Convert to android

I am a new user of openstreetmaps, I did some changes, and today I have downloaded this file “south_africa_and_lesotho.osm.bz2”

How do I convert it to work on my android galaxy S I phone.

Thank You

You cannot use raw OSM data simply on your phone.

Have a look at and try some apps!

When these apps try to load map data from any server, be sure to have a WLAN connection instead a UMTS connection, because converted map files can be still very big.

I am using Navfree, did download maps, but I make some changes on openstreetmaps, and did downlad the osm file, I want to know how can I use the osm file in navfree, or how to convert it to work with navfree

That is a matter of the Navfree guys!

Ask them how often they produce their map files that you can download … or ask whether a converter for own use is available, similar to OsmAnd Mapcreator.

Also have a look at and do a search there for Navfree … there are several topics about it!