Automated Russian import fix [old - please delete]


Sanniu seems to have accidentally created a similar thread. Further discussions should be made in the NEWER thread here: , because the post is more detailed. Mods, please remove this thread.

ХаНамаль, ХаКнессет, ХаШофтим …
Russian literature language usually do not use capital letters in the middle of the words

Consider the following patterns to use
or a little archaic

Хашофтим is usually unreadable and given that many times these names used without prefix it’s bad.
ха-Кнессет is better, I prefer to use camel case to point out that it’s not a real word, but transliteration

Sanniu seems to have accidentally created a similar thread. Further discussions should be made in the NEWER thread here: , because the post is more detailed. Mods, please remove this thread.