Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED

I was able to extract an area using that now shows the unpaved roads and other features I added over the past month. The responses back were very helpful!

I will keep looking for the .nl site to update their tile as they quality there is a bit higher.



When I was travelling in Europe a few months back I noticed my Garmin device with official maps was showing speed limits on all major highways and several minor ways as well. While using OSM maps on the same device (South America) I don’t get the same indication, even where I know speed limits are added. Is there a symbol that is not processed correctly, is it something forgotten/omitted in the style, or is this something mkgmap is not possible to do?

AFAIK is a limitation of the map format, because speed limit is only available in NT format, which mkgmap isn’t able to handle because the format hasn’t been reverse engeneereed yet.

Thanks for the suggestion. Managed to find a solution through MapInstall by manually selecting the un-zipped folder. What’s different these days is that the unzipped file as downloaded from is no longer in a .gmap package file that one can just double click and start the install process. I unzipped an old download and it would appear there’s a change on Mac’s system side as that old zip file also got turned into a folder than a .gmap package file.

There’s definitely a work around at present but there’s also a change to the unzip process. Just reporting in.

Thanks muralito, understand that it is mkgmap limitations for now, hope the format can be reverse engineered so this feature becomes available to us, I found it quite useful on the highways.

I think this needs to happen again. I’m not receiving the second email. I’ve tried on a half dozen different email providers over the past 3 hours and I’ve gotten nowhere! Any help would be greatly appreciated.


i didn’t get the second mail, although the request url indicated, that the request has been finished.

Below the map, the message, queue = 2 requests (~0 days), status = Disk full

could show the problem?

Greetings Dietmar aka okilimu

I also haven’t been receiving the second email. This started for me last Friday.

Missing feature: landuse=orchard and/or landuse=forest not showing on my Garmin Nüvi 50 unit with installed. I noticed it on a feature that have been tagged for several years, so it has nothing to do with map version. (landuse=forest should probably be treated equal as natural=wood, landuse=orchard can be treated as landuse=farmland or landuse=meadow if lack of symbols)

Which version did you download, generic of generic new?
landuse=forest should be rendered on both versions, maybe it is covered by another feature?
landuse=orchard is indeed missing in the generic version, but should be rendered on the generic new maps.

I use the generic, at the moment I noticed was version 30-06-2016, I have already downloaded the latest (21-07-2016?), but still not transferred to the unit.

Forests should be definitely visible unless

  • there are mapping errors (landuse covering another landuse)
  • you have mutiple maps on your device active
  • several versions of the generic map on your device?

Can you specify the location url from the website?

Couldn’t remember on the fly wether it was tagged as forest or orchard, seeing the map it IS orchard. Here is the link to the location

I have OSM Generic latest version for South America (manual build) and Garmin official Western Europe on the device. No overlap of maps.

That makes sense then, orchards were never rendered on the mkgmap default style.
I reported it and it will be on the map sooner or later, thanks for noticing!

No problem, wonder why I havn’t noticed it earlier, it is close to where I live and I pass there regularly.

is it possible to prefer an footpath for walking?
Now when there are two ways (cycle an footpath) the routing is on the cycleway with an walking profile.
is does route over footpath when there isnt an cycleway though.

No, not with the generic osm maps nor my bicycle maps. Mkgmap (the software that we use to compile those maps) does not have the knowledge how Garmins activity profiles can control the routing. Garmin does not provide any information about the source code, so it has to be done by reverse engineering. Until know only the old Garmin format is partly revealed. It is only possible if you built a map for one specific activity like walking or cycling, not both. I dont know any map that is built for walking only, sorry.

Thanks for you’re response.
this clears a lot.
Te routing is nog bad but the routing of the garmin maps is definitly better when profile is walking of hiking.
workaround is plan the route with Garmin map en then switch to a better map.

I dont know the draw priority of those garmin maps but one suggestion is to make one of the osm maps you like most, unroutable by sending the tiles to your gps with mapsource (without routing info) and select them both. This way you look at the osm map and use the underlying garmin map for routing. Maybe you will have to change the draw priority of one of the maps to make sure the OSM is shown on top. This could be done with gmaptool.

oh wow this is an great tip.
never ever thought of that.

i will try this when i am at home!