ODbL Zustimmung /ODbL Agreement rate

schaue Dir mal Tschechien an. Das müsste eine Statistik nach Deinem Geschmack sein.

Thank you very much.

And wow, I knew Belgium hasn’t massively been accepting the new CT, but virtually no-one did? Almost everyone who has accepted has a new account and has had no choice whether to accept it or not.

Either something big has yet to happen here, or we can declare ODbL dead already in Belgium.

Tschechien: ** Gesamt 2015 ** davon ** 401 Zustimmer ** und ** 1614 (noch) Nicht-Zustimmer **

da bleibt Belgien aber noch vorne :wink:

There seems to be a problem in the Belgian statistics. Take user “Gary68”: in the Netherlands he has accepted ODbL, in Belgium he hasn’t. And it looks like there are more.

Austria: ** Gesamt 4491 ** davon ** 1232 Zustimmer ** und ** 3259 (noch) Nicht-Zustimmer **
Romania: ** Gesamt 1087 ** davon ** 252 Zustimmer ** und ** 835 (noch) Nicht-Zustimmer **
Kosovo: ** Gesamt 166 ** davon ** 76 Zustimmer ** und ** 90 (noch) Nicht-Zustimmer **
Serbia_ex_Kosovo: ** Gesamt 395 ** davon ** 125 Zustimmer ** und ** 270 (noch) Nicht-Zustimmer ** (Die Hälfte stammt von Thomas: !!Respekt!!)

We were wondering if you would notice :wink: There was a small but important mistake. The stats have been re-calculated and uploaded in 5 mins.

Du Jürgen. Willst Du das nicht zusammen mit den Nodes/Way/relation Zustimmung in eine html Tabelle schreiben? Am besten in englisch mit Link zu genauen Statistik im Namen. Dann kann ich die Übersicht als index.html mit hochladen

Dank wicking sind jetzt DACH (DE noch ungekürzt) und weitere Länder mit Angabe von Datum und Rang online


Die Top 10 Welt-Openstreetmap Verrückte könnte man dann für das News Blog befragen für eine kleine Reportage. Genau so den erstplatzierten in Deutschland.

Für einen Turing-Test nimmst du besser die User aus der 2. Reihe, bei den ersten wär’s zu einfach.


Belgien: ** Gesamt 2038 ** davon ** 648 Zustimmer ** und ** 1390 (noch) Nicht-Zustimmer **

Ihr wart ja richtig fleißig :-), bin unterwegs, ev. am Wochenende. Das hier kann ich zwischendurch mal machen.

Gewinner ist Italien! Gratulation (fast alles grün).

Verlierer sind ein paar ganz kleine Länder, weil dort ein paar wenige Menschen, die viel gemacht haben, viel mehr ins Gewicht fallen. Oder Länder, wo große Importe noch nicht der Lizenzumstellung zugestimmt haben.

Mit Gewinner/Verlierer meine ich, dass nach der Lizenzumstellung viele Daten erhalten bleiben oder verloren werden. Aber wer weiß das schon genau. Noch sind wir ja in der freiwilligen Zustimmungsphase – auch wenn die nächste eigentlich schon hätte beginnen sollen.

Italien: ** Gesamt 5159** davon ** 1888 Zustimmer ** und ** 3271 (noch) Nicht-Zustimmer **

Oh, in PL stehe ich auf Rang 14 und in CZ immerhin noch auf der 80…

Danke fürs online-stellen!

Gruß, Dieter

In Bulgarien hat 1 User 48% der Nodes und noch nicht zugestimmt. Gibt es dort Tierheime?


Huh? Why do you think we’re actively rallying up against the ODbL in the Netherlands? That is not the case. I find it particularly offensive if you call us “losers”, because we look at the process differently, precisely because “our” stats are skewed by a couple of large imports. Is this a match? Are we suddenly winners if the 3dShapes account owner agrees with the ODbL, because it accounts for a whopping 86% of nodes? That is just ridiculous.

If you filter out the weight of the imports (accounts 3dShapes, AND, AND_fixbot and nijmegen), a completely different picture emerges. If you look at the last edits only, then you’ll see that about 44% of the nodes come from people who voted in favor of the ODbL / CT. See the last set of numbers. These numbers are based on contributors who have contributed at least 100 nodes, but this is close enough to the overall count.

Everyone has his own opinion, and is certainly entitled to do so, but what we don’t like is that something is being shoved upon us. We also think that the current way in which statistics are presented to us put too much way on the size of the contribution (node count), but don’t pay enough respect to the community members themselves. Besides, most of the opposition is against the CT, not the ODbL per se. Unfortunately it is not possible to cast a vote for the ODbL alone.


I think you missed the point. If you would read the whole thread and other here, you would notice that the disadvantages of these stats where mentioned and discussed several times. To be honest, noone can calculate reliable stats as the technical/legal changeover terms how to handle objects with an mixed edit history are not yet clear enough. The stats where not made to express a specific opinion pro or con the OdBL or the CTs. Take me, I am recommending both, the ODbL and CTs, and take juson, who is against both. We all are playing with the numbers here. At the beginning the stats were only calculated for AT/CH/DE. Other stats were made just for information purpose or call it just for fun. And noone called you looser. If you would make a ranking by agreement with these stats, you would not win. This has the same importance as I would say we would loose today in a outside temperature contest Amsterdam vs Berlin. And as far as I know noone from here has affronted the dutch community with this stat.

Well, I read us being called “losers” (Verlierer), and that there is apparently a massive campaign going on against the ODbL and the CT in the Netherlands. I found it necessary to correct that.

The fun thing with statistics is that everyone can interpret them the way he sees fit.


Churchill’s saying is quite often used in Germany "“the only statistics you can trust are those you falsified yourself”. So don’t worry, we have currently enough to do with blaming us Austrians/Swiss/Germans each other for agreeing or not agreeing. Once we finished and found a consensus, we may turn to you guys if we still want to continue blaming someone for something. But don’t expected us in the next 2 or 3 years :wink:

Sorry for my missunderstandable post above. I really didn’t mean it like the Dutch people are loosers or something. I just wanted to say in short words which country will “survive” the change to odbl and which one not. But even that is not sure, as we don’t know what will happen after the mandatory phase begins and if or if not all other data (which one exactly?) is deleted.

And I think that my interpretation of a massive campaign agains odbl was really caused by missunderstanding the Dutch text, because I just didn’t understand everything on Dutch. Here on the German forum we have a lot of mappers who are against the licence change, so maybe it’s the same everywhere. We have campaigns agains and for the licence change.

I’ll take it all back and remove the text.