How do I compare the map with a CSV list of locations? (edited)

Hi all

There is a good list of UK mosques available as a CSV file (in various formats for different GPS devices, I think?)

I want to compare that list with a list of mosques currently in the database in the UK (amenity=place_of_worship + religion=muslim)

This is what the file looks like:
-2.10075438,57.16091608,[250WArabArab]Mosque and Islamic Association of Aberdeen. 164-168 Spital. 01224 493764
[40Stdnt]University of Aberdeen Muslim Students Association. Powis Gate, College Bounds.
-2.451085746,53.57595796,*[300WBrelPkstn]Masjid al Aqsa. Gilnow Road. 01204 771918

How can that comparison be done?

Thanks a lot.

I asked this on ‘help’ when no response here, so for anyone stumbling across this, an answer is given here: