Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED

Family ID in range 1 - 3000 is already used by commercial maps. Better use bigger values to avoid conflicts.

Are you still updating the traditional style?
I use these maps on my Oregon 550t and the new mapstyle hides alot of information (like abandoned railway beds) and they are important in an outdoor unit.

I hope the old stle has not been dropped yet

Yes, I’m still updating the original but it failed the last two updates. Please add feature requests for the new style sheet to this topic.

I’ve been discussing with ligfietser about the future of the generic map and how the new stylesheet fits into the picture. So far we agreed on the following:

  • The original generic map will continue as a generic light map (no buildings, fewer landuses, small tiles) for those who either need small tiles (old GPS devices) or a very large area.
  • The new generic map will become the normal generic map which looks good and has the most features and larger tiles.
  • The OpenFietsMap Lite may be replaced by the full OpenFietsMap map.

Additionally we’re discussing adding altitude profiles to the generic and OpenFietsMap map by default with global coverage (starting with Europe and perhaps North America).

I’m interested in what all of you think of these ideas.

If you notice some features that are missing in the new style, please report it in this topic:

It is correct that I removed abandoned railways from the new map because it was rendered as “path” and it shouldnt.
If the former track is now in use as a path, it must be added on osm as highway=path, footway, cycleway etc
If there is nothing, it should not render on the map as ‘highway’

I am thrilled as well Lambertus. Brilliant man who deserves enormous thanks from us freekies. I am English but live in France where many properties do not have numbers or street names. My road had ten houses with the same non address. Now all communes are having to give names to roads and numbers to properties for practical and emergency reasons. I have done all the roads in Chazelles, Charente and gradually adding the numbers. Mind you I do get some twitching curtains.

Ha! Yes, I know about that, it feels a bit funny taking notes while staring at houses looking for housenumbers knowing that the occupants and others are staring at you at the same time. Worse, I’ve once been chased off a trailer park by fat guys in trainers who didn’t like my inquisitiveness. Luckily I can cycle faster then they can run… :confused:

Have fun!

Rehash from earlier post:
I’ve been discussing with ligfietser about the future of the generic map and how the new stylesheet fits into the picture. So far we agreed on the following:

  • The original generic map will continue as a generic light map (no buildings, fewer landuses, small tiles) for those who either need small tiles (old GPS devices) or a very large area.
  • The new generic map will become the normal generic map which looks good and has the most features and larger tiles.
  • The OpenFietsMap Lite may be replaced by the full OpenFietsMap map.

Additionally we’re discussing adding altitude profiles to the generic and OpenFietsMap map by default with global coverage (starting with Europe and perhaps North America).

I’m interested in what all of you think of these ideas.

Do you mean contour lines? If so, that would be great. Very useful for walking, cycling etc, with either the generic map or OpenFietsMap.

Yes :slight_smile:

Maybe make it possibe to install several mapsets?

We could think of using the ISO 3166 country code for each country mapset in the family ID.
For instance the FID for the generic map for the Netherlands will be 20528.
Suggestion for the Family name will be OSM_Generic(NLD), the series name (which is displayed in the map list in Mapsource) will be OSM_Generic(NLD_2013-03-17)? The new style generic will get 21xxx and the Family name OSM_Topo(NLD)?

For the custom mapsets maybe just OSM_Generic with a fixed FID?

See and let Javawa know if you know more map ID’'s.

My suggestion for using 20+iso country code for a unique generic map FID per country could only collide for an Antartica map :wink: and My Openfietsmap Light (FID=20010)


Ik ben een beetje confuus: wat is precies het vershil tussen de kaart op
en de kaart op

Een van de verschillen is blijkbaar dat de opnefietsmap geen busstops bevat.
Waarom worden die niet meegenomen?
En gedurende welke stap in de map-making procedure worden die eruit gesloopt?

Hartelijke groet,

Sorry: didn’t notice in time that the language is english.


OpenFietsMap Lite is great for cycling with older gps-es like Edge 705 (which is quite much used).
If this one is replaced by the full version it’s not available in a larger area version anymore I suppose?
That would really be pity.
Or will the old Europe version be refreshed?

@Peter - cyclist normally dont use buses so I skipped them :wink:
@GRI the old Europe will be replaced in a few days - I have to finish the documentation on my website first with some pretty screenshots :sunglasses:

I understand. But hey, I’m a hiker and apparently abusing your map :slight_smile:
How easy is it for me to modify your procedures to get them in again?

In Switzerland the Post Buses are equipped with bike racks … so I guess that cyclists do use them :slight_smile:

I actually removed them because they cluttered the map. Especially when people were importing them massively from several sources so there where double pois for one bus stop. I noticed that since the new license a lot of them have been deleted so maybe I can bring them back on the map. We will see, I can make them almost invisible or a very small dot? If they are searchable and editable with the typ file, its ok with me.

Yes, a small dot.
Same for railway stations (maybe as a small rectangle like on other maps)
That would be nice!

Railway stations were always rendered, but in the latest Basecamp releases they are rendered only at a very high zoomlevel. It looks like garmin hate trains, because they seem to ignore railways in their own maps too… :open_mouth:

In Mapsource you can set the display of pois on “on” instead of “automatic”, to render railway stations earlier on the map.

There is a new version available: :sunglasses:

GRi, can you test this map and see if it works on your Edge?