Floods in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

There are huge floods in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina and that part of region.
Some say largest in last 120 years.

Few guys created http://www.poplave.rs/ which is used to help with the coordination.
They use OSM as background maps, and some places are not mapped as they should be.

There is a topic at http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=25476

I aksed local mappers to mark the area for creating a task at http://tasks.hotosm.org/

Check their forum topic for updates.

Sremska Mitrovica:




More info at: http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=25476

We are asking for international humanitarian HELP!

We have been hit by the worst floods in the history of any recorded data in this area. And the data has been gathered for 120 years.
Many countries have sent humanitarian aid, search and rescue teams, pumping equipment…
Our electricity supply has also been endangered as one of the largest power plants has been disconnected from the grid because it is flooded.
Almost all hydro power plants are running on reduced capacity because they have to release all the accumulated water in order to make room for the water waves coming from flooded areas.
If you can donate any money by wire transfer or PayPal, here is the official government flood relief website:

You can also help us by mapping Serbia and the region.
Here you can find the most critical areas which have been recognized by Humanitarian OpenStreetMap:
Keep an eye on this list as this does not incorporate all flooded areas, and people are still being evacuated.
OSM is used as the base map for coordinating evacuation and rescue in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina:
Here is the forum topic where we discuss this subject: