Hebrew University GIS course

Edit: Rewording based on new info.

Several Hebrew University students have simultaneously started editing certain areas around Jerusalem as part of the GIS course. adibn is in charge of the course. The aim of this thread is to discuss those edits if needed, or for the new mappers to post questions or communicate with the community. It’s a communication channel that can be used when necessary.

The edits are mostly good, with some trivial typical new mapper problems. I’ve sent the below private message (or some variation of it) to all of them as of 12:00 10/1/18.

Tsuba OSMCHA monitoring here: https://goo.gl/2pZhNZ (Students/teachers: It’s also useful for you; it allows reviewing the edit history)

todo link for other areas.

(OSMCHA is BBOX based, so it might catch some edits unrelated to the course)

Private message text:

One correction: שופרסל is not a name; it’s a brand. https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:brand

As you say, name=מכולת would be wrong; it should be tagged as shop=convenience (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:shop%3Dconvenience) and if the name is unknown then there will be no “name” tag.