks gets a priority. Otherwise, 
			all tracks with bicycle=yes would be treated the same.
			5.) Only in "avoid unpaved" mode: Downgrade all paths and tracks
			now, even if they might later be marked bicycle=yes/official/etc.
			6.) Upgrade all ways that are tagged bicycle=yes/official etc.
			(this should only be done after the distinction between
			unpaved and paved/asphalt/etc )
			7.) Downgrade difficult surfaces such as sand, grass etc. 
			This is done late, because sand / grass are not necessarily
			very bad. A tag like "sand" is often put for compacted surfaces.
			So if a sand way is marked "bicycle=yes" before, it should be good.
			Accordingly, some tags that lead only to a slight upgrade are also
			put here.
			8.) Downgrade paths, tracks etc. If up to now, no surface or bicycle
			tag has been detected, the path has a certain risk of having a bad
			surface (we just do not know). To make sure, all smaller ways are
			downgraded now.-->

			<select value="0.1" t="sac_scale" v="mountain_hiking"/>
			<select value="0.9" t="class:bicycle:mtb" v="3"/>
			<select value="0.8" t="class:bicycle:mtb" v="2"/>
			<select value="0.7" t="class:bicycle:mtb" v="1"/>
			<select value="0.1" t="class:bicycle:mtb" v="-1"/>
			<select value="0.3" t="mtb:scale" v="1"/>
			<select value="0.2" t="mtb:scale" v="2"/>
			<select value="0.1" t="mtb:scale" v="3"/>
			<select value="0.05" t="mtb:scale" v="4"/>
			<select value="0.5" t="tracktype" v="grade5"/>
			<select value="0.2" t="smoothness" v="horrible"/>
			<select value="0.15" t="smoothness" v="very_horrible"/>
			<select value="0.1" t="smoothness" v="impassable"/>
			<select value="0.61" t="osmand_highway_integrity_brouting" v="5"/>
			<select value="0.4" t="osmand_highway_integrity_brouting" v="6"/>
			<select value="0.3" t="osmand_highway_integrity_brouting" v="7"/>
			<select value="0.2" t="osmand_highway_integrity_brouting" v="8"/>
			<select value="0.1" t="osmand_highway_integrity_brouting" v="9"/>
			<select value="0.05" t="osmand_highway_integrity_brouting" v="10"/>
			<select value="0.65" t="surface" v="cobblestone"/>

			<select value="1.5" t="cycleway" v="lane"/>
			<select value="1.5" t="cycleway" v="opposite_lane"/>
			<select value="1.1" t="cycleway" v="share_busway"/>
			<select value="1.6" t="cycleway" v="track"/>
			<select value="1.6" t="cycleway" v="opposite_track"/>
			<select value="0.9" t="cycleway" v="shared"/>
			<select value="0.9" t="cycleway" v="shared_lane"/>

			<select value="1.0" t="highway" v="primary"/>
			<select value="1.0" t="highway" v="secondary"/>
			<select value="1.0" t="highway" v="tertiary"/>
			<select value="1.0" t="highway" v="service"/>

			<select value="1.35" t="surface" v="asphalt"/>
			<select value="1.35" t="surface" v="paved"/>
			<select value="1.35" t="surface" v="concrete"/>
			<select value="1.30" t="surface" v="paving_stones"/>
			<select value="1.35" t="osmand_highway_integrity_brouting" v="0"/>
			<select value="1.3" t="osmand_highway_integrity_brouting" v="1"/>

			<if param="avoid_unpaved">
				<select value="0.3" t="highway" v="footway"/>
				<select value="0.3" t="highway" v="track"/>
				<select value="0.2" t="highway" v="path"/>

			<select value="1.25" t="highway" v="cycleway"/>
			<!-- I have downgraded cycleways here and upgraded their
			kmh value at the same time. First, cycleways with
			asphalt yes should get a slight upgrade (there are also
			cycleways with compacted). Second, the end value for
			cycleways should be lower than the value for paths and
			footways with bicycle designated. Cycleways are often
			along main roads, whereas the attractive ways for
			bicycles (in parks or along rivers) are normally tagged
			bicycle=designated or yes. -->

			<select value="1.8" t="bicycle" v="official"/>
			<select value="1.8" t="bicycle" v="designated"/> 
			<select value="1.3" t="bicycle" v="yes"/>
			<!-- the value for bicycle=yes needs to be smaller than the
 			values for paved and asphalt. Reason: Often you have areas with
			several paths that are tagged bicycle yes, but only some of these
			paths are also tagged paved. In that case, the paved paths should
 			get a higher priority. -->

			<select value="1.1" t="surface" v="compacted"/>
			<select value="1.1" t="surface" v="fine_gravel"/>
			<select value="1.0" t="surface" v="wood"/>
			<select value="1.1" t="osmand_highway_integrity_brouting" v="2"/>
			<select value="0.92" t="osmand_highway_integrity_brouting" v="3"/>
			<select value="0.8" t="osmand_highway_integrity_brouting" v="4"/>
			<select value="1.3" t="smoothness" v="excellent"/>
			<select value="1.0" t="smoothness" v="good"/>
			<select value="0.9" t="smoothness" v="intermediate"/>
			<select value="1.3" t="tracktype" v="grade1"/>
			<select value="1.15" t="tracktype" v="grade2"/>
			<select value="1.0" t="tracktype" v="grade3"/>
			<select value="0.7" t="tracktype" v="grade4"/>
			<select value="0.9" t="surface" v="gravel"/>
			<select value="0.8" t="surface" v="unpaved"/>
			<select value="0.8" t="smoothness" v="bad"/>
			<select value="0.50" t="surface" v="dirt"/>
			<select value="0.45" t="surface" v="sand"/>
			<select value="0.75" t="surface" v="earth"/>
			<select value="0.65" t="surface" v="grass"/>
			<select value="0.75" t="surface" v="ground"/>
			<select value="0.5" t="surface" v="mud"/>
			<select value="0.5" t="smoothness" v="very_bad"/>
			<select value="1.2" t="route_bicycle"/> 
			<!-- If a part of a bicycle route has a surface tag, it will have
			been upgraded or downgraded up to this point. The value
			1.2 here is applied to all bicycle routes with no surface tag. -->
			<select value="1.25" t="highway" v="residential"/>
			<!-- New: The factor for residential is better placed here, so that we can
			first downgrade all residential that are tagged with a bad surface.
			Overpass shows many cases of residential with sand, unpaved, etc.
			And: Even in big cities, the surface of residential is often not tagged
			at all. So residential roads that have no surface tag, now get a slightly
			lower value than those with asphalt or paved. The value of 1.25 is
			right because it should be close to the 1.35 for paved. Reason: Many 
			residential roads still have no surface tag at all. Most of them are 
			asphalt (but we do not know for sure). So, they should be downgraded
			a bit (to take into account that they might be unpaved), but not too much
			(because most of them will still be paved). -->

			<select value="1.25" t="highway" v="living_street"/>
			<select value="1.25" t="highway" v="unclassified"/>
			<select value="1.0" t="highway" v="road"/>
			<select value="0.75" t="highway" v="footway"/>
			<select value="0.7" t="highway" v="track"/>
			<select value="0.6" t="highway" v="path"/>

			<if param="driving_style_speed">
				<select value="1.4" t="highway" v="motorway"/>
				<select value="1.3" t="highway" v="motorway_link"/>
				<select value="1.4" t="highway" v="trunk"/>
				<select value="1.3" t="highway" v="trunk_link"/>
			<select value="0.5" t="highway" v="motorway"/>
			<select value="0.5" t="highway" v="motorway_link"/>
			<select value="0.5" t="highway" v="trunk"/>
			<select value="0.5" t="highway" v="trunk_link"/>


		<point attribute="obstacle_time">
			<select value="10" t="barrier" v="cycle_barrier"/>
			<select value="15"  t="barrier" v="gate"/>
			<select value="20"  t="barrier" v="lift_gate"/>
			<select value="20"  t="barrier" v="swing_gate"/>
			<select value="15"  t="barrier" v="log"/>
			<select value="5"  t="barrier"/>
			<select value="30" t="highway" v="traffic_signals"/>
			<select value="10" t="crossing" v="unmarked"/>
			<select value="5"  t="crossing" v="uncontrolled"/>
			<select value="20" t="crossing" v="traffic_signals"/>
			<select value="15" t="highway" v="stop"/>
			<select value="7"  t="highway" v="give_way"/>
			<select value="200" t="ford"/>
			<select value="25" t="railway" v="crossing"/>
			<select value="25" t="railway" v="level_crossing"/>

		<point attribute="obstacle">
			<if param="avoid_borders">
				<select value="-1" t="barrier" v="border_control"/>
			<if param="driving_style_safety">
				<select value="16" t="crossing" v="traffic_signals"/>
				<select value="16" t="crossing" v="island;traffic_signals"/>
				<select value="27" t="highway" v="traffic_signals"/>
			<!-- Lines above: These values are only a workaround. They apply until 
			one issue is resolved: The triple counting of traffic lights at main
			junctions. This can hopefully be resolved within map rendering.
			Any combination of values that we put here (into the routing.xml)
			leads to routing errors. The above is only a compromise to minimize
			those errors.-->
			<select value="9" t="crossing" v="traffic_signals"/>
			<select value="1" t="crossing" v="uncontrolled"/>
			<select value="3" t="crossing" v="unmarked"/>
			<select value="1" t="crossing" v="island"/>
			<!-- Lines above: These values should not get too high, because
			in maps, crossing=island is often combined with either two nodes
			"crossing=unmarked" or two nodes "crossing=traffic_signals".
			So, often you get triple counting here as well. And the crossing
			of a main road very often cannot get a penalty at all: Often,
			a crossing is not marked as a crossing and this makes it impossible
			to apply any penalty. So it would make no sense to just apply a high
			penalty on some cases. -->
			<select value="5" t="crossing" v="island;traffic_signals"/>
			<select value="13" t="highway" v="traffic_signals"/>
			<select value="55"  t="highway" v="steps"/>
			<select value="15"  t="bicycle" v="dismount"/>
			<select value="240" t="route" v="ferry"/>
			<select value="200" t="ford" v="yes"/>
			<select value="-1" t="bicycle" v="no"/>
			<select value="1"  t="bicycle" v="yes"/>
			<select value="1"  t="bicycle" v="permissive"/>
			<select value="1"  t="bicycle" v="designated"/>
			<select value="1"  t="bicycle" v="official"/>

			<select value="1" t="vehicle" v="no"/>
			<select value="1" t="vehicle" v="agricultural"/>
			<select value="1" t="vehicle" v="forestry"/>
			<select value="1"  t="vehicle" v="yes"/>
			<select value="1"  t="vehicle" v="permissive"/>
			<select value="1"  t="vehicle" v="designated"/>

			<select value="-1" t="access" v="no"/>
			<select value="1" t="access" v="agricultural"/>
			<select value="1" t="access" v="forestry"/>
			<select value="1"  t="access" v="yes"/>
			<select value="1"  t="access" v="permissive"/>

			<select value="-1" t="crossing" v="no"/>


		<way attribute="penalty_transition">
			<if param="driving_style_balance">
				<select value="1" t="highway" v="trunk"/>
				<select value="2" t="highway" v="trunk_link"/>
				<select value="3" t="highway" v="primary"/>
				<select value="4" t="highway" v="primary_link"/>
				<select value="6" t="highway" v="secondary"/>
				<select value="7" t="highway" v="secondary_link"/>
				<select value="20" t="highway" v="tertiary"/>
				<select value="26" t="highway" v="tertiary_link"/>
				<select value="50" t="highway" v="residential"/>
				<select value="50" t="highway" v="living_street"/>
				<select value="52" t="highway" v="service"/>
				<select value="58" t="highway" v="track"/>
				<select value="60" t="highway" v="footway"/>
				<select value="65" t="highway" v="path"/>
				<select value="70"/>
			<if param="driving_style_speed">
				<select value="3" t="highway" v="trunk"/>
				<select value="4" t="highway" v="trunk_link"/>
				<select value="7" t="highway" v="primary"/>
				<select value="8" t="highway" v="primary_link"/>
				<select value="10" t="highway" v="secondary"/>
				<select value="12" t="highway" v="secondary_link"/>
				<select value="80" t="highway" v="tertiary"/>
				<select value="51" t="highway" v="tertiary_link"/>
				<select value="52" t="highway" v="residential"/>
				<select value="52" t="highway" v="living_street"/>
				<select value="85" t="highway" v="service"/>
				<select value="86" t="highway" v="track"/>
				<select value="87" t="highway" v="footway"/>
				<select value="87" t="highway" v="path"/>
				<select value="90"/>


	<routingProfile name="pedestrian" baseProfile="pedestrian" restrictionsAware="false" minDefaultSpeed="3" maxDefaultSpeed="5"
			leftTurn="0" rightTurn="0" followSpeedLimitations="false" onewayAware="false">

		<attribute name="heuristicCoefficient" value="1.2" />
		<!-- NEW ROUTING API -->
		<parameter id="avoid_ferries" name="Avoid ferries" description="Avoid ferries" type="boolean"/>
		<parameter id="avoid_motorway" name="Avoid motorways" description="Avoid motorways" type="boolean"/>
		<parameter id="avoid_stairs" name="Avoid stairs" description="Avoid stairs" type="boolean"/>
		<parameter id="height_obstacles" name="Use elevation data" description="Use terrain elevation data provided by SRTM, ASTER and EU-DEM" type="boolean"/>

		<way attribute="access">
			<select value="-1" t="osmand_change" v="delete"/>
			<select value="-1" t="highway" v="proposed"/>
			<select value="-1" t="highway" v="construction"/>
			<select value="-1" t="construction" v="yes"/>

			<if param="avoid_motorway">
				<select value="-1" t="highway" v="motorway"/>
				<select value="-1" t="highway" v="motorway_link"/>
				<select value="-1" t="highway" v="trunk"/>
				<select value="-1" t="highway" v="trunk_link"/>
			<select value="-1" t="highway" v="steps">
				<if param="avoid_stairs"/>

			<select value="-1" t="route" v="ferry">
				<if param="avoid_ferries"/>
			<select value="-1" t="foot" v="no"/>
			<select value="1"  t="foot" v="yes"/>
			<select value="1"  t="foot" v="permissive"/>
			<select value="1"  t="foot" v="designated"/>
			<select value="1"  t="foot" v="destination"/>
			<select value="1"  t="foot" v="official"/>
			<select value="1"  t="foot" v="use_sidepath"/>

			<select value="-1" t="access" v="no"/>
			<select value="-1" t="access" v="private"/>
			<select value="1"  t="access" v="yes"/>
			<select value="1"  t="access" v="permissive"/>

			<select value="1" t="highway" v="motorway"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="motorway_link"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="trunk"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="trunk_link"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="primary"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="primary_link"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="secondary"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="secondary_link"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="tertiary"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="tertiary_link"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="road"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="residential"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="cycleway"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="unclassified"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="service"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="track"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="path"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="living_street"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="pedestrian"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="footway"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="platform"/>
			<select value="1" t="railway" v="platform"/>
			<select value="1" t="public_transport" v="platform"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="bridleway"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="steps"/>
			<select value="1" t="route" v="ferry"/>
			<select value="-1"/>

		<way attribute="oneway">

		<way attribute="speed" type="speed">
			<select value="4" t="highway" v="steps"/>
			<select value="5"/>

		<way attribute="obstacle_srtm_alt_speed">
			<if param="height_obstacles">
				<gt value1="-60" value2=":incline">
					<select value="35"/>
				<gt value1="-25" value2=":incline">
					<select value="30"/>
				<gt value1="-17" value2=":incline">
					<select value="17"/>
				<gt value1="-9" value2=":incline">
					<select value="5"/>
				<gt value1="-3" value2=":incline">
					<select value="1"/>
				<gt value1="3" value2=":incline">
					<select value="1"/>
				<gt value1="7" value2=":incline">
					<select value="4"/>
				<gt value1="13" value2=":incline">
					<select value="8"/>
				<gt value1="25" value2=":incline">
					<select value="10"/>
				<select value="15"/>

		<way attribute="priority">
			<!-- Additional tags -->
			<select value="0.05" t="foot" v="private"/>
			<select value="0.05" t="foot" v="destination"/>

			<!-- Q? access=destination should not be used foot or what is the proposed scheme
			should be 
			<select value="0.05" t="access" v="private"/>
			<select value="0.05" t="access" v="destination"/> -->

			<select value="1.2" t="sidewalk" v="yes"/>
			<select value="0.9" t="sidewalk" v="no"/>

			<select value="0.1" t="foot" v="use_sidepath"/>

			<!-- object tags -->
			<select value="0.7" t="highway" v="motorway"/>
			<select value="0.7" t="highway" v="motorway_link"/>
			<select value="0.7" t="highway" v="trunk"/>
			<select value="0.7" t="highway" v="trunk_link"/>
			<select value="0.8" t="highway" v="bridleway"/>
			<select value="0.9" t="highway" v="service"/>
			<select value="0.9" t="highway" v="primary"/>
			<select value="0.9" t="highway" v="primary_link"/>
			<select value="0.9" t="highway" v="secondary"/>
			<select value="1"   t="route"   v="ferry"/>
			<select value="1.2" t="highway" v="steps"/>
			<select value="1.2" t="highway" v="living_street"/>
			<select value="1.2" t="highway" v="pedestrian"/>
			<select value="1.2" t="highway" v="footway"/>

			<select value="1"/>

		<point attribute="obstacle_time">
			<select value="5" t="highway" v="traffic_signals"/>
			<select value="10" t="crossing" v="unmarked"/>
			<select value="5"  t="crossing" v="uncontrolled"/>
			<select value="30" t="crossing" v="traffic_signals"/>
			<select value="5" t="highway" v="crossing"/>
			<select value="5" t="ford" />
			<select value="5" t="railway" v="crossing" />
			<select value="5" t="railway" v="level_crossing"/>

		<point attribute="obstacle">
			<select value="-1" t="foot" v="no"/>
			<select value="-1"  t="foot" v="private"/>
			<select value="120"  t="foot" v="destination"/>
			<select value="0"  t="foot" v="yes"/>
			<select value="0"  t="foot" v="permissive"/>
			<select value="0"  t="foot" v="designated"/>
			<select value="0"  t="foot" v="official"/>

			<select value="-1" t="access" v="no"/>
			<select value="-1"  t="access" v="private"/>
			<select value="120"  t="access" v="destination"/>

			<select value="0"  t="access" v="yes"/>
			<select value="0"  t="access" v="permissive"/>

	<routingProfile name="geocoding" baseProfile="car" restrictionsAware="true" minDefaultSpeed="10.0" maxDefaultSpeed="10.0">
		<way attribute="access">
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="motorway"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="motorway_link"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="trunk"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="trunk_link"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="primary"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="primary_link"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="secondary"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="secondary_link"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="tertiary"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="tertiary_link"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="unclassified"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="road"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="residential"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="track"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="service"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="living_street"/>
			<select value="1" t="highway" v="pedestrian"/>
			<select value="1" t="route" v="ferry"/>
			<select value="1" t="route" v="shuttle_train"/>
			<select value="-1"/>

	<routingProfile name="boat" restrictionsAware="true" minDefaultSpeed="5.0" maxDefaultSpeed="20.0" onewayAware="true">
		<way attribute="access">
			<select value="-1" t="osmand_change" v="delete"/>
			<select value="-1" t="access" v="no"/>
			<select value="1"  t="access" v="yes"/>
			<select value="-1" t="access" v="private"/>
			<select value="-1" t="waterway" v="dam"/>
			<select value="-1" t="waterway" v="weir"/>
			<select value="-1" t="waterway" v="waterfall"/>
			<select value="1"  t="access" v="permissive"/>
			<select value="1"  t="access" v="destination"/>
			<select value="1"  t="waterway" v="river"/>
			<select value="1"  t="waterway" v="canal"/>

			<select value="-1"/>

		<way attribute="oneway">
			<select value="1" t="oneway" v="yes"/>
			<select value="1" t="oneway" v="1"/>
			<select value="-1" t="oneway" v="-1"/>

		<way attribute="speed" type="speed">
			<select value="10"  t="waterway" v="river"/>
			<select value="10"  t="waterway" v="canal"/>

		<way attribute="priority">
			<select value="1"  t="waterway" v="river"/>
			<select value="1"  t="waterway" v="canal"/>
			<select value="0.7"/>

		<point attribute="obstacle">
			<select value="-1" t="boat" v="no"/>
			<select value="-1" t="access" v="no"/>
			<select value="-1"  t="access" v="private"/>
			<select value="0"  t="access" v="yes"/>
			<select value="0"  t="access" v="permissive"/>
			<select value="0"  t="access" v="customers"/>


Извините, может кто-нибудь показать, как выглядит программа на Android Wear?

Сейчас при использовании функции «переместить курсор», после нажатия «применить» этот самый курсор исчезает…
По логике, если мне надо его двигать в интересующую точку, то значит он должен указывать на неё и выдавать какую-то информацию+позволять осуществить какие-то манипуляции (из выпадающего меню).
Версия ночная, сегодняшняя.

Похоже, что »здесь« перепутана «шильда», потому что показывает М5.

Шиль на мапнике М4, а вот опять у вас тут сервис.

Ну а тема-то про OsmAnd

Кстати, на стиле LightRS показывает правильно, на других — глюк.

Это у вас в данных перепутано: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/165064

Логично, что ОсмАнд показывает из отношения route

Вот оно чё)) Спасибо, подумать не мог такого. Будем поправлять (а виновные будут наказаны :smiley: ).

Я дико извиняюсь, но только сейчас обнаружил, что не могу найти Distance calculator & planning tool, еще осенью пользовался.
Или эта фишка теперь ограничена версией андроида?
Обидно! Чем теперь можно прогуляться по имеющемуся записанному треку по точкам? Кто-нибудь может подсказать?

Же можно анализировать трек, чего ещё?)) и точки тыкать, и добавлять/удалять. Там всё это совмещено теперь.

М-да… Знать бы еще, что теперь оно туда уехало… Разобрался, но как-то оно менее очевидно стало. Одно только “редактирование”, спрятанное под кнопкой “интервал разбиения” чего стоит. Хотя возможностей, пожалуй, даже побольше, чем было. А самое странное - перемещение точек. Не точку надо двигать, а карту вокруг нее.

Просьба добавить поддержку (для поиска) альтернативных названий с языковым префиксом (alt_name:ru и т. д.) и, если ещё не поддерживается — просто alt_name.
Зачастую у НП или рек имеется несколько разных названий в пределах одного и того же языка (и даже нескольких). В Беларуси есть вариации на белорусском и русском языках (по 2 названия на каждом, например).

Ещё поиска по name=* и brand=* в таком случае

И operator=*.

  1. Убрать в маршрутной линии дублирующие полоски-стрелки на поворотах.
  2. Сделать, чтобы поиск искал по alt_name, short_name и в поле описание (description).