Paths That Aren't 'Official' Public Footpaths or Bridleways

I’m new to this but having discovered that my immediate area has had very little surveying done on it I decided to have a go. I’ve surveyed, drawn and tagged most of the public footpaths and bridleways and a few permissive ones in our local woods here in Hertfordshire but I’m unsure if I should be adding any of the dozens of other paths that exist. These paths have all been constantly in use for at least 20 years to my knowledge but should they appear on OpenStreetMap and, if so, should the tags reflect the fact that they aren’t “offical” Public footpaths ?

Any help or guidance would be appreciated !

Yes, if there is no legal reason (privat property aso.), the way should be mapped. Of course with the appropriate tag like highway=path ( and perhaps the surface informations ( to estimate path conditions.

Also the designation tag, which I have to warn you is a bit controversial, can allow you to distinguish public footpaths from other paths.

Thanks to you both for your guidance.
I’ll get my boots on and get to work !