Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED

OpenStreetMap data from: 12-02-2011. Current queue: 1378 requests (delay: ~5.7 days).

And the summer still has to come…

Once the selected tiles are downloaded you only need sendmap20 to combine them to a gmapsupp.img file. Both for Windows and Linux there is a free sendmap executable: For windows no installation required. Just unzip. (I did not test the Linux version).

For Netherlands and Germany you would provide a ready to download map. But for for the rest I fully agree with you. Download many tiles manually is not a pleasant task. That’s where a download program could come in handy. So I made one.

My suggestion is: You could advocate on your site that people who are only interested in a gmapsupp.img file to download the selected tiles and put them together themselves with sendmap20. If they need a download program (for windows) they could use mine (no installation required).

And thinking further ahead in case you’re interested: Then an extra button next to the selected tiles which brings to another page where all tiles are summarized and where the -tile url’s- selection could be easily copied to clipboard. Further some text and links to where to obtain sendmap and a/the downloader(s).

Right, back from a holiday and an email box full of complaints :slight_smile:

Anyway, I looked at the queue handler once more and discovered a bug that allowed some requests to linger longer in the queue then others (i.e. the queue is not properly sorted on date of request). This is now fixed. Apologies to those who had to wait extra long, lucky you who got their map faster then others 8|

I also like the suggestion from one emailer (Steve from UK) who suggested that I provided a tracking number for each request and a webpage that allows to see the current status of the request. This is easy to do as all the components needed are already in place, so I expect to add that in the coming days after I’ve catched up with the online world.

Greencaps: I’ll think about your suggestions, but I’d like to keep it as simple as possible for people. But, as Windows users are probably the largest group, I might consider a NSIS installer that downloads the tiles and prepares the map on the users computer. That way I don’t have to write a complete application but only the installer script (e.g. NSIS has a download plugin) and it’s only a matter of running through a bunch of installer options which is fairly familiar for most people.

But what would be installed? Which program would concatenate the .img tiles to a gmapsupp.img file? And how would the installer know which tiles had to be downloaded?
"The NSIS distribution includes a set of plug-ins that allow you to download files from the internet, make internet connections, patch existing files and more.

But on this page: a download plugin is not mentioned. And the internet plugin only gives you a hostname and so.

I was interested in your solution so inmediately had a look. But if I cannot find examples of how to use a download plugin yhe investigation stops…

Ok. After more searching: its called NSISdl

Well, I primarily mulled this over during holiday without internet access, so I might not have a complete picture, but…The idea was that the NSIS installer contains only the script instead of the script AND the tiles. That would free-up much needed disk space.

Based upon the request of the user I can generate a NSIS script that includes the tilenames (URL) that NSIS should download. A quick search before packing learned that NSIS has a download plugin which seemed to be what I’d need, but I didn’t investigate further, it might not be what I expect it to be.

I initially did not intend the NSIS installer to create the gmapsupp.img as well, but perhaps the NSIS installer could also download and install Mkgmap… I don’t know about that yet. On the other hand, the is also needed for people using Linux or OSX, so it doesn’t really help using NSIS for creating gmapsupp images to save server disk space.

Edit: What about this plugin?
Edit2: Ah, I see you’ve found an alternative :slight_smile:
Edit3: There’s even an Java JRE installer and application launcher script for NSIS

But that is terrible complex and which user want to install NSIS, JAVA and mkgmap just to generate his own gmapsupp.img? Do you realise how many MB’s have to be installed for that? And not every Java will do as mkgmap wants a pretty new version.

You said “I’d like to keep it as simple as possible for people” but in this way you are not.

No far simpler is what i suggested.

My idea:
-Most users who want to work with josm have to install java anyway
-nsis doesnt need to be installed by the user, it is only needed to convert a script into an exe file, the user only have to run this setup.exe
-mkgmap can be packed into this exe file and run by the installer without any complications, the only thing that is needed is that java is installed on the pc
-mkgmap will combine the (already downloaded?) tiles into one map (it creates an index which takes hardly a few minutes), the setup.exe installs this into the windows register

So to my opinion the best way to do it, is that the user goes to the osm site, clicks on the map and select the tiles he/she wants to download.
The tiles are downloaded as well as a small installer file which contains mkgmap. On the computer the user can choose to
a) compile a gmapsupp from the tiles with mkgmap (tiles will be deleted) - maybe this can be done with sendmap without mkgmap
b) install the tiles into mapsource with or without a gmapsupp,
c) the user can choose with or without a typ file and also a selection of typ files is possible (if provided)

For my maps this solution will make it also more convenient. I don’t have to create installers for the whole Benelux, a seperate gmapsupp and Germany (and maybe a few more countries) but simply
have to split the europe extract into a certain amount of tiles. The user can pick and choose the ones he is interested in. At the moment someone who wants a bike map of his region has to download and install the whole Benelux (500mb). For one version of the Benelux I have to use 1,5gb of disk space, instead one 500mb (gmap, windows and mac versions). So its a win win solution, and I think we can ask for the users also something in return (install java, thats all).

That’s why I initially said that NSIS isn’t a serious option for the gmapsupp.img, only for installing the MapSource version. No additional applications are needed for that, neither JAVA/mkgmap or Sendmap20. Besides the complexity, it doesn’t save CPU cycles or disk space on the server which this is all about. But -in theory- an NSIS installer could be an all-you-need option for Windows users.

But, on second thought, Sendmap20 would be better and easier to use for uploading to the GPS then Mkgmap. It could also be used as an extra step in the MapSource installer (Install the map in MapSource and/or send the map to the GPS).

My idea: Most people who ‘order’ a map will not be OSM contributers. And if they are will use potlatch.

Ok. But then this setup.exe has to be generated on Lambertus’ site and then downloaded. This has to be ‘ordered’ too. So again a possibility for a queue. And is it possible for NSIS on a Linux computer to generate an installer for Windows?

I would not pack mkgmap in that exe file. Only the urls where to download mkgmap. The exe would then download and install. The same for java. But what a hassle.

Now who is downloading the tiles??

mkgmap is overkill.

What I miss in this scenario is that if the ‘orderer’ comes back some months later to ‘order’ other tiles how that would go. All software is already on his computer. So only tiles have to be downloaded. Please explain.

But then you have to place all tiles on your server and provide an equal nice interface as Lambertus’ where the tiles can be manually selected on a map. But I agree except for needing java and mkgmap.

Greencaps, what makes you so negative about mkgmap? I don’t understand why there will be a queue just for downloading a 1,5mb programm?
The setup.exe can be a general one. It has to be compiled once but thats it. In the setup.exe there will be the latest mkgmap, a few or just one general typ file, and a bunch of instructions what to do with the downloaded img that the user himself will download from Lambertus site. With the selected tiles they are downloading, comes a small setup.exe file that will install those tiles into mapsource and / or make a gmapsupp.img. Ok, you can make this installer as sophisticated as you want, maybe let this installer downloads the tiles, but that seems to me far more complicated.
Sorry, dont have any knowledge about Linux.

Mkgmap is not overkill when it comes to making an index file for mapsource. I think it should be used because other programms like mapsettoolkit will fail to make a good index from the tiles.
And I think its better to include mkgmap because there are several versions of this and the tiles that Lambertus has generated must be in correspondence with the right mkgmap version.

If someone wants to order a map for free we can ask some effort for this service (=installing java). Better this than waiting for days for your free lunch.

When a user comes back later to add more maps, it is very likely that the tiles are not the same anymore. Thats a big issue for which I haven’t found yet a good solution, other
than uninstalling all the previously installed maps. :frowning:

Mkgmap is a very nice program. I was not negative about it in any way (ehh… well… transliteration is not it’s strength … ha ha). But I would not use it in the context we are talking about as sendmap20 would do all so much easier. Moreover I’m focussing on users who only want to generate a gmapsupp.img where you want them to be able to all kind of things with mapsource.

No no no. We are talking here about a possibility to download the tiles not manually. A download program will be used.

How will they download the tiles and that exe?

That exe is sendmap20 as that is all that you need once the tiles are on your computer.

That was the first thing the OP wanted to let it do…

Sorry. That was not the problem I had in mind. See my earlier post.

Edit by Lambertus: I moved an offtopic discussion about the sendmap20 alternative Gmaptool to a topic of it’s own: Here.


I will be travelling the world in an expedition vehicle, and offline (laptop) navigation is one of my requirements. I’m currently using nroute and mapquest. Is there any way to download all maps (besides the obvious - select all)? If necessary, I can select a bunch (or all) countries, but I understand that’s pushing it as far as resources are concerned.

A first rough version is now implemented. Seems to work fine. Start hitting that F5-key y’all :smiley:

Note: Only works for new requests…

I’m sorry but bad behaviour of users in the past made me disable the option to download all maps easily. Probably the best solution is to request all countries you’re about to visit and which you can’t already download immediately. It involves a bit of work and waiting time from you, but that’s how it is unfortunately…

Surely you mean Mapsource, not Mapquest? I wouldn’t download too many tiles in advance, as data is added all the time (until they delete all the data from people who didn’t agree to the new licence…). Just download what you need for the next couple of weeks, then go to an internet connection and download more. Uninstall the old tiles before installing the new ones.


oops, yeah mapsource… duh.
thanks both for the feedback!

Note: I’ve reduced the map caching time from 42 to 36 hours in order to speed the queue up a bit. Please make sure to download the map quickly after you’ve received the map-is-ready notification email.

Some new tweaks to use the resources more efficiently (hopefully):

  • The color/presence of the notification text (urging users to behave nice) is now dependent on the queue length.

  • The service now detects in all stages whenever a combination of tiles is actually a country combination, even when the user adds/removes tiles using manual tile selection. Countries are cached longer then the other requests (currently only 12 hours, but this can be tuned further).

A new version is released which uses a new tile-vs-countrypolygon matching algorithm. In previous versions there were always predefined countries that missed tiles or used too many tiles. The new matcher fixes this. It was especially a lot of work to efficiently handle corner cases like Russia and New Zealand who cross the +/-180 degrees longitude line. Running into -and working around- obscure bugs in libraries also took quite some time to figure out.

Anyway, I’m very happy with the results :slight_smile:

Did you abandon matchit already a long time ago?

About a month ago I guess…

Edit: nope, already two months ago.

One of the neat functions of the new PHP Matchit script is that it can output an image of a polygon selection (cortesy of the polygon PHP class). This class isn’t perfect (the bugs that needed working around I mentioned earlier) and it’s quite slow: it takes 20 minutes on a not-too-fast Xeon single core to match the countries. But I can work around that in a next version that uses threads which should provide an almost linear speedup with the amount of cores available.

Anyway, the images, I’ve uploaded two examples for you to marvel at :wink:



The blue boxes are the polygons that define a country (they don’t need to be rectangles as e.g. the Netherlands is defined as a single large polygon). The black box is the bounding box of the country that is used to prefilter the tiles (this provides an enormous speed improvement over matching each tile against each polygon of ~100x). If a tile passes the country prefilter it will be tested against each polygon in the country definition file. The matched tiles are shown in red.

Awesome, thanks again for this invaluable resource.

I just checked out Thailand and it works just like you say.

How much time do you spend on this project every week? There can’t be much time left to get out on your bike…

Kind regards,