Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED

See and let Javawa know if you know more map ID’'s.

My suggestion for using 20+iso country code for a unique generic map FID per country could only collide for an Antartica map :wink: and My Openfietsmap Light (FID=20010)


Ik ben een beetje confuus: wat is precies het vershil tussen de kaart op
en de kaart op

Een van de verschillen is blijkbaar dat de opnefietsmap geen busstops bevat.
Waarom worden die niet meegenomen?
En gedurende welke stap in de map-making procedure worden die eruit gesloopt?

Hartelijke groet,

Sorry: didn’t notice in time that the language is english.


OpenFietsMap Lite is great for cycling with older gps-es like Edge 705 (which is quite much used).
If this one is replaced by the full version it’s not available in a larger area version anymore I suppose?
That would really be pity.
Or will the old Europe version be refreshed?

@Peter - cyclist normally dont use buses so I skipped them :wink:
@GRI the old Europe will be replaced in a few days - I have to finish the documentation on my website first with some pretty screenshots :sunglasses:

I understand. But hey, I’m a hiker and apparently abusing your map :slight_smile:
How easy is it for me to modify your procedures to get them in again?

In Switzerland the Post Buses are equipped with bike racks … so I guess that cyclists do use them :slight_smile:

I actually removed them because they cluttered the map. Especially when people were importing them massively from several sources so there where double pois for one bus stop. I noticed that since the new license a lot of them have been deleted so maybe I can bring them back on the map. We will see, I can make them almost invisible or a very small dot? If they are searchable and editable with the typ file, its ok with me.

Yes, a small dot.
Same for railway stations (maybe as a small rectangle like on other maps)
That would be nice!

Railway stations were always rendered, but in the latest Basecamp releases they are rendered only at a very high zoomlevel. It looks like garmin hate trains, because they seem to ignore railways in their own maps too… :open_mouth:

In Mapsource you can set the display of pois on “on” instead of “automatic”, to render railway stations earlier on the map.

There is a new version available: :sunglasses:

GRi, can you test this map and see if it works on your Edge?

I have loaded W and N2 in Mapsource. Will check the Edge in a few days.
Searching in Mapsource works allright in W, however not in N2. It does find the places in the country in the upper area of the search window, however pressing find doesn’t yield any results on the map.

Do you look for a particular place in Norway perhaps?

It looks like there is something wrong in the OSM boundary data, if you search Oslo, Mapsource can find it without specifying the country, but not if you specify Norway.
If I search Stockholm, SWE then I could find it.

I searched for several places, none of them found. But all of them with Norway specified yes.
Without, it can find everything indeed.

Denmark is ok as well.

Done :sunglasses:

I’d love to see this—I currently switch back and forth between an official Garmin map (which has good elevation data but awful trail/road data) and OSM, depending on where I am, and having a unified map would be fantastic.

@Ligfietser: The EU card works fine on the Edge 705, even adress search (NL). Had a hard time to find my adress as it seems the villages are part of the Towns in The Netherlands.


Hi Bert,
Can’t you find your address in Mapsource or Basecamp too? Because this should work since Sebastic has imported all place boundaries (woonplaatsgrenzen) in the Netherlands recently and they should be complete in the Europe map as well. Dont know if this is a Edge problem or a general issue.

Hi all,

I just used to create small maps that fit in the internal memory of my Garmin Oregon 450. This speeds up its map display dramatically - I used OSM Freizeitkarte ( before, which has to be saved on the SD card because it’s too large to fit into the internal memory.

Works pretty well, but I noticed that all Umlauts in city, steet etc. names get lost (ö → o, ä → a etc.). Is there anything I can do about that? Umlauts work fine in OSM Freizeitkarte.

Thank you in advance!

Best wishes,


Good question, I think it has to do with the codepage options that Lambertus uses?
Another question for Lambertus, why are the typ files not updated?
It is important that every time I update the style files, the typ files are updated as well.
Dont know if your scripts automatically load the latest versions?