Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED

You are doing nothing wrong. The map is for day mode only. Please disable night mode and in darkness just adjust the brightness.


Thanks, I’ll keep it in day mode.
Another question. There is a section on my map with a dune, but in my Garmin etrex Legend HCx, the dunes cover all in it, including towns, train tracks and roads.
I get the dunes in all details levels on the etrex. Is there a way to hide the dunes to make everything else visible?

@Rimugu: can you give the exact location where you see this?

I am sorry, once again, are perfect and its me who is messing things up. I am sorry, but the dune thing is not an issue. Sorry and thanks

Many thanks frequent updates that helped me update not only gps but also printed version (in few selected areas in vavuniya, Sri Lanka).
I installed both oms generic routable new (LKA_11-01-2016) and also generic routable (LKA_11-01-2016). Upon zooming to vavuniya town area, there exists a water tank as well as a telecom tower both displayed correctly in the open streetmap. OSM generic ones shows the telecom tower but not the water tank (or water tower however you call it) and OSM generic new shows water tank but not the telecom tower. Is there any possibility to include both information in osm generic ones and/or osm genric new.

Telecom tower (man_made=mast) is not rendered on the generic new because in the Netherlands they are all over the place, thousands of pois are cluttering the map. About OSM generic, missing features you can request on the mkgmap-dev mailing list:

Thanks. I posted as per your suggestion. Type is file bit new for me. It will take some time for me to understand discussion over there. Is there any way I can include bus halts and pedestrian crossings with the gamin maps?

If you look in the points file you see that bus_stops are rendered:

highway=bus_stop [0x2f17 resolution 24]

Go to the corresponding typ file,
and lookup poi type 0x2f17

String1=0x04,bus stop

With the typ editor you can make another icon

highway=crossing is not rendered so you can’t add it, you have to compile your own mkgmap style.

I mapped for kuwait, but when i am downloading the map from i am getting older map. When new version will be uploaded on

The update process is broken at the moment (growing pains). I have no eta on a new map update.

Do you need some help or place when would you say what wrong?

An update is running now and seems to do well, so I expect new maps to appear at the end of this weekend.

Do you have map styles focusing on the quality of roads? There are hardly any OSM based maps that use this, especially at lower zoom levels. I just wrote a diary post about the subject, and someone suggested GPS maps might be a solution. I don’t have a Garmin myself, so really I have no idea what’s available.

There are currently no maps with styles focussing on OSM road quality on my site. Perhaps one of the other offroad oriented map providers cover that better, e.g. ?

I’m offering to consider adding a specific maptype if someone is willing to maintain the style sheet (I don’t have the expertise nor time), possibly in cooperation with this project.

Note that work is (again) underway to add an elevation contour map as well.

The Garmin generic maps only render paved vs unpaved:

Openmtb displays the grade of tracks.
Also have a look at the Freizeitkarte:

Cool, glad to hear this. Lot of people are asking for this. :slight_smile:

Shame on me: I noted the same and suggested (Well, almost volunteered) to make a night mode setup, but totally forgot…

I may be missing something, but I think the current maps do not distinguish between intermittent and perennial waterways? This is a really useful thing to distinguish. I gather it can be done with a suitable rule in the style file used for your conversions. Something like:

waterway=river [0x1f resolution 18 continue]
waterway=stream [0x18 resolution 19 continue]
waterway=river & intermittent=yes [0x26 resolution 20]
waterway=stream & intermittent=yes [0x10A02 resolution 20]

This is based on advice received at:

Suitable typ file settings for the corresponding object types might be:

river [0x1f] two rows thick blue line
stream [0x18 one row thin blue line
intermittent river [0x26] two rows thick dashed blue line
intermittent stream [0x10A02] one row thin dashed blue line

Of course (if you use these hex codes to distinguish waterways tagged as intermittent in OSM) the resulting map users can choose to modify their own typ files, or use the garmin default which will render a similar appearance of waterways (as these are default hex codes for garmin).

Moreton, are you able to post examples of how your Mkgmaps look with your suggested typ file amendments in a typical area with those types of waterway?

And please post a direct link to the area where we can find such features