OSM meetup in Bydgoszcz, January

Hi, wonderful OSM contributors in Poland :slight_smile:

I’ll be spending January in Bydgoszcz - if there are mappers there, perhaps there is a meetup or mapping party planned?
Checked https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Current_events , but didn’t spot anything upcoming.


We are about to have OSM Polska meeting and general assembly on 1-2.02.2020 in Górzno, which is quite near Bydgoszcz:

See: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/754406123#map=19/53.19516/19.64826

So, if you are going to be at that time in Poland, you are welcome.


Probably won’t be able to join, but it looks like a great event - thank you so much for the invitation.