корисни извори података - useful data sources

respond in Serbian if you prefer :wink:

Senta and Subotica gave permission to the OSM project (really official letter with official seal). Vrsac gave me personally a letter following my visit at the cadastral office at the Gradska Kuca.
Until now, the database of approvals is here at my PC :wink:

Nah, I am sure everyone here is multilingual anyway. But we’ll keep on working on making you the modern day Goete :wink:

Anyhoo, yeah, I guess it would be a good idea to form some non profit in Serbia and organize something so that these and similiar items are managed and kept there. Thats the long term idea at this stage.

I personally would suggest to get in touch with other communities like Open Source/Open Data/Wikpedia etc to set up one non profit entity. It is probably hard to fullfil the legal obligations for such an entity with only the OSM community. In Germany the FOSSGIS (which stands for Free and Open Source Software for GIS) is acting on behalf of OSM Germany. Also Wikimedia, which operates a non profit company here, ensures that we get some funds from the multi million Wikipedia funds. Last year 5,000 for aerial images, this year 20,000 for local language maps etc.

Rather than making me a Goethe, I would prefer a recommendation for a book like “Serbian cyrillic for dummies” :wink:

Thats easy: the book is called Буквар and you only need to heed the words of Вук Стефановић Караџић: Пиши како причаш, читај како пише.

Што се тиче ортофото снимака било би лепо када би смо могли да користимо барем локалне GIS изворе, скоро сваки град их данас има (нпр. један од њих http://gis.ni.rs/ ) али мислим да је проблем у законској регулативи, ове институције и неби имале ништа против, питање је под којим условима их је могуће користити.

we got permission to use the Subotica GIS
It is worth to ask. I was in touch with a teacher at the University Niš and he wanted to ask because he was using the Niš GIS and OSM at the university.
Here he is
His name is Milan.
But I am not sure if he has asked and what the outcome was.

There are several public GIS across Serbia like here http://gis.kragujevac.org.rs/ There was a EU funding for it. As far as I know one condition was to made the results public. That would explain why these websites exist. But I am not sure how far this “public” goes.

Since i just like to map and really don´t have a real technical clue, is there a way to get the GIS data (which we clearly may use) as a background in JOSM?

You can save visible part of map as GeoTIFF and then import that into JOSM, I haven’t tried it but I guess it cloud be done, relative easy.

And here is one of useful sources http://www.ems.rs/slike/karte/ENERGETSKI%20OBJEKTI%20svih%20naponskih%20nivoa.jpg is map of Serbian power grid, you can find more about that here http://www.ems.rs/stranice/tehnicke_informacije/index.htm.

With PicLayer http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JOSM/Plugins/PicLayer we can use even ordinary JPEG-s as background reference.

yes, we only need the WMS adress then you can add it like Bing, Landsat etc. It is also possible to add scanned maps or orthophotos in the background with an own WMS. If some people follow the “local name” thread here in the forum and set up an own mapserver (which can be uses as WMS), it is not a big deal to use it for JOSM and provide the resource to other mappers. It does not matter if it is a 1MB map or hundreds orthophotos with xx GB forming a mosaic.

That would be nice, but I haven’t seen publicly available api-s for this maps, so I don’t know how we can use this resources directly without a little bit of reverse engineering.

Ако имате времена и воље да читате доста о путевима у Србији и околини, овде итекако има доста корисних информација:


Bilo bi dobro da neko tamo okaci post i da malo zainteresuje ekipu da nam se pridruzi ovde i svoje podatke da doprinose OSM-u?

Evo stavih neki post http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=1497705

Pomenuli smo puteve, i evo nekih mapa koje mogu poslužiti kao referenca mapa mreže magistralinih i regionalnih puteva u srbiji i isto to u pdf varijanti sa sajta putevi srbije, takođe koristan izvor sa wikipedije Датотека:Мрежа Државних путева I реда у Србији - Highway Network in Serbia.jpg gde su naznačene i planirane trase. Ali primetio sam da postoje nedoslednosti na ovim mapama i većina izvora koje sam ja uspeo da nađem nije dovoljno detaljna ili podatci nisu ažurirani, npr. kada su evropski putevi u pitanju http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_E-road_network na mapi koja je zvanična na sajtu puteva srbije put E771 ide od rumunske granice preko niša i kosova a na wiki stranici piše da ide samo do niša, onda na većini ovih mapa je skoro nemoguće proceniti gde neki putevi počinju gde prolaze i gde se završavaju, primer M25 dali ide kroz centa niša ili obilaznicom itd. sve su to sitnice oko kojih sam se dvoumio kako mapirati.

Could we make an entry into our Wiki with all the data sources we have approval from?
Could you enter yours there, too?

I think this would be more than helpful.


[edit 13.4.: No response => did it myself; feel free to add anything you know]

I know SuboticaGIS, but where can we access the data of Senta and Vrsac?

Are you talking about just Subotica or any GIS? Because I don’t see why we would have permission to use any GIS data?

Most exact way of using it:
-Look for the GIS you want to transfer to JOSM
-fullscreen mode is recommended
-press “PrntScrn (PrintScreen)”
-open up any image editing software, e. g. Windows Paint if you don’t have any better (…IrfanView etc.)
-crop to your needs, then save as JPG
-upload at Geothings MapWarper http://warper.geothings.net/ (you’ll need an account first)
-rectify your map by adding at least 3 control points to the uploaded map and in the OSM map on the right
-when finished, click “WARP!”, check the map for correct position in the right window (overlay)
-in the “Export” tab, right-click on “WMS link suitable for JOSM”, then copy the link address
-in JOSM, go to Settings/WMS-TMS/WMS, click “+” to add another layer, name it, then paste the link in the upper link window in the WMS tab, then press “check layers”
-when the layers are downloaded from the server, open up in the main(middle) window by clicking on the “+”
-click on the first layer, but not on the “original” layer; the link to the layer will appear in the lower link window
-click OK, then you can start using it in JOSM as a layer via the “Background” menu

Senta does not have these maps in an digitised form. We have organised a scan of a map, added the map to an UNM Mapserver and have used it the background of JOSM (like Bing). Maps for Vrsac you can find here http://www.vrsac.com/active/sr-latin/home/preporucujemo/generalni_plan.html
Such maps you can find on many city homepages across Serbia. Just visit the local cadastral office and ask if they are fine with the usage. It think they are ok because in Vrsac they said that they are not sure why I am asking for some approval in written form. They think that if it is on the internet, they allow it everyone automatically. But the presentation I made and the permission from Subotica was interessting for them and convinced them to give me something in writting.