mkgmap include name or symbol of hiking paths Etrex10

Dear All,

I like to create a map for my Etrex10 as described

I like to add the names of the hiking pathes in this map such us
X9, X12, A10 etc. like shown in paper maps.

Further I red the style manual and try really hard to archiev this but without success :frowning:

In my style file I used in “lines”:

highway=track | highway=footway | highway=path [0x0a resolution 22]
highway=service [0x07 resolution 16]
highway=tertiary [0x07 resolution 16]
highway=secondary [0x07 resolution 16]

I habe no idea where to start.

Could you help me ?

Kind regards


Your hiking routes must be defined in relations as they are parsed first.

check out the default relation file ie

& (route=bus|route=trolleybus|route=ferry|route=subway|route=train|route=tram)
& (ref=* | name=*)
add ref=‘${name}’; # if ref is missing, use name
etc etc

Now,replace say ‘bus’ with ‘hiking’ , ‘trolleybus’ with ‘foot’ and drop the other routes

then in lines

ref=* & highway=* {name ‘${ref|highway-symbol:oval}’

this adds a shield

The key point is :
when its parsing the lines file it checks to see if refs are set
if it is set then give the highway a shield with the ref

You may want to add a different symbol (POi) for a different route
The following gives routes with ref DHW a different symbol
in relations add

type=route & (route=hiking | route=foot) & ref = ‘DHW’ {apply { add dhw=yes}set listed=yes}

then in pois

mkgmap:line2poi=true & mkgmap:line2poitype=start & dhw=yes

	[0x331E level 0  ]

This is just the beginning : ie
a) you can give different routes different colours
b) when a red route and blue route are shared you can can create a red/blue line etc
c) You can change the shield color in your TYP file
d) You can devise a routine which automatically applies different refs to different routes
e) You can even add a color for unknown routes, or routes without refs

There is some info on - see styles 3 pdf


thanks for your posting.
I copied the relations file into my folder and changed the related arguments.
Now it look like this:

(type=boundary | type=multipolygon) & boundary=administrative & name=*
{ apply
set mkgmap:boundary_name=‘$(mkgmap:boundary_name)/${name}’ | ‘${name}’;

European E-Road network

route=road & network=e-road { apply { add ref=‘${ref}’; add int_ref=‘${int_ref}’; add network=‘e-road’ } }

Public transportation routes.

We could want to sort the matching relations by ref first.

& (route=hiking|route=foot)
& (ref=* | name=*)
add ref=‘${name}’; # if ref is missing, use name

Append the ref of the route relation to the route_ref attribute of

apply { # node role ~ ‘(start_|end_)stop’
set route_ref=‘$(route_ref);${ref|not-contained:;:route_ref}’ | ‘$(route_ref)’ | '${ref}
# …

set mkgmap:relref='${ref}';

apply role=passengers {
  set route_ref='$(route_ref),${mkgmap:relref}' | '${mkgmap:relref}';

delete mkgmap:relref;


We could want to copy the route relation name to unnamed route=ferry ways.

apply way { add name=‘${name}’ }


My lines:

highway=track |highway=footway|highway=path [0x0a resolution 22]
highway=service [0x07 resolution 16]
highway=tertiary [0x07 resolution 16]
highway=secondary [0x07 resolution 16]
ref=* & highway=* {name ‘${ref|highway-symbol:oval}’

I rendered with:

mkgmap --latin1 --route --name-tag-list=name:de --description=“OSM Karte” --family-id=9999 --gmapsupp 6*.osm.pbf e10.TXT

But I don’t see a hiking sign …

Kind regards



ref=* & highway=* {name ‘${ref|highway-symbol:oval}’ # this must appear before the rest !
highway=track |highway=footway|highway=path [0x0a resolution 22]
highway=service [0x07 resolution 16]
highway=tertiary [0x07 resolution 16]
highway=secondary [0x07 resolution 16]