[sorry for english] Street type chaos near Fortaleza

Hello dear colleagues,

someone on the german OSM forum noticed some rather…special mapping at http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=16/-3.7294/-38.6548 . We are almost certain that this (all those secondarys in the middle of a town) can’t be right. But naturally we are not there to check this. So could some of you have a look at it?

Thanks a lot,

Yes, that can’t possibly be right.

Sim, isto não faz sentido aqui no Brasil.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, we’ll have a look at this.

Olá pessoal, vou organizar a classificação das via do município de Caucaia.

Narcélio, o problemo nao e limitado ao Caucaia, também centro do Fortaleza e o volta do Feijó mostrando mesmo.