Routing website using Gosmore routing engine


Thank you for the quick reply. We played with the “lang” setting in our queries and saw how the distance unit changed according to the “lang” parameter. However, we notice that the total travel distance value of the route remains the same for en_GB and en_US. So if the travel distance was 1.5 miles in en_US, it will be 1.5 kilometers in en_GB. We can make the km/mile conversion on our side, but how do we know which value is correct, 1.5 mile (based on en_US) or 1.5 km (based on en_GB)?


FYI in Britain they also use miles. You might try Canada or Australia.

That’s a good observation! The total distance is calculated by a geography class (I could just take the value from Gosmore but don’t) and is always metric (km).

I’ve updated the documentation of the parameters in the wiki which will hopefully prevent confusion for future new API users.

The RoutingInstructions applications clearly returns metric units for en_GB (and also for en_CA and en_AU).

Wikipedia says about Brittain:


Is service supported yet?
Some bug report. Permalink to built route quite broken.
For example I have built route, it displayed correct, then I go to permalink and see:
Seems like site provide two possible routes, first one is for car and second is for bicycle. After pushing to “Find route” button site displays only route for bicycle, correct.

Thank you for your service!

Feature request: I’d like to have a way to set my default location/zoom level. Every time I open it shows the world map, I always have to search for my location (the “share location” function doesn’t work; not sure why but it seems to be an ISP level issue as no other service can get my location reliably).

Any way to have this done? In my case specifically to set it to show Hong Kong.

Does anyone know of an open source routing api to use with a GPS tracking software. Friend at is interested in routing solutions but its almost all american users. I see a bunch of web based ones like etc but needs an API.

YOURS ( has an open API that is used quite a lot by GPS tracking software. Documentation is here

Today I was making a route for moped. Control.

But the route proposal took the main road. fastest

On the main road, I set a moped=no 28-1-2014

The map data you used is from: Routing data from planet file: 2014-03-05

Route problem.
Moped must use the way next to the main road.


My mistake not hit find route by switch to moped.
Now he make a other turn.
Now taken a small part of motor_vehicle=no

and de permalink
made this

Routing database has been updated. Usage of is slowly increasing: on some days it handles more then 550.000 unique route requests.

Edit September 8th: Some users informed me about a problem with some empty routing results. This is the result of a problem with one of the servers that handles route requests for Eurasia/Africa. This has now been fixed, I’m sorry for any inconvenience.

Linked some friends to yournavigation. They noticed a bug and figured out how to reproduce it: do another route request before the old one returned/completed.

They then took this to the next level :stuck_out_tongue:
A couple creations:

I guess the easy fix is to check in Javascript whether a newer request already returned before showing the result of a random request. And clearing the map when the result returns instead of just when the request is made. Or we consider it art and leave it be :stuck_out_tongue:

Pretty images :slight_smile:

Looks like lightning, including green and red sprites!


A small maintenance announcement. Tomorrow we will upgrade the Dutch OpenStreetMap infrastructure with a bit more recent hardware. This basically implies the existing yours server will be removed from the rack and there should be some DNS remapping done. While I can promise the new infrastructure will most likely be powered on at 11:00 CET, it is unlikely that yours will be running before Friday, main reason being: I could not get a hold of Lambertus in the last days.


The API @ is still down. Do you have an indication on when it’s back online? Thanks

For that to happen I need the help from Lambertus…

Hi all

Any news when the API is available again? Still all services are down :frowning:

Best regards

This is very unfortunate…

Long story short:
The webfrontend ( runs on a sponsored server, organised by the local (Dutch) OSM community.

I went on holiday, an email came in asking me to organise things so that a new infrastructure could be installed. A new infrastructure got installed and the old server removed. Then I came back from holiday, big surprise, lot’s of panic mails in my inbox.

I’ve got copies from the old server and trying to get access to the new one. Unfortunately the one person who organises this does not have time. I don’t know when everything will be back.

I’m afraid the timing and organisation of this hardware upgrade is poorly planned.

Ok, a new server is now hosting the yournavigation website. You can visit it at while I figure out how the change the DNS for

DNS is fixed as is the webserver config, so everything is working again.