Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED

Thank you, that’s very kind. The problem I’m having on the newest server is not the coding but the restrictions of the operating system (i.e. the script is not allowed to call Java to run Mkgmap, etc.).

Currently, there isn’t much coding to do really. Adding a selectable TYP file is prepared already (needs testing only) and I don’t have any specific new ideas (hint! hint!).

Which mkgmap version are you using with the typ file? They have changed some lines in the default style so I’m not sure if this typ file is up to date.

So preparing a statement to be executed by a shell script through crontab is also out of the question I assume.

Judging by my father’s experience you could probably make it more clear that there are prebuild maps he doesn’t have to wait for.

It could be whatever you advise, but if the new bits in the default stylesheet are stable then I would like to use the latest one (and allow for future updates).

Alright, I’ll try to do that. I’m not a native English speaker though, so it’s possible that I don’t express the options succinct enough. And, ofcourse, there is the additional caveat that none of the countries are available for download at the time of each new map release.

Additionally, the need for users to download countries as much as possible has been alleviated by the new servers as well.

Thanks for your input.

You could have fooled me.

Just wanted to say thank you. I used your routable maps for south india and it works. I cannot type the address, but i can use the cities.

Great to hear!

PS. The ‘gaps in the map’ problem was indeed caused by missing tiles on the servers. Apparently something went wrong during upload with scp (I suspect overloading my server at home with other jobs :p).

I’ve tried to explain the options a bit more clearly. Has it been for the better?

I have updated the Typ file according to the latest version of mkgmap (1946) as far as the lines and polygons are concerned. I didnt check all the pois, maybe somebody else can do this?
Here you can download it:

Cool, so instead of focussing on getting the third server functional, I will now focus on getting this integrated on the country server as that one has the space to host (at least) two different maps for each country.

I dont think you need a different map for the typ file. If you don’t want it, just rename it and it is turned off…

Ok, I’m not really familiar with TYP files (ok, I’ll be honest: I have no experience with them whatsoever :D), but can you simply rename the TYP file with a gmapsupp.img as well? Isn’t the TYP file supposed to be included in the gmapsupp.img? I’m really starting to wonder why someone should provide the TYP file to the Mkgmap commandine if it’s just an external file which you can remove without impact…

Background info:
Currently I have added the name of the TYP file to the MD5SUM algorithm which will ensure that country A without TYP file will have a different md5sum then country A with TYP file Z will have a different md5sum then country A with TYP file Y.

The md5sum is used for the directory name. Example, the last section of this URL is the md5sum: /~lambertus/garmin/routable/13-05-2011/a824693f08b662ee8ab3e90d08c2ff2f
The md5sum is created from a source string which represents each unique map, i.e. an source string could be: “13-05-2011;Mapnik;63240004;63240354;63240067”

Edit: Oh, and is the typ file compiled for the family ID of

Oops, forgot to change the FID, it was FID=2000 PID=3 right?
Well, just renaming is not really working. But with a small batch file which turns it on or off in the windows register it could be done*). To install the TYP file in Mapsource, it has to be added in the windows registery. The gmapsupp it’s a different thing, you cannot edit the gmapsupp easily without software like gmaptool. So you either have to deliver gmtl.exe with the gmapsupp (plus a batch file so that someone can change it) or… provide two gmapsupp’s :wink:

*) Another trick is to supply two typ files. One with the mapnik styles, and one empty.typ. The mapnik.typ file will be registered by default during the installation. If someone doesnt want a typ file he can rename the emtpy one mapnik.typ after renaming the mapnik.typ mapnik.bak or so. Or more sophisticated, you can give the user the choice during the installation which one to choose, this could be implemented in the nsis installer.

Yep, that’s it.

Well, you’re too late :stuck_out_tongue: The website is already working and suitable for more TYP files to boot :smiley: :smiley:

So if you update the TYP file then this can go live this evening.

It’s updated.

You can test the empty.typ as well to see if it’s working:

And here is the command to change a typ file in a gmapsupp.img:

Thanks, ligfietser.

So I think the website and map generation scripts work well enough for people to test the functionality and see if it works for them. So, i’ll put the new website online. Feedback is appreciated…

I’m curious if this functionality will drive other people to create suitable TYP files for different target usergroups which could be added to that drop-down box as well. Yes, this is a call for other TYP files :wink:

Note to users: uninstall the previously installed OSM world routable Garmin maps from this site and remove the osm_world_routable directory from c:/garmin/maps (or where you installed the maps previously). Otherwise the typ file will not be loaded.

Tried ctrl+g twice and still nothing.

I posted the problem on another forum. and someone on there said “Garmin has changed their map rendering and these map sets may not have been updated in a while on Lambertus’ site. Or, they need to update their compilers. I have pulled other maps recently and they work fine so I expect it is the NZ maps that are the issue.”

Yes, they do that with about every update for MapSource. Personally I’m still using 6.13.7 and I don’t test against every version of MapSource or various GPS devices, just following the “release early and often” rule.

Nope, these maps are more up to date then most other (non-OSM) map providers.

Possibly, but I don’t recall reading about any changes made to fix MapSource handling on the Mkgmap mailinglist. I’m using a very recent Mkgmap compiler, so if the problem is Mkgmap then there is nothing I can do.

I think this shows the crux of the problem, but I don’t know how to find out what’s wrong.

One thing I have noticed is that the default directory has changed. This was something like osm world routable and now the default dir is “C:\Garmin\Maps\OSM map”. It has to do with the changes in the nsis scripting of mkgmap. I havent updated the map since a few months and now I see that the mapsource installer didn’t uninstall the previous one because of the changes in the installer.

So maybe in the NZ case there are some leftovers of the old version which needs to be uninstalled first?