Tag overflow! Where are my tags? Testing requested!

I rewrote the helpfile so that it now describes the current version.


In Taglocator version bèta 0.5b I introduced icons instead of colored circles.
You’ll find it here:


Bèta 0.6b has a much faster response time when clicking on the map as well as a much improved layout for the popup screen:

Taglocator is here:

Hello Marc, it is very impressive to see your rapid development work about Taglocator.

With some luck it will be mentioned in the next edition of the weekly OSM news blog …

So what about having an own page about Taglocator in the OSM wiki?

That’ s a very good idea which makes it easier to maintain than the current helpfile!
Thanks for the idea, I’ll start working on it tomorrow. I shall include the link to it in taglocator itself.

Taglocator is now in the OSM wiki:

Great! Good work!

Now we can add some interwiki links to other wiki pages that link to Taglocator, so that users can find it when browsing generally in the OSM wiki.

Will try on my own, but lack of time in these days …

In the most recent version (0.7b++) the limitation for the user-pois is removed. You can search for any key=value combination!

Finding fixme’s!
Another use for taglocator:

To find them, go to the User POIs and enter fixme as the only thing to look for. Press show. Ready!
There are many things to fix!!

And yet another way to use Taglocator.
Finding something which contains at least 2 given keys?
Enter the keys like so:

Here I used shop][tourism[/b].

And now a more complex example.
A wheelchair accessible bookshop with website and telephone.
Enter all terms on one line:
Note that the listing on the right is too narrow to show the full line, but it works!

The text you enter in the User POIs field will be copied directly to the overpass query, hence anything that is valid code there, is also valid code here. This makes it possible to set up a query that specifically ommits a key, like so:
will show you all the bookstores that have NO phone listing! You can learn much more here: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_API/Language_Guide
Here is the example in New York:

Version 0.8b+++ some additions: (in the Various layer)
Finding all things to fix:

Finding all bus-stops: (Below is Madrid!)

Finding all images:

In addition also the City, Town or Village tags can be found easily.

Version 0.9

Taglocator name change: I now call it OpenPoiMap.
Some changes in the layout and ordering of some layers.
Also added the option to find public cameras (surveillance:type=camera)

Added another useful tag: office.

At the botton of the popup you see this (when you clicked the views and editors button):

If you choose the JOSM editor, it will open with the object that you clicked preselected in JOSM!

Also the button now remembers its state: if it shows hide it will do so for every subsequent poi you click until you click that button itself. It then shows: views and editors. Which is the default state.

The layout in the popup window now has all the main keys (amenity, tourism, sport etc.) at the top:

Be sure to read the wiki!

Now available under its own domain-name!:


Now version 1.01

Every key is now an active link to its wiki page!
In the picture above, if you click on ref, it brings you to this page:
All clickable links are red underlined if you hover-over.

Version 1.03.

A number of layeritems were added.
Minor adjustments behind the scenes.

Also the popupwindow now will adjust its size according to content.



This is also true for the area below the table.
The Views and Editors button grows the popup.


Here is an overview of all the layers available:

Please note that by means of the User Pois, any key:value pair can be selected to show on the map.

Version 1.05

1. Added the possibility in the User Pois to search for a tag that is within a given distance from another tag.
2. Added e-bike charging
3. Added highway=construction

Reordered some of the other tags to keep everything within one screen.

OpenPoiMap is here: http://openpoimap.org

Version 1.06

You can now zoom in by dragging a rectangle with shift/mouse around the area of your choice.
Also the “search with nominatim” is now just a simple input field without that label. Most people don’t even know what “nominatim” stands for…

The javascript libraries are now compacted which should give faster startup times.

Version 1.08 is online.

Added choices for the note field (in the Various layer) so that you can now search fot notes on a node or and/or notes on a way.

Also minor bug fixes and improvements to the innerworkings have been carried out.

Openpoimap is here: http://openpoimap.org