in deutsch

anmerkungen von mir:

die Hauptkategorien obenlinks sollten auch in deutsch geschrieben sein;
wenn man in einer kategorie was ausgewählt hat und was aus einer anderen kategorie dazu schalten will sollte das erste nicht verschwinden;
der deutsche layer sollte als standard rein; luftbild layer (bing?) wäre auch cool;
der inhalt des pop-up fensters auch eingedeutscht, und nur das wichtigste angezeigt, zb. building=yes ist unnötig.

nett wie sich das alles entwickelt :slight_smile:

I updated the two files with the suggestions above.

I would like to see some more transportation related options besides bus stops: train stations (Bahnhof), subway (U-Bahn), tram (Tram).

Just a tine weeny suggestion: the days of app specific translation solutions have long long gone.

I would suggest going with one of the common translation file formats, or if this is mainly JS stuff with transifex live (which we have used for the website).

If you want, I can create a project in the openstreetmap organisation on transifex, which has the added advantage that you can profit from the “translation memory” of the other projects which in general should lead to more consitent translations over all the projects.



I’m well aware of that Simon, but the development of (and reactions to) openpoimap is going faster than I ever expected it to go!

I started an account on transifex.

I’m aware of this bug that has something to do do with the Mapnik layer. It doesn’t happen with the other layers.
I’m working on it.

I will incorporate your changes in a next version.
I deliberately did not include train stations because they are already included on the standard rendering. My first goal with openpoimap is to show what is not visible on the standard layer.

Recently the rendering of many icons on the standard rendering has improved and is greatly enhanced, but those icons are static (you cannot click on them). Therefor it would make sense to also include the other stops you suggest. I’ll have them on my to-do list! :sunglasses:

Of course! I’m waiting for the correct translation!

Currently that is not possible but may not be desirable either as it would lead to overcrowded maps full of icons.
If you really need it, you can use the User Pois to get the result you want.
(But I agree immediately that that is a developer point of view) :slight_smile:

Again, of course, it should be in German as much as possible but given the fact that shop=bakery also has to be used for German mappers I prefer to show as much as possible of what the tags really look like.
And because the tool is also a tool for mappers (as oposed to users), I would like to show as much detail as possible.

When mapping City/Town/Village/Hamlet, OPM uses the letters C/T/V/H to match that choice. See below:

In German it would be better to change that to coincide with the German translation and use S/O/D/S.
The colors used are clear enough to show the distinction between Stadt and Siedlung.
Do you agree with that choice?

Ich würde die Buchstaben in den Markern nicht ändern.

C ity ist doch auch schon “deutsch” und vieles englisches ist auch “eingedeutscht”. Da ist das bei den einzelnen Buchstaben nur als Unterscheidung - zusätzlich zu den Farben - erst recht möglich.

EDIT: Was ich vermisse ist suburb - Stadtteil. Ist m.E. wichtiger als hamlet - “Siedlung”

New version (1.1++) with some changes and some additions is out now.

I added “Stadtteil”:

Fixed that one also:

I also changed the starting page to zoom more in on Germany. Reflecting that this is a German version. Is that a good idea?

Hi , I’ve tried to find the opm-de-menu.png file for translation. Can you please point me to the location because I can’t find it. Anything else left for translation?

Because of a changed DropBox linking scheme the pictures were missing from my earlier posts. I fixed that.
Please also read the earlier posts in this topic to see the correct way of translating for OpenPoiMap.

Noch etwas wichtiges vermisse ich leisure=playground (Spielplatz) - vielleicht demnächst möglich?

Still something important missing me leisure = playground (Spielplatz) - perhaps soon possible?

unfortunately I couldn’t find the opm-de-menu.png file.
I’ve found
Post #6 - download from Github
Post #9 - 2 Files, but it looks like they are already translated.

Is there anything else to translate apart from the below? I’ve looked, but everything looks ok now.

I’ve translated the instructions for user POIs

I’ve also translated this, but if I can put this in a file if needed be. I’d appreciate your help in finding that file.

You’re correct. That part is now fully translated.

Thanks, I’ll start working on getting that to work.

No, there is no file for that, I shall put it into place.

Just give me a few days!

I will include it.

Thank you!

Version 1.3 is now available.
Please check if the requested changes and translations are there.
You maybe should clear the cache of your browser to see the changes.
I have added the leisure=playground to “Verschiedenes”.

Can the Buttons also be translated?
There is small typo - “Tourismus” (upper, left hand corner)

I’ll fix the typo and the buttons tomorrow!