Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED

Contours are not included.
You can’t download the mapsource installer openfietsmap_lite_mapsource.exe to install the map?
I don’t know where you have found a Dutch readme file?
Typ file with names should work (as long as it doesn’t exceed 8 characters or digits).

You can find more about the instructions how to use the map at

If contours aren’t included, its showing correctly.
The installer worked fine.
The Dutch ReadMe was from an old download I left on my computer.
It showed up in a search and I thought it was with the Lite download. Sorry for the confusion.
Too bad about the contours. I was hoping you guys had figured a way to blend in SRTM on demand.

Contours are not included (yet).

Don’t take the (yet) as: that I will add it later for sure. I’m not.
I will take it under consideration only

  1. if there is a (scriptable) method of retrieving and splitting and handling the whole planet and
  2. if I can find the storage space to host it. This is probably not a real problem.

Where did you find the Dutch readme file?

Correct. I think it will be better to move to a numerical one.

You shouldn’t if you previously had not needed it for the generic routable map. Why do you ask?

/me just back from an exhausting MTB training trip :confused:

Edit: Ah, we’ve got crossing posts.

I’m hoping someone will find figure it out too :slight_smile:

Lambertus, maybe take the FID for the name of the typ file: 20011.typ
About contours: Thorsten Kukuk has made a set of USA contours, see
You can merge them with my osm combi tool ( somehow
but I haven’t adapted my scripts to the new openfietsmap world wide lite version yet (which means that it will omit the 6344*.img index files automatically, so you have to do it yourself).

I will.

That might work on a linux server, assuming that gmt.exe will run on Mono, but it requires a complete rewrite of the script.

This will be the least problem…

Anyway, I’m parking this (worldwide contours) for later.

I’m currently working on fixing bugs in the new toolchain and adding documentation to the OSM wiki.

There is a Linux version of gmt available, no need for mono.


Oh, cool :slight_smile:

Still, as it stands right now, contours aren’t high on my priority list.

I have a request for Mac OSX users: can you please test a gmapi version from the new website and report if you encounter problems or not? Thanks :slight_smile:

No problems, only three remarks:

  1. The name of the download file: RoadTrip is obsolete (like I said before)
  2. The name of the map: “Generic routable” isn’t very descriptive…
  3. The test can be done on Windows too; if it works there, it will work on the Mac.

Indeed you have and I forgot, sorry about that. “Roadtrip” is now everywhere updated to “BaseCamp/RoadTrip” (as has MapSource) and the filename is changed to

Ok, but then the map is a generic one. “Routable world” as the original map is named isn’t really suitable anymore as the Openfietsmap lite is also world routable…

Please forgive my glaring ignorance, but I can’t find anything about how to test a gmapi file on Windows (or Linux).

  1. At least you could put “OSM” in the name :wink: Since the name of the map is defined in the TDB file, it should be possible to define it at generation time so that it reflects the map selection the user made… It would be a lot easier for users that want to use several maps.

  2. BaseCamp and recent versions of MapSource support the new gmap format as well. You have to put the gmap folder inside the gmapi folder (it’s not a file, although it appears to be so for Mac users) into the folder C:\Users{username}\AppData\Roaming\GARMIN\Maps (Vista/W7); then BC and MS are able to use the map. You could also install the gmap(i) with JaVaWa GMTK.

I’m able to load the .gmapi file into Garmin MapManager, but when I connect my Garmin Montana and open Garmin MapInstall to load it onto the GPS unit, MapInstall crashes. When I uninstall the .gmapi from the new site, MapInstall launches correctly again. When I install a .gmapi from the old site, no crash occurs.

Which version of MapInstall do you use? Did you choose a predefined country, or a custom selection? Maybe there is a conflict with another installed map; you can check that with JaVaWa GMTK:

I’m using MapInstall 4.0.0, the latest version. I chose a custom selection on both the old and new sites: a single tile, MX-Agua Prieta. JaVaWa GMTK says:

File error:	Faraday:Users:jonathan:Library:Application Support:Garmin:Maps:Generic routable.gmap:OSMTiles:63240000
Errors recoverable:	No

Edit: downloading and converting with JaVaWa MapConverter results in a .gmap file that I can install without causing any crashes or errors.

I checked myself: the MDR folder was created in the wrong place and with a wrong name; now it doesn’t match the entry in the file info.xml anymore. This seems not to happen with predifined map sets.
Some work to do for Lambertus…

Edit: I’ve got a command line Linux version of JaVaWa MapConverter…

Yes, I could add OSM in the name somewhere, however “OpenFietsmap Lite” doesn’t have OSM in it either…

I can also make the name user configurable, but why not make more things configurable , like the product id or series id? I would like to, eventually, if this is possible with precompiled tiles. But it would be yet another project and to be honest I’m currently not looking forward to implementing it…lot’s of points of failures to handle.

I installed BaseCamp a few days ago on a Windows VM and it didn’t seem to recognise the gmapi folder as something it would happily read so I didn’t really try any of the files in it’s subdirectories. I’ll try again.

Interesting :slight_smile: Terms of use are…?

Edit: Ah, found the ‘voorwaarden’ button on your website. I don’t see any problems for using MapConverter for the maps, correct?

“OpenFietsmap” is a established name now (at least in The Netherlands…), whereas “Generic routable” is, well, very generic…

Changing the name and ID’s isn’t difficult at all. The source code of mkgmap is a good starting point; only a bit overwhelming maybe…
The only thing you have to change is the TDB file; I can tell you exactly how to do it. Send me an email, it’s easier for me to explain it in Dutch.

It’s free to use, but not Open Source. You can find it here:


I got a sneak-preview of the OFM-lite by the courtesy of Ligfietser.
It looks good, but there is a strange thing happening in the city-center of Tallinn and Riga, but I’m afraid at more cities.

In Mapsource its is fine.

But on my Map 62 it’s awfull. Is it a forest there?:smiley:

Outside the city-center it is in mapsource OK.

But on the 62:

I transferred the map from Mapsource to the 62, but the result is the same.

I think I know what the problem is, But I’m to ignorant having a solution.

Looking in Potlatch I see in the center buildings, but without a tag Residential area
Outside the center there are Residential areas.

It looks that in the .IMGfile all areas without a tag become dark green. Outside the city it is not a problem, but in a citycenter it looks a bit stupid.


Tried the new site with a map of Thailand. It correctly shows that I will get 8 tiles, but when I download the package 3 of them are missing.

Also, the server doesn’t remember that the mapset has already been compiled and so doesn’t offer a ready-made download.


I’m just started with OSM und Garmin. I want to have the maps of Germany and Mallorca in Basecamp.
So I downloaded both one of a time.

First I did not know about MapManager, so I just copied the unzipped “Roadtrip” folder to recources, which worked fine for Mallorca. With Germany it did not. I found out, the two maps have the same values in info.xml, only the names differ between “OSM World Routable (01-04-2012)” and “OSM World Routable”.
I googled and found MapManager and deleted the maps I manually copied to the program dir.
The problem is somewhat the same. Whatever map I install first, it is there. The second one is installed fine - MM says - but never shows up in MM itself. If I delete the map and try the other one first, this one is there, the other one not.

Is there any way to install two downloaded maps independently?