LULC data for vegetation and Agriculture (adding bulk data at once)

Continuing conversation with Guy Saachar and Zeev Stedller…

HAMAARAG made a new LULC (LAND COVER/LAND USE) raster layer of Israel, with categories for different kind of Vegetations, Agriculture etc. the data is new (2014-2016), high resolutions (25 meters for pixel) and quit realistic.
I’ts based on analysis of NDVI data, KKl, RATAG and other data sources.

The result is the best (open to the public) classification of forests, mediteran maquis (horesh yam tichoni), scrubs and bushes (bata sichanit/griga and bata esbonit) as well as classification for agriculture lands for field crops (gadash) and Groves/Orchards (mataim).

This data can be seen and download here:כיסוי-קרקע-2016

Techenical appendix can be found here (hebrew):

As this is an open source data, it can be wonderful to upload it to OSM :sunglasses:
To my opinion, at least as polygons for unmap areas in OSM.

Any suggestions or opinions about the idea?
Other similar projects in other countries?
What are the technical producers to make it happen?


I have a vectorized version of the Landcover layer, (which BTW will soon be uploaded to govmap).

for any technical details, you can contact me here, or at

Great!!! OSM can only import vector data…

I have a few follow-up questions:

  1. Will you be willing to upload the data to (unlike, the information on isn’t open)

  2. Was the raster data created from the vector data, or vice versa?

  3. When do you estimate the vector data can be available openly?

I don’t think we need to wait of the data to be available in govmap /, although it can be good Idea to upload it to as well (Harel…).

As for now the data is open to the public as raster (which is the origin type of the data).
Harel can pass it as vector layer just for a technical use of it for OSM.

Let consider we have it as vector data, what are the procedures to add it to OSM Database?

The vector data need not be on any server, but it has to be delivered with an appropriate license.

Let’s see the vector data and see how it looks and how does it fill the missing areas on OSM or otherwise improve OSM data.תנאי-שימוש


Bear in mind that much of the OSM data is wrong as KKL-managed areas were imported whole-sale as forests even though they might not be. So even in areas already covered we might consider replacement.

This will apply if the vector data is declared as a derived work from the published raster data.

What does the vector data do with one-pixel areas? Does it create 25mx25m square for each of them? If not, what is the minimal area size?

  1. We are working with Ya’ari Ginott of the Ministry of Environmental Protection to host the State of Nature report GIS data, i.e. it is our (Hamaarag’s) work and attribution, yet they allocate bandwidth to host these layers. As Govmap can only work with vector data, I have vectorized the layers and manipulated the attributes to comply with the vector symbology. The full dataset in raster format and accompanying symbology files should be uploaded shortly to, again, under Environmental Protection database.

  2. Raster data was created from vector data and raster data from Landsat 8

  3. Now :slight_smile: I’ll see about adding it to our website so you can refer to it more easily.

We also used KKL data to delineate planted conifer forests.

I suggest performing some aggregation or filter to get rid of 1 pixel regions of a different class. Also, a smaller file size.

Lastly, I’d like to add a caveat: Since the agriculture data came from MAPI, I don’t know how they will react to a processed, anonymized and pixelated version of their data being uploaded to OSM. We are working on mapping agriculture with a 10*10 meter resolution from remote sensing and will happily share it when it’s done. The open landscape categories are based solely on remote sensing data and can be freely added to OSM. The subcategory of planted conifer forests, if you see that it does not improve on the current map, can be merged back with the rest of the woody vegetation category it was split from.