Google Maps added footpaths from OSM

I believe that Google is using OSM data to add footpaths to its own maps. There have been several occasions that I have added footpaths to OSM and later, sometimes months, they appear on Google maps.

Has anyone else noticed this?

can you give us precise examples?

Yes, I mapped the footpaths here in the park and along some of the streets a few months ago and now google is showing something very similar,-0.8089548,16.25z. The footpaths seem too detailed for googles mapping standards, expically as they are on both sides of the road.

I recently added added a foothpath alongside ‘The High Street’ here but google does not show anything.,-0.8062764,17z. It will be interesting to see if it appears.

Here you can compare both maps, use the slider in the upper right corner. Doesn’t look like Google has copied OSM, there are slight differences:

Thanks, didn’t know about this site. Very useful.

As for me with Google, the jury is still out. It seems very similar. I will keep a lookout, especially with my edits.

I don’t think it’s suspicious because those paths exist and Google has mapped many (urban) footpaths elsewhere as well.