Importing official data from Keren Kayemet LeIsrael

There are some problems with the import - duplicates. I am looking into it.

Please do not change the objects uploaded by kkl_import. I will try to revert the changes.

Something went wrong with the import script, which caused the duplicate ways.

As far as I understand, there are no duplicate nodes, can you confirm this? If so, recovery should be much easier.

Indeed, it seems to me that there are no duplicate nodes.
There are, however, duplicate ways, sometimes even 3 ways using the same nodes.


I suspect that the university firewall somehow interferes with the upload.
I’ll continue from home, later.


In the meantime, there will be a plenty (around 600,000) of “orphan” nodes around. Please try not to touch them!

Update: I was able to revert the problematic ways and now continue to upload the rest of the stuff.
If all goes well, it will probably take another day or two.


I already “itch” when I see tagless areas on the map… Let us know :slight_smile:

So far it looks good! :slight_smile:

Here is a nice big chunk that is clearly more accurate than the current data we have.


Looks very detailed in compare of our “bing” work :slight_smile:
We will have a very green Israel - Palestine in OSM.

BTW: I have added some notes some days ago to the areas you imported… hope this will not harm the upload. I removed the notes just now.

As a matter of fact, I believe that these ways were not reverted automatically precisely because they were changed. If I remember correctly, there should be only around 5 of those. I was planning to “hunt” these after I finish the upload and delete them anyway. Could you please just write their IDs (but do not delete them yourself as I would like all the edits to be done through the kkl_import user).

Just found this:
Seems strange.

Here are some more:

And several others in that area.


Another issue:
Way 117745110 has 2 nodes which are practically in the same place.


I can’t say for sure, but it is possible that these are all parts of boundaries which are longer than 2000 nodes. In that case there is a split, and the other part(s) just haven’t been uploaded yet.

Right now there is a problem with the upload - the server returns “500 Internal server error”. I have no idea what can be causing this, I just posted a question on the OSM-talk list.

Sounds unlikely, as these are closed ways, polygons.

It could be that KKL’s source has these as errors, or they’re a result of some rounding algorithm when you converted to OSM’s coordinated?


If a source polygon has more than 2000 nodes on its boundary, this boundary cannot be represented by a single (closed) way in OSM, in which case there will be a split and the relation will take care of the connection.

I’ve checked the source of turns out this is a “hole” in elyakim forest: see its counterpart
In the original KKL shapefile there is indeed such a hole, so the problem starts there. I guess it is an error and not some physical feature. After the upload is finished, I’ll ask KKL about those.

Due to problems, I have started to revert all the changes made so far.
The problem is that there was a gap between the upload of nodes and the upload of ways, during which some of the nodes were changed.
I have already removed all the ways, and now continue with nodes.

Afterwards I will do a clean import by small chunks, each of which will contain several forests in their entirety - i.e. relations and all the ways and nodes belonging to these relations.

I believe all the changes are by now reverted (perhaps with the exceltion of ~1000 nodes which I couldn’t track down yet).

Any comments/suggestions before the second attempt?

I have started the second attempt. This time there are 20 smaller self-contained chunks.
The first one is already done: