Wikidata of towns and villages

Good morning all,

I would like to know the procedure to follow concerning the mapping of POIs representing towns and villages. When the locality is a simple village, it is quite easy to assign the wikidata code to it since this code is unique. However, when the locality also represents the name of the municipality to which it belongs, there are two wikidata codes: 1 for the municipality and 1 for the village (= municipality section). What code should be assigned to it?

Example: Bernissart

  • Wikidata of the municipality: Q95112
  • Wikidata of the town: Q21770281

Thanks for your clarifications!


Bernissart is an official Belgian municipality, which we map at admin_level=8:
So this should get Q95112, and is correctly mapped.

If you’re lucky, “former municipalities” are mapped in the same data model (i.e. as relations forming a polygon) but at admin_level=9. If such a Bernissart object were to exist, that’s the one that should have the Q21770281 tag. Now, since that object doesn’t exist, but there is a place node for Bernissart, I’d say it’s OK to tag that node with that number. At sub-municipal level, it’s bound to get more confusing, as this is all much less official than actual municipalities.

Thank you for your answer.

Therefore, is this point well mapped?

Or is it better not to indicate a wikidata for the POI “city of Bernissart”?

I would say it is. But if one day the admin_level=9 gets mapped, it might make sense to remove it from that node

Okay. I will indicate them. This will complete the map while waiting for a more precise mapping of the borders.

Have a good day!