Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED

Looks like this was installed a long time ago, before Garmin adopted Family IDs. If you have a valid TDB file, overview.IMG file, and IMG file you could re-install it with a Family ID using MapSetToolKit and the process I describe here about halfway down the thread. There’s probably a more elegant way to do it using JavaWa, but I’m not very good with that yet.


I have been a relatively slow but continuous mapper for a couple of years, and having just bought a Garmin GPS I discover this discussion: needless to say I’m delighted --I knew the others OSM activities of Lambertus but here I’m just baffled :wink:
I just downloaded my region and managed to install it on a Dezl, routing works perfectly and it’s a really warm feeling to “see OSM” on the GPS screen. (I see some complain about how the map default looks: I definitely love it!)

If I may, I have just a single wish: my GPS is capable to handle truck-related constraints within the Garmin own map: for instance, I announce my trailer is 3m high, and then the software will automatically avoid passing under bridges allowing only 2.5m max height.

Now, when the GPS only runs from the OSM map, it won’t recognize height limit tags apparently.
Do you think it is an issue with the tags themselves? (i. e., wrong tag, wrong tagged object…?)
Or is it a limit from the translating software that’ll not transfer them “to Garmin”?

(I remember having added myself many of these truck constraints in my surroundings in OSM!)


In Germany, someone recently invented a Garmin map for trucks:

So, it is possible! But you have to implement it.


Hi, the thing is … The OSM NL-Frysk is a map I can see and use in Mapsource. The map I want to see, but cannot, is the OSM World Routable. If I understand you correctly this has been installed in the correct way. So, I do not want to fix the NL Frysk installation. That one I could actually do without. I want the OSM routable to work though. Any thoughts on that?

Thnx, Hein

I can only think of running the deinstaller for the OSM World Routable map and reinstall it, or if the deinstaller does not exist or does not remove everything, manually remove the map from the harddisk and delete the entry for the map in the registry (search for “OSM World Routable”, then delete the entry in Garmin/MapSource/Families). Then reinstall the OSM World Routable map.

I agree with Lambertus. If you aren’t comfortable manually deleteing items from your registry MapSetToolKit has a handy “uninstall” feature.

Thnx guys, I tried the uninstall/install thing already, Not in combination with deleting the registry entry though. Will give it a try. The thing that bugs me, is the fact that I was a happy osm routable user untill a month or so ago. I ignored the problem untill recently. I’ll try the mapsetoolkit.


Working with Garmin maps I can say that there is no tag for height restrictions, only truck yes/no. I think you have discovered a feature of NT maps, which only Garmin themselves can compile.

As ajoessen says, you can compile your own map and implement a rule that restricts trucks in the Garmin map if height > x metres.

Success, thnx to all that came with suggestions. The mapsettoolkit really worked. I started the program and saw that a long list of debris (old map entries) was there. Only needed to select and uninstall these and then, … after startup of mapsource, I saw that the osm routable map of the Netherlands was there again.

Thnx again, Hein

Thank you, ajoessen and Beddhist!
I think I’m not mature enough to start compiling myself but I hope to reach this within some months!

Indeed the “truck” features of my Dezl look like they are quite detailed: initially one enters truck height/width/weight… and the restrictions leading to a detour are then identified, criterion by criterion, before the complete traject is drawn; for instance for height I get a screen locating the “faulty” bridge and its height limitation, etc.
I thought this corresponded to some equivalent to a “maxheight =…” tag.

Thanks again for both the great work, and the efficient reactions here!

At the moment Mongolia is covered with two tiles.
63241379.img // MN-Ulaanbaatar // East
63241643.img // CN-Urumqi // West

I had downloaded them together with the Russian Federation. To my surpise the western tile appeared all blue (water) on the 60Cx.

To check I only downloaded those two tiles again and constructed an GMAPSUPP.IMG out of them. Same result.

Also renaming 63241643.img to GMAPSUPP.IMG will show the whole square as blue on a 60Cx.

Hope this will be ok at next update.

As some of you know I’m working on a new version of the website where it will be possible to provide multiple types of maps with worldwide coverage.

A first beta version is available at: [[removed for the time being, send me an email if you want to test]]

For now I’m settling on a generic routable and a routable bicycle map and hope to expand later with a nautical map as well. Please test it and tell me what you think. Ideas for improvements are very welcome, but don’t complain about the styling unless you have actual code to contribute: I suck at CSS and accept it.

What’s new and improved:

  • Support for more then one type of map.
  • Better detection of existing maps thus less need to fill in your email address and more “download now” situations.
  • Easy tileselection: Select tiles quickly using click-drag, but the country selection is also still available.

Known problems:

  • I wanted to include the stylesheet from Bedhist and Ligfietser for the generic routable map, but somehow my script isn’t including it yet. I’m working on it.
  • Help files/texts are out of date.

If you visit the page you might run into temporary bugs, I’m actively working on it.

Last request: Please don’t spread this URL to other forums etc. It is a very temporary URL and will break soon. I don’t want people end up confused and complaining about 404 errors later.

  1. The link should be
  2. The page on my website you are linking to is obsolete; the tasks described there can be done with JaVaWa GMTK.
  3. Nowadays nobody uses (or should use) RoadTrip on the Mac anymore; better rename it ‘Installer for BaseCamp (Mac OS X)’ or just ‘Installer for Mac OS X’.
  4. The page is pretty much unusable in Internet Explorer (as we all know); this is caused mainly by the large number of rectangles drawn on the map. I did a test with Leaflet, and that works at a decent speed in IE9 (IE8 is too slow).

Except for the first one these points apply to the regular site too.

Edit: you found point 1. already…

Thank you for your comments JaVaWa :slight_smile:

Thanks. I will update this.

Great, I don’t have a Mac so didn’t know this. Will update as well.

Cool, Leaflet seems much faster indeed. I’ll look into that.

Yes, but that one is about to get discarded…

I’m not so happy with this Lambertus,

Type file name (openfietsmap_lite.typ) is too long
Styles are the default styles, not my openfietsmap style.
Better test this first in private with a few people.

That’s right, the name of a typ file cannot be longer than 8 characters (excluding extension)

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen the typ file in action, so I’m not sure why you think it’s too long?
Edit: typ filename is now shortened.

I thought that this topic was private enough, but opinions vary apparently.

Well ok, I’ll remove the link and wait for your comments. In the mean time I’ll try to implement Leaflet, but time the coming days will be in short demand.

The typ file works in Mapsource but not on the GPS (8 characters max, like Javawa said).
More important is that you didnt use my openfietsmap style files, so this map is the same as the generic one except with the OFM typ file (which makes no sense).

Can you mail me your mkgmap settings?

I discovered the error, caused by copy/paste. I’ll run an update tomorrow. The Mkgmap settings are on their way.

I could help with that, if you want. I’m not saying I’m an expert on Leaflet, but I experimented a lot with it.
I saw you use a kml file to load the rectangles. Leaflet doesn’t have kml support built in (yet). One way to solve that is to use geoJSON; or use an external kml script (but I didn’t test that last one).