Όρια ταχύτητας

Καλημέρα. Δεδομένου ότι στους περισσότερους δρόμους ισχύουν γενικά όρια ταχύτητας χωρίς συγκεκριμένη σήμανση (50 χ.α.ω. μέσα στις πόλεις, 90 χ.α.ω. εκτός πόλεων, κ.λπ.), αναρωτιέμαι αν υπάρχει τρόπος να καθοριστεί αυτόματα το όριο για ολόκληρες περιοχές. Δεν έχω προσέξει να χρησιμοποιείται κάποια τέτοια μέθοδος, και μάλλον θα χρειαστεί να βάλω όριο ταχύτητας 50 χ.α.ω. σε κάθε μεμονωμένο δρόμο μέσα στην πόλη, αλλά είπα να ρωτήσω πρώτα, μήπως και γλυτώσω τον κόπο.

Yes, it is possible to tag a default speed limit:

maxspeed = 50  + maxspeed:type = GR:urban
maxspeed = 90  + maxspeed:type = GR:rural
maxspeed = 110 + maxspeed:type = GR:trunk
maxspeed = 130 + maxspeed:type = GR:motorway

Most of the time the speed limits on motorways are signed, in which case ignore “maxspeed:type = *” and go straight to “source = sign”.

To make it easier for future editors, city limits and speed limits signs should be mapped too. See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Speed_limits#Signage:

traffic_sign = maxspeed   + maxspeed = * + source = sign (for speed limit signs)
traffic_sign = city_limit + name     = * + source = sign (for settlement signs)

If oneway only on single carriageway, use:

traffic_sign:(direction) = * 
maxspeed:(direction)     = *

Source: http://www.yme.gr/imagebank/categories/KOK_pdf.pdf

Good grief; I thought I had replied to this one! I’m terribly sorry for the omission, ika-chan, and I apologise for not acknowledging your prompt and helpful reply.

It does turn out that what I had in mind doesn’t exist, but this way of marking default versus signposted speed limits is actually better. My only objection is that there seem to be two different ways of doing this, according to the wiki, and I am not prepared to pick sides just yet, especially now that I am too busy to properly examine this matter. But it’s a good start, and I thank you. I ought to make some progress on the particulars once I return to regular mapping.