Garmin maps (for the Netherlands)

Cool, good to know others are working on this too.

May I ask how large your individual .osm files are that you provide to Mkgmap? Do they cover an entire state in one file? I have some serious rendering problems on the edges of those files and because we have such a high density in data here in The Netherlands I am force to use small areas which results in lots of rendering errors on the tile edges.

you would have to ask the author he post on this forum =>

I’m in the process of changing the web interface such that users draw the area that they’re interested in instead of selecting the tiles that cover that area. This reduces the amount of OpenLayers Features greatly (using a lot of features slowed JavaScript execution to such an extend that it formed a real problem). Maybe other problems emerge from this new approach but eventually it will be user friendlier I think.

The new interface will be based upon the cool stuff that is shown in this OpenLayers example.

I’ve been thinking about an application that can download the selected maptiles and put them on the GPS for you. To make it platform independent and easy to use I first thought of an Java plugin/webstart application, but that takes a lot of time to develop (on top of all the other stuff that needs to be done). So now I’ve come up with an intermediate solution based upon NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Installer). The advantages are that I can brew a first version that just installs a predefined map very quickly and then slowly expand the functionality, like keeping a local map cache up-to-date using HTTP downloads and sending maps to a GPS.

Hi Lambertus,

I have tried your NL complete map. So far it works great on my Garmin nüvi 200 but the labels are shown in wrong characters, as: ???.

Whats wrong and can I change something in this map to show the correct characters?


Hmm, I have not encountered such thing yet and I don’t have a Nuvi, so I’ll have to guess here. Can you try and change the language settings to e.g. English?

Could you also publish the map in mac format so I could upload the map using Garmins tools for MacOS X (MapInstall)?

Well, that needs a Windows application called MapConverter. Currently my build toolchain runs completely on Linux, but I guess I could do a post-process on a Windows machine as well.

OK, I changed the language settings to English - but no changes in the character display, still question marks. By the way, the map name in the map-info menu is even displayed with wrong characters.

In the meantime I tried some maps from Computerteddy and there the labels are displayed correctly. Maybe it has something to do with the character coding/code page in the map itself?

Really strange, I don’t use any special settings for language etc, just the defaults. I’ll ask ComputerTeddy if he uses any special settings.

Can you try the ‘NL maptiles for OSX’ version from They’re based on the planet dump from last wednesday. I would like to know if they work…

Wel, I was able to load the maptiles onto my mac using mapmanager, but they crashed both bobcat and the mapinstaller.

The set seemd not to be complete, sort of stopped at about Apeldoorn at the east side of the map, but I can’t see if that was just a mistake from your side or a problem :wink:

HI, well, yes, that is currently about my problem, I don’t have Windows anywhere. It would be nice to be able to build the maps without the use of the Garmin MapConverter.


if there is a new version of the Garmin maps on the website, does that automatically mean that there are new data. previously, I downloaded version 13-3-2007, now I have downloade 28-3-2007, but some changes I made are not visible and download sizes are the same up to the kb.

  1. can I have done something wrong with loading in Mapsource and on my Garmin?
  2. are there changes?

A new version of the Garmin map uses a new version of the planet file from This means that under normal circumstances any data entered in the past week should show up on the new map.

However, it appears there have been some hickups in the planet dump generation in the past two weeks or so. This might have caused the identical filesize and the lack of new features.

Bedankt. Ik zag wel dat bij het uitpakken dezelfde datum van de versie verscheen. Ik heb daar geen aandacht aan besteed (zo iets van vergeten nieuwe naam te geven), maar het kan zijn dat de oude versie onder de installer staat.

sorry for non-Dutch speaking lot amongst you:
Thanks, I saw the same version date when I unzipped the file, but did not pay attention. Could that an old version is still in the installer

Sorry for the late response. You are right, the maps build successfully but used the same old data each time because of a bug in one of the scripts. It’s fixed now.

Hey everybody!

I’m trying to find a good map of Israel for my Garmin Quest, no luck so far…
I found this interesting source of information :

I’m pretty new to the whole GPS thing but from what I see it looks a lot like OpenStreetMap format.
It also sais something about OpenLayer but I can’t really figure out what that is.

The piece of software for mapping that map is RoadMap, if any of you are familliar.

The map format is .rdm.

If any of you have any idea on how to convert those so I can use them with MapSource, please share!!!
Any bit of information will be highly appriciated!!! :wink:

Thanks in advance,

My Hebrew could be better (which is an understatement) so I have no idea what that site is about. So here’s some general information.

The OpenStreetMap project has some data about Israel, which can be converted to Garmin maps. But it seems that the project could use some extra help in Israel.

RoadNav is a open source navigation application which the maintainer of the site has adapted for his specific needs. The file format used by RoadNav is different from the native OSM format and Garmin formap. You won’t be able to exchange maps between them easily.

OpenLayers is a open source initiative to create a client side (browser) map tile viewer, much like Google Maps.

Hi all, hi Lambertus!

Thanks a lot for your support for the community!

Can it be that the nederlands cycle map for garmin x series ( is broken? It has just a size of 326kB.

Best Regards from Germany
