Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED

Francisco, do you have any other maps loaded in your GPS? If so, try de-activating them.


just a little question. Is it possible to trigger a new version of a tile ? I done some changes in my region, useful for better routing, and I’d like to have them in your tiles …

Or can I generate the tile for you and put it on your site ?

Thanks in advance for your answer.


Theoretically that should be nearly impossible, let alone practically. One example: a road that crosses a tileborder is moved a litte. Then you update only one tile and upload it to the website, then routing between the two tiles won’t work anymore. So if you want to test your local roadnetwork using a Garmin map then it’s simply best to create your own Garmin maps for that area. The changes will appear a bit later in the maps on e.g. my site.

Thanks for your answer. I will continue to add improvements for my region. What’s the timelapse I can hope for them to appear in your tiles ?

Due to high load on the server map updates are reduced (as they increase load a lot), so I’m aiming once per month currently. But I received an offer for a sponsored server and updates will be weekly again when that’s up and running (I don’t have a timeline yet).

Hi again,

is the process that you use to generate your tiles documented somewhere (source address of raw osm datas, options for splitter) ?

I’d really like to understand why I don’t have the same problem (lake on land) with your tiles that I have with the tiles I downloaded from

So I’d like to to generate tiles myself the same way you do yours.

Thanks in advance for your help


Please Lambertus is it a location or post where the way you generate yours tiles is explained ?

Thanks in advance

Sorry, I’ve been busy. There are a few posts earlier this thread where I explain portions of the build scripts. See:

Splitting, rendering, mapcombining

And I don’t mind giving my scripts to anyone interested, but it’ll probably be hard to figure out how to get them working because of the complex nature of the toolchains (osmosis, splitter, 2x mkgmap) and hardware setup (separate pre-process, mapbuilding and website hosting servers). Once I have a server capable of doing everything by itself and I’ve adapted the scripts accordingly I’ll just put a zip file on the website.

Thanks for your answer. Yesterday I tried something basic. I exported a little zone directly from the map window of OSM, basically mkgmapped it (–route --remove-short-arcs --gmapsupp), and the lake was at its place !

So the problem seems to lie in the file I get from GEOFABRIK. I have to get my tiles directly from OSM map, not preprocessed ones …

Yours are great, but as I am doing some corrections to my region and that I want to test them “on the road”, I can’t wait to have the new map in my garmin.

I have a last question. When I merge 2 tiles with mkgmap, is it a problem if they overlap, or mkgmap can achieve a clean merge ?


Afaik, tiles must match exactly.

For areas that I want to check out I save the data from JOSM into an osm file, then drag it onto a batch file, which compiles a map for me. This is the contents of the batch file:

cd \My Garmin\Logs
java -jar p:\mkgmap\mkgmap.jar --name-tag-list=name:en,int_name,name --route --keep-going --ignore-osm-bounds --tdbfile %1

I use MapsetToolkit to install this into MapSource, from where I could load it into the GPS (but I don’t, usually). In the Logs folder (where I do most of the work) I have placed a link to the folder where the map is installed, so when I compile a new map I only need to drop the new .img file onto the link and the map is updated in MS. (This map can’t usually be loaded into the GPS without re-installing it in MSTK.)

Hope this helps.


First of all: Thank you for these great maps!

Probably my question has been posted before, but I could not find a hint with the help of the “Search-Button”.

I downloaded two different mapsets: a few tiles of the USA and a part of Italy. (2 Downloadfiles)
The installation of the US-tiles in mapsource was easy and everything worked fine. In mapsource I can open the maps with the name of “osm world routable”.
When I installed the Italy-maps, everything worked fine again. But mapsource now shows only one “osm world routable” map. This is the latter installed Italy-map. The US-map seems to be overwritten.

How can i manage to use several different osm world routable maps (e.g. Italy, Germany, USA, Autralia…) in mapsource.

Thank you for your help,

“How can i manage to use several different osm world routable maps (e.g. Italy, Germany, USA, Autralia…) in mapsource?”

Meanwhile I found the answer: JaVaWa GMTK is a very nice tool, that provides a lot more, than I needed in this case:

I downloaded the New Zealand Map. The gmapsupp file works fine on my Garmin. However I could view only a small portion of the map using MapSource. I am using version 6.15.11 of MapSource.

Updated Mapsource to version 6.16.3. Map can be viewed with map scale of 150km but cannot be viewed at other map scales.

Have you tried clearing the map cache in MapSource (press ctrl-g twice)?

Yes, I have tried pressing ctr-g twice. It still doesn’t work.

Dear sir,

Thank you for all the effort. I have installed the Netherlands for use in Basecamp. It seems all buildings are left out. And all trees or groups of trees are indicated as horizontal brown lines. Was that intentionally done? If you want I can send a screenshot.

Kind regards,

Pim Verver

The buildings are left out intentionally (to reduce the size a bit) and the rendering is not optimal because of the default stylesheet in the map generator software (Mkgmap). You can adjust the rendering by adding a TYP file manually, there is lots of information about how to do that on the internet.

Like here:

Lambertus when does it come the next update of maps in the page?
Seems that there may be some troubles, last update is from March 7th. Take it easy no intention to pressure you ha ha ha