OSM TO IMG for MacOS Catalina 64 bit

Please excuse my ignorance, i have tried to research but keep coming up blank !!
When I have requested maps in the past I have download maps that could go straight onto a SD card for my garmin GPS which worked great.

I need a few maps and the only option was to download osm_generic_tiles

So I assume I need a program to convert, I have found these but they do not work on my MacBook MacOS Catalina 64 bit.


Any help on my options would be great.

Many Thanks

Several map providers are listed here:

Many thanks will have a look

i’m on a mac and eventually gave up trying to find “hacking” resources on a mac and ended up taking 50GB of my HD and loading a windows partition on it just to use all of the Win available tools. windows fully detects my gps so i can load everything onto there from windows side without having to reboot into mac portion first.